Chapter 26: Taking the Night Off

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             The bed sheets were wrapped up around us. Thomas held me close to his body. He kissed my cheek softly. The way he treated me...was like I was a goddess. And I needed to have special care. I've never been treated like this by anyone else. Thomas was different. So different. Even though he was dead once, he has a loving heart. It was dedicated to me. His fingers glided down my body. I trembled at his touch. Thomas took in a deep breath. "I don't know how you do it."

I sat up and looked at him. "What do you mean?"

His eyes were gazing up at the ceiling. "Make me love you so. I can't leave your side. Knowing you're here with me. Waking up next to makes me smile. Because I know my true love is lying next to me. I haven't lost you like I thought I did." He leaned over and kissed me. I smiled into his kiss. His fingers ran through my hair. Thomas pulled me closer to his body and wrapped both of his arms around me and rolled on top of me. His eyes met mine. He grabbed my arms and held them over my head. I kissed him sweetly. Thomas began to kiss my neck. I was letting small gasps out. My heart began to race. Thomas began kissing my chest. He stopped right where my heart was. He looked up at me, then placed his ear on it.

He gently let my arms go. He was listening to it. I ran my fingers through his hair. Thomas sighed. "I don't ever want to hear your heart stop beating. It reminds me that you're alive with me." His eyes looked up at me. "It's a second chance for us. I believe it." Thomas sat on the edge of the bed. Touching his back gently, I didn't want this night o end. Thomas put his boxers back on and went to the bathroom. I got dressed myself and went into the living room. It was nighttime now. I couldn't go back to the mansion tonight. After what happened the night before, the demons would have gotten us if Sophie didn't save us. It made me wonder what their plans were for Halloween. A hand touched my shoulder. I jumped up. Thomas held his hands up. "Sorry Lizzy. I didn't mean to scare you." I nodded. He frowned. "What's wrong?" I shook my head. "Do you regret us having sex?"

I raised my eyebrow. Did he really think that's why I was acting like this? "No. It was amazing. You treated me with tender loving care."

Thomas wrapped his arms around me. "Then what?" My eyes looked down. "You can tell me anything."

"I know." I mumbled.

Thomas pulled my chin up to face him. "Liz, I will not get mad at you." His accent came in.

"I don't know if you want to talk about it." I got out slowly.

Thomas placed his hands on my arms. "Anything is up for discussion."

My eyes met his. "I'm scared to go back. They almost had us."

Thomas nodded. "Yes, they almost had us. But they didn't. We are safe. You heard what Sophie told us about not going back. We have to. Just tonight we can't." He rubbed my arms. "I will be by your side every time we go there." At least he understood how I was feeling.

I kissed him. His hand held my face. I placed my head on his shoulder. "I love you." I never loved anyone the way I love Thomas. He held me tight in his arms. Why couldn't things stay like this?

I was about to kiss him again when there was a knock at the door. Thomas pulled my lips onto his. I smiled. He went over to answer the door. The landlord stood there. His face said it all when he looked at Thomas, didn't like him. "Who are you?"

I quickly walked over there. "Hi, he's just my friend staying the night."

He rolled his eyes. "Rent?" He spoke annoyed. I went to go get the money. Thomas kept his eyes on him. The landlord puffed. "He better not be staying here."

Thomas gave him a pissed off look. "Or what? You'll throw her out because she's not a single girl living here on her own? You're a sick bastard who sits around watching naked girls on tv." The landlord dropped his jaw. I ran over there, placing my hand on Thomas's arm. I was trying to calm him down. Thomas looked down at me. "He's disgusting to even do that." He yanked the money out of my hand and threw it in the landlord's face. He flinched. "And if I find out that you threw my girlfriend out, I'll have some very nice people come by to have a little 'chat' about this business you have going on here." Before the landlord could speak, Thomas slammed the door in his face. He locked the door, then pulled me into his arms. "I'm going to protect you from everyone I think is a threat." I kissed his shoulder and smiled at him. He raised his eyebrow. "What?"

"You called me your girlfriend." Thomas stared at me like I was his everything. He lifted me up and carried me into the bedroom. He gently set me in his lap as he sat down. He kissed my nose. "Because you are." I relaxed my body into him. This was going to be a good night for us.

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