58| D-day |

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One Week Later.

Mufida rushed and entered directly into her mother's opened arms, resting her head limply on her chest. "I'm going to miss you, umma."she cried shutting her eyes tightly.

They stood in the middle of her mother's bedroom glued to each other for a long time. The silence in the room could be leaned on. Everyone who is aware of the truth kept mute, they want to express it that they're indeed happy that Mufida is finally married!

But how? Is that even possible? Yes she got married Alhamdulillah and finally! But not to the one she love, not to the one she always look up to and not to the one she knew better than herself, but to a clone, a mere lookalike. Yep! She got married to Hisham!

Casually, Umma lifted Mufida's head and looked into her eyes. She was crying so much and that touched her, she couldn't believe her Mufida, 'the bubbly and cheerful' looking so gloomy. Gently she moved with her across the bed to an off white leather settee. Mufida sat down leaning on her mother's lap, with her elbow propping her, her right hand fingers laced affectionately into her rights. She was sobbing quietly.

"Mufida..."Umma called softly, to which she raised her head up to look at her. "Alhamdulillah. Words won't be able to express how happy I am today."she paused and sniffed back a tear. "I've been waiting for this day for so many years and it's finally here, I never knew it's going to be so hard to say goodbye..."and she bursted into tears.

"Today you are not only a daughter Mufida, you're a wife, a daughter-in-law and also a would be mother someday, In Shaa Allah. You've to take responsibility of your new family now, take care of them like your very own. It's not like their family is new to you or something you're already used to them. And also a lot of things are going to change after marriage Mufida."her voice was very low. "Things will change and you'll have to adjust and make compromises. You'll have to learn to forgive and forget easily, I know you can be very stubborn at time that's why I'm telling you, the way your relationship was before marriage will be different now that you're married. You'll be leaving under the same roof, and also share the same room, you'll get to know each other even more, the things you had no idea about will also show before your face, and that's where you'll have to adjust and take it as it is, my dear. In this world one should never expect too much from someone, as they might just end up disappointing you, it's not everything that you'll rely on your partner to do for you, not everybody is perfect in this dunya everyone is perfect in their own way, that's how it is. Today I believe is one of the most happiest day of your life Mufida, but my happiness is where your happiness lies whenever you're happy then I am too,  Now you start this new journey in your life. Subhan Allah! Hope you'll always give each other unconditional love. Wishing you the best of luck and the most beautiful life ahead!.Allahumma taqabbal minna innaka antas Sameeul Aleem. Wa tub alaina innaka antat tawwabur Raheem. Allahumma Salle Ala Syyedena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sallam. Allah ya miki Albarkha."

Just in time, Raheenah entered the living room. She was dressed in her own Anko, her makeup was very light and nude as she was never a fan of makeup.

"Assalamu Alaikum."she said her taslim and greeted the Aunties in the room who seemed to be enjoying the mother and daughter duo. She ignored them and went straight to Umma and Mufida. She squat down beside Mufida gripping her tightly and sending a warm smile her way. She really can't express how she is feeling, she feels so bad for Mufida. She doesn't deserve this at all. Even if they want to marry her off to Hisham why hide the truth of Haidar's demise? That is the worst decision the elders have ever made and now Mufida and Hisham have to pay for it.

"The groom is here, Baba has called for Mufida."She announced and umma gave a slight. It hurts her deeply that she has to say goodbye to Mufida and leaving her in the hands of a stranger. It doesn't feel right at all!

"Go on, my dear."Umma said in a flat voice, flashing her the best smile her lips could form.

Mufida hugged her mother one last time before leaving hand in hand with Raheenah. They met with Ruhainah and Laiba on their way and they went to meet with Mufida's father in the living room, downstairs.

They sat Mufida down on the snow-white carpet rug beside her father, and adjusted her veil to cover her face, Laiba also gave her a handkerchief she will surely need it before leaving the two to meet the groom and his friends. They had to do a lot of planning before the wedding to make everything good so that Mufida won't be able to suspect a thing, and thankfully, she didn't.

They told her that Hisham had to travel back to Cyprus for some urgent assistance in the hospital he was working in before coming back to Nigeria, and the hardest part was to convince Ridwan to take part in the groomsmen thingy, the easiest part which they all thought it would be the hardest was teaching Hisham how to act exactly like Haidar, the way he smile, talks freely and also memorize almost everything about Mufida.

Back to where we stopped. Mufida's father cleared his voice to like gain her attention, he knows that she might be lost in her own world of thoughts. "Mufida..."he called with a stern voice.

"Yes, dad."She answered her voice breaking.

"Are you happy?"

Okay that was totally unexpected. She might be swimming in tears but hell yes! She is happy! She has been waiting for this day for so long. She has been through a lot and she believe that it's time for her to finally be happy! It's not selfishness by the way. But she deserves it.

But she won't say all that to her father, of course not. She isn't that shameless.

"As your father, I've known you for years and I trust the upbringing me and your mother gave to you. Disrespecting elders isn't something to worry about when it comes to you. You are always dedicated to what you love to do, and you always do what's right and spit out words without a second thought but you've to understand that from today you'll have to make little changes in your life. Whatever you do, think about your partner first, before you do anything think if he'll like it or not, and if he'll get angry then dismiss the thought immediately. Whatever it is that'll bring issues into your marriage and create a misunderstanding between you two try to go far away from it. Even though, having misunderstanding is a normal thing in marriage, and the best thing to do instead of fighting or getting angry is sitting down together to tackle the problem and get over with. I really don't have much to say, I've already said the important things you should know. By the marriage, you get the recognition of society and family. You also perform a Sunnah! There may be ups and downs in life; make sure never stop holding each other's hands for a lifetime Mufida, always forgive and forget and whatever it is you can't ignore don't feel ashamed of talking to him about it. Innal Hamda lillahi, nastaeenuhu wa nastaghfirhu, wa naoozu billahi min shorrori anfusina. Man yahdihi Allahu fala mudhilla lahu wa mayn yudhlil fa la hadia lah. Wa ash hadu al la ilaha il lal lah wa ash hadu an na Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluhu. All praises are for Allah. We seek Guidance and forgiveness from Him. We also seek refuge in Him from the evils of our ownselves. Whoever Allah guides, noone can misguide him. Whoever He lets go astray noone can put him back on track. We testify that there is no god but Allah and we testify that Muhammad is Allah's servant and His messenger. May Allah SWA guide you both on the steps of Taqwa and may He provide the two of you with good communication in your relationship. Allah yasa miki Albarkha, Ya baku zaman lafiya da zuri'a dayyiban."

Mufida muttered Ameen to herself before attempting to get up to which Raheenah rushed and held her hand. "Where are you rushing to Amarsu?"Raheenah whispered softly into her ears. "Can't wait to see your groom, huh?"

Under the veil, Mufida was busy blushing and smiling like a fool.

If only she knew what is waiting for her.

Assalamu Alaikum guysss!!!!
How was the chapter?!

I really hope you've enjoyed it!

Ria ❤️

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