31| A New Beginning |

510 95 91

Maiduguri, Nigeria.

Amina squirmed about on the bed, unable to go back to sleep. She goes back to sleep every day after Fajr but today seems impossible to do that. Indeed, she is worried about something which resulted in her not being able to sleep.

Her uncle just called and informed her to get ready, she will be moving back to Abuja, again.

If not for Halima and Hisham, she would've been so excited about it and will sleep peacefully and even dream of what her life would be if she go back to Abuja after a long time.

Halima never liked her, she hated her mainly because Halima thinks her uncle likes her the most. She creates problems for Amina all the time, in school at home, and almost everywhere, but Amina always tolerated her. There's one thing Halima did that made Amina never want to stay with her uncle ever again. She told her that she doesn't even have parents and she is staying at their house acting all mighty.

Can you believe that?

Amina packed all her stuff and came to Maiduguri to leave with her grandmother. Her uncle made so many attempts in persuading her to come back to Abuja but she refused.

What would she do there, when they've nothing but hatred for her, well except for Haidar, he doesn't give her a hard time nor does he talk to her when she was staying there, he is always minding his business.

And now back to Hisham.

The arrogant lad.

Halima's backbone and supporter. No matter what wrong she did to Halima, he is always supporting her but not the truth. She was living like a total stranger in her uncle's house.

So then, why does he expect her to go back to his house again, just for her to get insulted and treated like a stranger as if she ain't family?

"Meema, are you still awake?"Kaka asked peeping through the door.

Amina wasn't able to sleep but she didn't want to start the dishes early in the morning. She got up and grumbled. "Eh, kaka na tashi. Yes, grandma, I'm up."

Kaka entered the room and settled herself on the bed. "Ahmad just called, he said someone will be here soon to take you to the airport. So, are you done with packing." kaka concluded scanning the room for Amina's luggage but she found none.

"Kaka, I don't want to go there and leave you, I want to stay here, "Amina whined giving kaka a side hug.

Kaka smacked her and peel her off her body. She knew that Amina was trying to sweet talk her into making her stay in Maiduguri with her. She also didn't like the idea of letting Amina stay with Ahmad, but when he told her the reason behind everything she felt happy. It's for the best for Amina.

"I don't have a say in this Meema, Ahmad is just fulfilling his last brother's wish. Your father's last wish was...."

Amina cut in. "He is your son fah kaka, just say no, I like staying here with you, "Amina argued and kaka only smiled at her.

So innocent.

"You'll enjoy your stay in Abuja this time, you won't even remember me."

Amina gasped and shook her head briskly. "That's not possible, you're the best kaka I'll never forget you." she gave her another side hug.

"We will see ae when you fall in love."Kaka mused and Amina almost hissed, if it was someone else, not Kaka she would've hissed.

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