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     I woke up in my bed and looked around. I was in my apartment. I felt like I had the craziest dream in the world. Once I got up and walked around, my insecurities went away. Andrew walked through the front door. I frowned. He looked like the guy in my dream. Andrew stared at me. "Emily?" I shook my head. He came over to me. "What's the matter?"

I looked away. "Nothing. Don't worry about me." I went to walk away till his hands grasped mine.

"Come on, I know you better than that. What's on your mind?" His fingers gently brushed my face.

"I had a really crazy dream. That you were a ghost that died in a mansion. I died there too, and we fell in love. I'm just weirded out by it." It was nothing more than a dream. But... the dream felt so real. Andrew nodded. "I know what we need to do."

We drove down to a shop. It was for a medium. I had second thoughts about this. Only because some were fake and stole your money. But I knew I had to give it a shot. Andrew was pretty much set about going to this shop only. He didn't know why himself. But he knew this person was right to help us out. Once we walked through the door, my heart dropped. Everything looked the same from my dream! Every piece of this shop. The medium came from the back room. She smiled at us. "Hello, my name is..."

"Sophie." It was her. The same one who helped us. I wasn't wrong about this. The woman stared at me in shock. "Have we met before?"

"Yes. No, I mean.... I don't think so." I was all over the place. This wasn't happening. Was I still dreaming?

Andrew stepped in. "We came here to seek out your help." His hand held mine.

Sophie stared at me, then smiled. "You guys don't need my help anymore." I knew what she meant by that.

Andrew gave her a confused look. "What do you mean?"

Sophie held my hand. "She already knows what I'm about to tell her." Before I could speak, she interrupted me. "Didn't think I'd let you forget now did I?" She winked at me.

Andrew's hand touched my shoulder. "Emily what does she mean?"

"My name's not Emily." I turned around. "You're not Andrew. You're Thomas. I'm Lizzy. We made a deal with the grim reaper to save ourselves from the devil."

Andrew didn't believe a word I said. "What the hell kind of shit is this lady?" Sophie didn't say anything. "We came here for your help not for you to make her crazy."

"Sophie where's your picture of a real ghost?" She smiled. She pointed at the picture hanging on the wall. I dragged Andrew towards it. He stared at it. He realized something. His eyes sparkled. "How is this possible?" He mumbled.

I looked at Sophie. "How did we remember?" We weren't supposed to remember. But we woke up with each other. So, we weren't separated again. He gave us new names and different lives. But left us in the same town. She held out a crystal ball. "A little something, I came up with. Because your lives from there aren't finished just yet. The danger is gone. But there's something there that you need to banish."

Andrew looked at her. "What's that?"

The ball turned into a different color. "Your past lives need to be erased from time forever. Or you will never fully live out your destinies." Her eyes watched as the ball kept changing colors.

I stared at her. "What's going to happen to our futures?" I squeezed his hand.

Sophie investigated the crystal ball. Her face changed. Her eyes sadly looked up at us. "Your baby will die."

The Ghost of RoseBurn MansionWhere stories live. Discover now