Chapter 9: Will This Work?

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I was sitting in class when we received our grade report. My grades are at C's. This wasn't good. I was so far behind from having two jobs. I had to get it together or I wasn't graduating. I had to start my shift at the shop. A bunch of people from the wedding were in there. Some bought souvenirs. Others hung around just to blow time. I couldn't help but think of Thomas. His beauty fascinated me. Something drew me to him. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair. I wanted to be wrapped up in him. What would he do if I kissed him? What if I went through him? I didn't want to push him away. We were friends. And the way his voice sounds, like it was from the early 1900's. But I felt like there was something more. But was there? The way he acted last night, made me think twice. Without warning Theodore came in. I couldn't throw his ass out in front of everyone and cause a scene. He leaned on the counter and looked at me. "Ready for tonight?" He was smiling about it.

I wasn't. But I had to lie. "Sure." I mumbled. He was trying to make me think he could be that guy I first met. Deep down, he was never going to be that guy again. His true colors have shown.

He grabbed a piece of my hair and twirled it between his fingers. "Wear something nice."

I crossed my arms. He walked smoothly over to the door. "Don't forget the tape." I shouted. He ignored my comment and left the store. This was going to be a nightmare. Molly appeared from behind one of the shirt racks. "He wasn't being creepy at all." She was right. It was a good thing she hung out with me during my shift. I knew he would be coming back. He couldn't stay away. Not until he knew for sure I would be his again. Molly took a deep breath. "Don't worry about it Liz. Thomas is going to help get rid of him once and for all. Hopefully..."

Once he was gone, my problems would go away. I couldn't let him kill me. I have so much to live for. He wasn't going to take my new freedom away. All that crossed my mind for the rest of the day, was how I was going to die tonight.

I was so happy I made it to the house. Sue explained to me that she found the broken vase from last night. And the rat exterminator was here. I had to make sure nothing else entered the house. Once she left, I ran up to Thomas's room and shut the door. I took my sweater off and placed it on his bed. I rubbed my arms together as the cold air hit me. "Thomas?" I called out. Nothing but silence.

Looking in the mirror, I was wearing a pink shiny top with tight jeans and flats. I was wondering where he was. I didn't want to die because Theodore was mad that I didn't want to be with him. My eyes watered up. I sank onto the bed and cried. Something cold brushed against my shoulder. Causing me to open my eyes. Thomas stood near the edge of the bed. "Lizzy, what's wrong?"

I sat up and wiped my tears away. "I'm so scared, Thomas. He's going to kill me once I refuse him again."

He looked pissed. "The hell he is." Thomas sat down next to me and hugged me. "Our plan will work. He'll think twice after this." I nodded silently. My body was shaking. He squeezed me gently. "Stop it. You're working yourself up. You're going to be okay." I breathed in deeply. Thomas was calming me down. Just by reassuring me that everything was going to be okay. I noticed that he wasn't hiding his face from me. His fingers ran down my arm.

Knocking on the front door echoed throughout the whole house. I started panicking and tried to hide. Thomas slammed the door shut in front of me. He held me against his chest. I tried to squirm out. "Liz, cut it out." He said sternly.

"I'm going to die. He'll kill me!" I felt like a nervous wreck. All my mind could think about was him beating me again.

Thomas shook me. "I'm not going to let him hurt you! Calm down." I took in a deep breath. The knocking was growing louder and louder. Thomas held my head. "Go down there. Act like you know nothing. We'll go from there. Okay?" I shook my head.

"I'll watch out for you." Thomas looked deep into my eyes. Just by looking into his eyes, I knew he wasn't lying to me. I trusted him. I had to believe in him. Thomas opened the door and gently pushed me out. I gathered my strength up and ran downstairs. Fixing myself, I took in a deep breath and opened the door. Theodore smiled at me. "Hey there." Once he came in, he shut the door. I couldn't help but get this feeling something was wrong. Something was off about him. "Aren't you going to show me the house?" He asked so suttley.

I gave him a weird look. "You broke in here with us..."

He pulled out a gun from his back pocket. My heart dropped. Oh no. Why did he bring that? "Now you're going to listen and do everything I say." Panic took over. My body couldn't move. It felt frozen in place. "We're together again. Understood?" I quietly nodded. He was forcing me into this. He got closer. His finger stroked my cheek. "We're going to make up. Get upstairs. Now." I quickly walked over to the stairs. My body stopped at the bottom step. What was going to happen to me? Was he going to kill me in this house? He pressed the gun into my back. "No tricks." I went up the steps. We were walking down the hallway. How was I going to get out of this? Theodore yanked me back. He looked around. "Did you see that?"

I noticed that he was acting serious. "No." I looked behind me. Nothing was there. His eyes got big. I looked again. Thomas. He looked like a real ghost. He walked across the hall into a room. Theodore pushed me. "Move. Now!" I started walking. We went over to the room Thomas went in. Theodore opened the door. He went inside and aimed his gun everywhere. My body didn't move from the doorway. "You're being stupid. It's gone now." The angry man appeared behind him. My eyes widened. The door shut in front of me. There was growling. "GET OUT!" Theodore screamed. Thomas yanked me away from the door. He pulled me to the end of the hallway. We hid behind the corner. The door flew open.

Theodore hit the wall forcefully. The man went over to him and grabbed him by the throat. Theodore was choking. I covered my mouth. Thomas squeezed my arm. The man heard something. He dropped Theodore and started walking into another room. He slammed the door behind him. Theodore was coughing. Thomas changed into a ghost. He put his finger up to his lips. He went over to Theodore. He got down on his knees. Theodore was frightened enough. "Where's Liz?" He looked around hoping that I was around.

"Dead." Thomas spoke sternly. His voice echoed. Theodore was shaking. "She's ours now. Give up the tape."

Theodore threw the tape across the hall. He got up and ran for his life.

We heard the door slam hard. My body exhaled a deep breath of relief. Maria yanked on my shirt. I turned around. She handed me a purple flower. I smiled. "Thank you." She ran away. Thomas came over and handed me the tape. "I told you it'd work out." He said smiling.

I nodded. I was happy that he didn't have that dangling over my head now. But the real question was, was he officially going to leave me alone? "Thank you. You always seem to save my life at perfect times."

Thomas took a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear. "I told you, I'd protect you." He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I was startled and placed my hands on his chest. Thomas leaned towards me. I closed my eyes gently. His lips met mine. I could feel them. I smiled. He felt the same way I did. I wrapped my arms around him. Something made a noise behind him. Thomas turned around. Maria stood there. She giggled and ran down the hallway. Thomas looked at my hand. "She gave you a gift I see." Holding up the flower, he smiled. "It's rare when she does. She must like you." I smiled at him. He pulled my chin to kiss me once more. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to keep kissing him. I've never felt this way for anyone before. He really wasn't dead. He just didn't have a heartbeat. I was attracted to him and there was no denying it.

The Ghost of RoseBurn MansionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant