18| Carried Off |

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"Hello I'll send you a photo of a girl and her address, I want you to abduct her and bring her to me."Muhammad ordered to the man on the other side of the phone.

"Do you know about her whereabouts?"The man enquired pissing Muhammad off.

"I won't take this bullshit from you again, Marza find that girl wherever she is and bring her to me. I don't f*cking care if you've to take her away from her house itself just bring her to me within two days."Muhammad shouted and hung up the call. He threw the phone away and ran his palm over his face with a long sigh.

"I won't let you go anywhere Maryam, you'll regret everything and you must marry me because it is only I who deserve you and not that wretched husband of yours."


Maryam banged the door to her house and launched herself on the couch. She held her head as she couldn't help but feel regretful of this terrible decision of hers.

Why did she even choose to come back to Nigeria ?

And now she is in trouble. That Muhammad of a guy is now bent on ruining her life, her not so perfect life. How could he even think of telling her to ask for divorce from Salim.

Even if she wasn't in her senses she would never agree to leave Salim.

"Ummi."Aamir called and sprawled himself on the couch. "Where is my chocolate?"

Maryam raised a brow at him and sighed. "Let ummi rest for now okay, take your chocolate from my bag and go to Aunt Sabrina."Aamir gave his mother a side hug before picking up his mother's handbags and ran off with it.

Resting her head slightly, what occurred between Muhammad and her flashed through her head.

"I mean I don't want money."Muhammad retorted and did a dramatic pause before he continued. "I want you."

Maryam inclined her head at him, a small crease forming between her brows.

"Are you nuts ? You clearly know that I'm married and even if I'm not married do you think I'll agree with your clamor? Gosh, what do you think ?"Maryam half yelled.

"Don't you raise your voice at me Madam. All I want is your acceptance to marry me and divorce your husband."

Maryam quickly jumped to her feet. "You want me to divorce my husband?"

"Yes and you must do it or else you..."

Maryam cut in. "I'm sorry to say but that's not possible. I love my husband and I'll never ask him to divorce me just so I can come back to you. You've such a cheap mentality Muhammad, I regret ever knowing you Muhammad."Maryam paused and picked up her stuff.

"I'm leaving this country and going back, if you've the nerves follow me there."With that she left the cafe ignoring his calls.

Who does he think he is to force something like this on me ?

Maryam called up Salim and he picked up in no time.

"I called just to inform you that We're coming back in the next two days."Maryam announced, after they were done with their chit chat.

Hearing his voice, her mind has calmed down now.

"So soon, I can't wait to see you. Let's switch to video call and then I can talk to Aamir and you."Salim suggested and she faked a smile. Wiping off the dry tears she called Aamir and they talked about so many things before rounding it up for the day.

Next Day.

"Ummi, you're making breakfast?"Aamir asked coming into the kitchen with a yawn.

Normally, Sabrina prepare breakfast for them but her mother called up saying that she isn't feeling well, she is down with Malaria and Typhoid. Maryam asked her about the hospital she has been admitted to and promised to visit her and check up on her after breakfast.

"Yes, I made fried yam with egg sauce and sausage. Have you brushed your teeth?"

"Yes I did ummi."Aamir answered with a toothy grin.

"Good boy. Now let's go have breakfast and then we'll visit Aunt Sabrina in the hospital."

After they were done with their breakfast. They took a cab and went to the hospital. Maryam had forgotten to get them fruits on their way but they've already reached the hospital.

"Nanny, how is she ?"Maryam questioned with a warm smile. Sabrina was sleeping peacefully on the bed with her mother settled beside her on a chair.

"She is getting better I think."Nanny answered not even sure of her answer.

"Is something wrong ?"

"The medicines are so costly, her father has gone out since morning to look for the money but he is still not back and her condition is getting worse."Nanny bursted into tears she couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Where is the prescription?"Maryam asked and Nanny raised her eyebrows at her.

"I mean the paper which was given by the doctor."Maryam added more clearly.

"Oh, that."Nanny brought the paper out from her wrapper and gave it to Maryam.

"I'll be right back, Aamir stay here."Aamir nodded and she left to get the medicines. She had no idea where the pharmacy is located so she went straight to the receptionist to ask her about it.

"We don't have a pharmacy here, don't you know that this is a government hospital?"The rude receptionist snapped.

"The treatment here is supposed to be free right ? And I'm sure the government provides medicines for the treatment of patient for free but you sell them off."Maryam snapped back and the receptionist looked scared, guiltiness shown all over her face.

"I'm sorry ma'am. You can check outside the hospital not so far, there is a small pharmacy there."Maryam glared at her, hissed before leaving the place.

Maryam bought the medicines for them and even got the chance to buy some fruit for them on her way back.

Suddenly, she felt something like a handkerchief on top of her nose blocking her from breathing and then she felt someone lifting her up from the ground.

Maryam struggled for her freedom and at the same time struggling to get rid of the handkerchief which she was sure contains chloroform because she was starting to feel dizzy and out of breath, but still she didn't give up until everything went black and she unknowingly dropped the medicines and the fruit.

Heyyy !

How is your night going ?

I've nothing to say just boost me up with your lovely comments.

Byeeee !

Ria ❤️

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