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Santana Pov

What the fuck?!

"Who the hell is this? Never mind, don't answer it." With that, I hung up. Must be a drunk calling random people because I heard music all in the background.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Quit calling my fucking phone." I hung up again. I was about to walk into my office until Angelo shoved me down. "Angelo what the fuck!"

Bullets. They went flying everywhere and if Angelo wasn't right there to pull me down, I would've had one straight to the head. Angelo and I managed to get into my office and I shut the power off. We could hear bullets hitting the door.

The club started getting loud since there was nothing to see. "Angelo get on the microphone and tell everybody in here to get the fuck out." Once he finished talking, all you heard was yelling and shoveling. I can't trust anyone right now. Could that call have something to do with this? Wtf I don't have a fucking brother.

"Boss, What the hell was that?! I was walking in here to tell you the idiots in the basement and was waking up and next thing you know, I'm shielding you from a guy and his goons!" What fucking guy?

"Check the footage."

While checking the footage, my six men from the basement barged in almost knocking Angelo to the floor. Dumbass shouldn't have been standing by the door. "What the hell Mike?! I'm not a enemy you know!" Kid must be pissed off.

"Fuck off kiddo. Don't you have a curfew?" If I don't shut them up, they're gonna kill each other. "Quit arguing and find out who's behind this."

Shit. Pulling out my phone, I decided to call Nieyell to make sure her bodyguard is with her. Hopefully she's at home. Nobody is going in or coming out if she's there.

After ending the call, she decided to give me a run down on who she saw today and some of the events. Emily is fucking dead. Haven't talked to her in months, yet she wants to surprise my wife and try to lay her disgusting hands on her.

"Boss, get a look at this." The camera shows a man on his phone saying something and then I'm assuming the call ended because it was like a five second call and a smirk was on his face by the end of it.

After a minute or two, he was on the phone again. Removing the phone from his ear, he pulls out a gun and shoot. So this is the fucker that was on the phone with me? He called me brother, then goes to kill me. What kind of shit is that. Who in the hell is this bafoon?

"Boss if I didn't know you, I'd think you two were brothers. Same hard facial features and all." This fucker. "Angelo I'd shut the hell up if I were you. I'm an only child you dipshit." How dare he insult me.

"Make sure everyone is out and meet me in the basement in an hour." With that being said, everyone nodded and walked out. Everyone except Angelo.

"Why the hell are you still here Angelo?" This kid is determined to prove he's one of us. "Someone's out to kill my Boss. You have a family to go home to, and I have a check that needs to be signed every week. What I'm saying is me staying is benefiting the both of us." What in the hell.

"Fine. You're going to be working on helping me catch whoever this is. I want something on him by the end of the day. Let's go." This fucker is smiling from ear to ear.

Locking the club up, we headed to my truck. "You have the computer right?" I didn't know the fucker was good with technology. "Yep."

Once we arrived home, Nieyell and her best friend told me everything thing that happen. "Where the hell was your bodyguard" The kid is right. Where the hell was he?

"He was looking at sunglasses. It's not his fault. We had been in the mall for some time and he deserved to treat himself to something, therefore, don't go after him." If it wasn't for my wife saving his ass, he'd be getting fired.

"So, it seems that the mystery man was on the phone twice." Obviously Angelo. "I'm assuming he was on call with me. If you check the time, it matches the phone calls I received."

After telling them about the phone call, we started slowly, but surely piecing things together. "I don't know Santana, he kind of does look like you." Chloe is the second person to say this. "Just a younger version. Maybe close in age with Angelo." Great. Now my wife agrees with the two.

"Well, that means my parents have some explaining to do. I'll present it to my dad first. He's had this same secretary ever since I was a little boy. Priscilla. I would catch the way they eyed each other, but I didn't say anything because my mom didn't." I have a bad feeling that this could be connected to my dad. Would he actually go as far as committing adultery with Priscilla. Why would my "half-sibling" try to take me out anyway?

"There's only one way to find out. Keep digging, but you need to talk to your mom or dad as soon as possible. Y'all do look alike and I'm sure that, that call was no coincidence." Nieyell is right. I need to contact my dad as soon as possible before this unexpected rivalry goes to shit.

"My sister-in-law is right." We all looked at Angelo. "You have a wild imagination man." I mean really? "Bro, I'm basically the only person you trust right now. Would I be at your house if you didn't trust me. You would've kicked me out the moment I stayed in your office while you dismissed the rest, yet you didn't." The kid is right. Whatever.

"He's right," Nieyell stated. Chloe agreeing with her. "I guess." I don't have time for chit chat. "Welcome to the family Angelo." Nieyell got up and hugged him. For a moment, he hesitated. He then hugged her back and for a split second, he looked like he was about to cry. His phone started ringing and he coughed and got up to receive the call.

Does he have a family?

Finishing up the call, the kid came back with a stupid ass smile on his face. "What's with the creepy smile?" I know his gums hurt like hell. "The girl I met at the club, we're going on a date soon. She called to make sure the date was still on." Sinclaire, the girl he wouldn't shut up about while we were in the basement handling business.

"Aww that is so sweet. You should bring her by one day." Nieyell is all for people. "Sure thing. Once all of this clear, we could all go on a date or something. I'm telling you now, she's shy around new people."

We made a group chat between the four of us in case of an emergency. Chloe is now involved. If they're going for Nieyell, they're gonna go for her also. She's also up to date with technology. I was about to put her and Angelo on a team, but they're both cocky when it comes to who's best. They was about to rumble in the living room over who's best, and who knows what the most.

I texted my men and told them that we'd have to push the meeting to tomorrow. I needed to make a quick stop to my parents. Angelo stayed with the girls, Nieyell wanted to feed him. She loves cooking.

Arriving at my parents house, I noticed my moms' car is gone. That kind of made this easy.

Walking up to the porch, I knocked on the door. "Hey son, how are ya?" He smells like alcohol. His hair is fucked up and the fact that my mom isn't here doesn't sit well with me. He looks like shit. I pray to God that this is all a misunderstanding. How could he do something like this to mom?

Getting straight to the point, I decide to shoot. "Father, do I by any chance possibly have brother?"

His face paled.

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