Chapter 41: Second Times a Charm

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    Thomas was in my apartment when we got back. I couldn't explain how the grim reaper could easily pull him out of that little hell he was trapped in. But I was glad he didn't go back. We went into my bedroom. The blood was gone off the walls. He wrapped his arms around me. His lips kissed the back of my head. "I'm scared." It was the second time he's told me he was scared. I sighed. "Me too."

He grasped the bottle in his hands. "We have to drink half of it."

My heart jumped. "Right now?" He nodded sadly. Then pulled the cork out of the bottle. He stepped back and handed it to me. I grasped it tight. "Why do I have to do it first?" I was nervous. What if this is another trick?

His eyes met mine. "You died first." I stared at the red bottle. The liquid looked so clear as day. It looked like one of those drinks that would have a nasty taste to it. I shut my eyes tight and drank half of it. I held my mouth. It was burning down my throat. A sudden rush of light-headedness took over. Thomas had me sit on the bed. His hand ran up and down my back. I pulled myself together for him. My eyes met his. "I'm okay."

He raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I nodded. He held the bottle in his hand. He stared at it the same way I did. Thomas drank the other half in ten seconds. Once he finished it, he set it on the table. The bottle disappeared. His eyes rolled in the back of his head. I held him close and rubbed his arm. "Thomas? Are you okay" He grabbed my arms.

"Yes... I believe so." He tried to be brave and pick himself up. I made him lay back on the bed. Thomas met my eyes. He knew I wasn't going to let him up until he really was okay. He took in a few deep breaths. There was a knock at the front door.

I got up and opened it to Sophie. She rushed inside. "Did you guys drink the red bottle?" She sounded like she was panicking.

Thomas stood up. "We did." He crossed his arms against his chest.

Her eyes widened. "You two don't even know if he's working with the devil! Why would you two do that?"

"Because we are sick of this shit." I spoke up. "I've had it with the devil, demons, Theodore, Alison, and especially that cursed mansion!" She dropped her jaw.

Thomas twitched his nose. "If this is something for us to at least consider and try, we're going to." He was on my side about this. We wanted to be together. That was the end of it.

Sophie sighed. She was nervous for us. I could tell by her body language. She had to support us. She had no choice at this point. "I just hope this really does break your deal. He will be collecting your souls to move on. Hopefully together. I'm just sorry you both lived short lives."

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Liz did. I've been around for a long time. A chance for me to finally move on, would be amazing. To never be reminded of the horrid past, the mistakes and risks. I want it to end. Liz and I will find each other in another life." I walked over to him and grabbed his hands. He squeezed them gently. He meant what he said. Hopefully, it could work. This time, it will happen.


It was 11:30 at night. Thomas and I felt the same. Scared, nervous and waiting endlessly to die once more. We were sitting on the bed. His fingers were playing with my hair. We were just waiting for death to come for us. Sad part was, we had to allow it. I shook my head. "I will fight back. I know what's going to happen."

Thomas interrupted. "You can't fight back. You don't have a choice. You must let him kill you." Letting the strange man murder me again was never on my list of things to relive.

"But you'll have to find me and what if we lose each other?" I didn't want to do all of this for nothing and then lose him.

Thomas got frustrated. "We won't. I'll be dying right after you. Lizzy just accept it." I moved away from him.

"You're used to accepting death." I stood over by the window. Pulling the blanket over my shoulders, "I'm sorry I'm scared."

Thomas came over to me. He held me in his arms. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I buried my head in his chest. Thomas kept me close. We had a few minutes left. I was praying that this would work.

Close your eyes. A voice spoke. I did. Count to ten. The voice faded away. I counted slowly in my mind.

One. Please let this work.

Two. I don't want anything else in this life.


Four. Please don't let this be another trick.



Seven. I love you, Thomas.

Eight. Please don't let me relive this death for very long please.

Nine. Wait till the landlord finds our bodies.


I opened my eyes. I was back at the mansion, in Elizabeth's room. The man who killed me before stood there. "You whore!"

I shook my head. "No, please! There has to be another way!" He held up a piece of wood. I screamed loudly. He hit me as hard as he could. I fell to the ground. He kept beating me with it till it snapped in half. I was in so much pain. Blood was pouring out of my mouth. My body felt broken. I couldn't stand it. He kept beating me harder and harder. Hitting my skull, my back, my chest. I could smell the blood coming from me. I needed to let go. It was my only chance of living. I closed my eyes and prayed for death to come. Once I opened my eyes, the reaper stood there. "Well done, Liz." I looked around. It was nothing but darkness. "You are dead." I just nodded. I can't believe I just lost my life like that, again. My body could still feel the pain. The reaper began to walk away. "Wait for my return." He spoke. Once he left, I stood in the darkness. By myself.

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