Chapter 18: Telling Thomas

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            I sat in the camera room for two hours. Thomas didn't show up yet. I didn't know if he was doing something or resting. I sighed deeply. Morning was going to come at 6am. It was already 2am. I got up and started walking around. Glancing at the stairwell, Maria was standing there. "Where's Thomas?" She pointed up at the ceiling. My eyes followed her finger. Journeying up the stairs. She ran down the hallway. Following the trail behind her. She stopped at the end. She pointed at the stairs to the third floor. Why was he up there? He tells me never to go alone. I headed up there. My heart was slowly beating. That floor already had some bad memories for me. I opened the door slowly. Peaking around through the cracked door, it was safe. Thomas was sitting on the floor. There were pictures everywhere. He sighed deeply. I could tell that he was in deep thought with what he was looking at. I walked into the room. He turned around to see me then sadly looked away. "Thomas?" What happened? Why was he so miserable? I didn't like to see him like this.

His sad eyes met mine. "Hi Liz." He mumbled. He didn't seem any happier that I was here. I sat down next to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Why are you so sad?"

Thomas shook his head. "I just wanted to find the picture of my mom and dad I had when I was alive. But someone must have taken it. It's been so long, and I can barely remember what they look like." I thought about my parents. My mind could still picture the last time I saw them, smiling at me. Both of mine have passed away from cancer. Shaking my head, I went to find him for a reason.

My hand went into my pocket and pulled the envelop out. He looked at me. "What is that?" He took it and opened it up. He studied the picture. "Where did you get this from?" Thomas touched it like he couldn't believe he was seeing it. It must be hard moving from room to room. Nothing but memories to keep him going. I felt extremely terrible. I was probably making his night worse. But the news I had to tell him wasn't going to be any better. "I have to tell you something." I spoke up. I was already nervous. Would he think I was crazy? Or the psychic was crazy? I had a feeling this was all going to come out wrong. Thomas faced me. "You can tell me." He held my hands. I tugged them away, but he pulled back. He was being serious. I couldn't look at him. I focused on the ground.

"I don't know how you'll take it." I curled my lips. Thomas stared into my eyes. He waited silently. I already knew this was coming. Thomas wasn't going to stop until he got an answer. Everything was going through my mind right now. I'm a past life maid of the RoseBurn Mansion, that's in love with a ghost who I loved many moons ago. This was just too much for me to take in. I took in a deep breath. "I wanted to find something or some way to help you. So, he wouldn't come take your soul away." He didn't speak or move. "I saw a psychic's shop. I went inside and her name is..." I stopped and looked at him.

Thomas gave me a hard look. It looked like he was mad at me. "What did you do? Why did you tell her?" He gave me a mean look.

I shook my head. "I didn't tell her anything. She blurted out everything!" It's not going to get any easier for me. His face was hard, like he was deep in thought. Something was troubling his mind.

Thomas shook his head. "She's too clever. She knew because she keeps up on me."

I gave him a puzzled look. Something told me he didn't really like her. "Why won't talk to her? She wants to help you."

Thomas stood up. "Did she help me when she said Elizabeth died? No! She said Elizabeth will see me again one day. How? I can't move on even if I wanted to! I'm stuck here in this fucking world with the living. The only thing really stopping me from leaving now is you!" He raised his voice at me. The only thing stopping him from moving on was me. Great way to put it. I'm holding a ghost back from going to the afterlife. I felt guilty. "You don't have to because of me."

Thomas ran his fingers through his hair. He was frustrated. "Damn it Liz. I care about you. A lot. I'm not going to leave you because I might find Elizabeth. She's gone forever." Now would be the perfect time to tell him. He wasn't going to believe me either.

"I know why you would never want to leave me. Not even after I tell you this." My hands were sweating.

Thomas raised his eyebrow. "Tell me what? More of her tricky lies?" He was being stubborn with hearing what she had to say.

I shook my head. "I know why I dream about this house. I know why you easily got attached to me." Thomas was waiting for my answer. "I'm Elizabeth." He didn't do or say anything for a second. He was mute, deep in thought. Then he rolled his eyes. "Sophie wasn't lying! It's all true. She's reincarnated to be me! You've tried so many times and you said I was different. That picture looks like me. I'm not crazy." I knew I wasn't crazy. There was no way she photoshopped it either.

Thomas crossed his arms. "No." Was all he said. He didn't even process this. Or didn't want to try and believe it. My jaw dropped. "Elizabeth is dead. Please don't bring her up anymore." Thomas silently stood up, then paced around a few steps. He had to believe me on this one.

I just had a feeling that she's right. "Thomas please, she said she could help me save you." Everything I was trying to tell him, he pushed it away like it was absolutely nothing.

He became even more upset. "How? I'm dead. The only thing that could possibly save me is being alive which I am not. I've been dead longer than you've been alive. She lies. She can't help me, and neither can you." My heart was breaking. I was trying my hardest to save him from an evil fate. And he didn't even want to be bothered. He was so stubborn! I grabbed his arm. He yanked it out of my reach. "Thomas please listen to me! I believe her. I believe she can. What other options do we have?"

He cut me off quickly. "The only one we have is to let me go with them before they want you too." Thomas started walking out of the room. He turned around at the doorway. "I think it's time we went our separate ways. It's for the best, I'm sure." He left the room. My heart sunk to the ground. I couldn't believe he said that. He didn't want to see me anymore. My knees were buckling as I stood up. I ran out the door after him and went into his room. Thomas stood by the window. He wouldn't look at me. Like I was the ghost, and he couldn't see me. "Just tell Sue you quit. I don't want you coming here anymore." He was being so cold to me.

Tears began to form in my eyes. "I thought you cared about me?"

"I was wrong." Thomas gazed over at me. There was no mercy in his eyes. "I'm so sorry I strung you along for this joy ride. I should have never told you about me or anything else here. Should have never came out that night. I regret it so much. Ghost and humans cannot be in the same world. The dead are history. You're the living present and future. I hope you can at least forgive me." Sniffling, I tried walking towards him when he disappeared. I froze. "Please leave at 6 and don't come back, ever again." Was what echoed throughout the whole room. I ran down the hallway, crying. I wasn't going to wait till 6. I grabbed my stuff and left. It was pouring rain outside.

The thunder and lightning crashed over me. My head was shut off from thinking. All that I could feel was pain. I managed to get back to my apartment, slammed the door and locked it. I was soaking wet. My body slid down the door. I began to sob for the longest time. I've never felt so hurt. Thomas did care... Now he doesn't? I was confused. He's treated me so much better than anyone else had. He hated me for trying to help him. I should have known he didn't want to stop this from happening. I'll never see him again. He wished he never even met me that night. Did he care at all that it hurt my feelings? It felt like this was all my fault somehow. Maybe if I never mentioned this, I would still be at the mansion with him. At this point, it didn't matter. Thomas was gone forever from my life.

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