57| The Cover-up |

Start from the beginning

"Why won't he talk about it?"Alhaji Gambo fired back. "You love her don't you?"

There was a long silence. Hisham couldn't meet up with any of their eyes, he felt ashamed of himself for loving his brother's fiancé. It was wrong therefore, the love he had for her has to be disregarded.

"Look Alhaji Muhammad...what we are all trying to say here is getting your daughter married to Hisham isn't a bad deal. He loves and we are sure he'll take very good care of her, she won't even know that he is not Haidar but Hisham."Alhaji Gambo explained further, and Mufida's father nodded in agreement.

Ridwan only shook his head without saying a word.


Ahmad cut him off. "You've to do this for her Hisham, you've no other option."

Now it was time for Hisham to keep shut.

"They were together for so many years." that was Ridwan, his voice beaming with mixed emotions. "The bond which they share cannot be given to someone else. They might look alike but they're two different people. Do you think you can do what Haidar did? Mufida isn't as easy as you think she is, you work with her you must've noticed that."

Hisham's head felt heavy. Ridwan is right! He won't be able to do it. The love between them is special, they've understood each other to the extent that even without spitting out words they can figure out what's wrong. This is what you call true love!

And he can't cheat her by posing as Haidar. He just can't!

"You needn't question him about any of this. You're here right you can help, you're his best friend and also Mufida's sister, you know the two more than anyone."Kawu Musa stated pissing Ridwan off, he almost let out a hiss.

Ridwan abruptly stood up. "I won't be a part of this. You can go on with your plan, but don't even think of involving me in any way I won't be a part of this deceitful act of yours."With that, he marched towards the door.

"Ridwan, Ridwan!!"His father called after him, making him stop.

"I won't tell her about it don't worry, I'm also worried about her health. But if she comes to know about it herself I won't hesitate to tell her everything."And he left.

Hisham liked how Ridwan stood up for his sister. How he wish he'd be able to do the same and disagree with them. But unfortunately, their family ain't the same. They won't take it easy on him, especially Kawu Musa, they are angry at their mother then why vent it out on him? This isn't the first time they're forcing him to do something.

Firstly it was the time they forced him to leave Cyprus and come back home, and then forced him into marriage with his cousin and now they're forcing him to get married to Mufida posing as someone else.

Isn't it a bit too much?

"We only need your consent, Alhaji Muhammad, I know it's not a big deal to handle your wife and the rest."

Alhaji Muhammad hesitated before speaking up. "Yes, I agree with this."

It was so easy for them to decide without caring to ask for his own opinion on everything.

What about his mental health for goodness sake?

Ya Ilahi!


"Ya Hisham what if I was the one in her place? Or anyone else? Won't you do it for the sake of their health?"Halima questioned staring intensely at Hisham waiting for him to answer him, he kept quiet and shook his head.

He is clueless.

"Why are you trying so hard to force this on him, he doesn't want to be a part of it then...."

Halima cut in. "You better stay out of this Meema. What's the big deal??? I know the reason why you don't want him to get married it's because he didn't marry you." she ended with a glare.

Amina's mouth went wide. "This isn't the right time for this," she said curtly.

"Oh, you don't want to talk about it, don't you? Well, I'm happy that Hisham isn't getting married to you, he was saved from making such a grave mistake."

"Halima!"Hisham yelled in a warning tone. "Don't you think you're starting to talk a little bit too much than you're supposed to? The two of you should please leave me alone!"He added startling them. Halima huffed and left without saying a thing while Amina kept on staring at him as if searching for something.

"What? Didn't you hear what I just said? Or do you want me to repeat myself?"

"I'm leaving."

"Then get on with it."He half yelled pointing to the stairs.

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand. If you want to talk about it, I'll always be there for you."She sends a weak smile his way before leaving.

He sulked back to the chair and heaved a long frustrated sigh.


It's been a while. I hope you've enjoyed the update as much as I enjoyed typing it down.

Do you think Hisham will agree to it?

But what about our dear Mufida??? 😭


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