Chapter 3: The RoseBurn Mansion

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       I managed to get back to the apartment in one piece. And early too. Theodore got a phone call in the middle of my dress coming off. He rushed me out the door and slammed it in my face. I rolled my eyes as I was leaving. But not before my ears picked up him say. "I miss you too babe." I hit the elevator button as hard as I could and went back to the lobby. I hated him. I hated how cruel he was. How he always downgraded me for every little thing. He made me miserable, but I was too scared to leave him. I didn't even bother changing out of my dress. I tossed the shoes across the room. Crawled into bed and passed out for the night. The next day, someone was banging on the apartment door. I forced my eyes open. It was three in the afternoon. I didn't get home till one am last night. I dragged myself out of bed to answer the door. Once I opened it, Molly flew inside. Her eyes took a second look at me. My hair was a mess. My makeup was smeared to hell. Molly took a breath. "What happened? I thought you were going to see Theodore."

I chuckled sarcastically at her. "He kicked me out after being there for five minutes." I made my way over to the couch and plopped down. Molly slowly went over and sat next to me. "I dress nice for him like he wants. But yet he throws me out to talk to his other woman."

Molly's cheeks began to turn red with rage. My eyes welled up with tears. Molly calmed herself down. Lizzy needed her, she thought. "Why don't you leave him? He's not good for you. He only comes to see you for a booty call. He doesn't act like your boyfriend."

I had to tell her. I couldn't keep it bottled up for much longer. "Because I'm scared!" I balled. My head hit the couch as I cried. Molly started running her hand up & down my back. I sniffled. "He's abusive. He hits me. I'm not allowed to wear anything that shows my skin, or he accuses me of cheating."

Molly had a feeling that he was. She had a feeling deep down that he was hitting her. She had no proof until now. I wiped snot on my sleeve. "I shouldn't have told you. He's going to kill me." Molly smiled at me, trying to hold back tonight's plans.

I saw her face. "What did you do?"

Molly took a breath. "I only invited Theodore to a double date to the mansion so he would get scared." I shook my head silently. Ghosts were not going to scare him off. "Andy said he could teach him a lesson in there." I fell silent. This was a really bad idea. I stood up, wiping my tears away. I didn't know what to do. Molly placed her hands in her lap. "You can't stay with him. He's going to end up killing you." I silently nodded. I hoped this day would have never come. The good thing was, I wouldn't be alone. Molly was going to be there. I left the room to get ready for tonight. Molly hung out on the couch and started watching tv.

We were walking down the dark streets. For a big city, it was quiet at night. Walking was easier for them since it was ten minutes away. The moon was shining over us. Everything was almost lit up. The hill we were walking up was taking forever to climb. I have never been to the mansion before. A million dollars was put into this house. There was so much tragedy and death surrounding the place. I didn't know if I should go in or not. Molly was thinking to herself, hoping her plan would work. We reached the big metal gate. Molly gestured to the small metal door that was wide open. Looking around first, no one was watching. Then we snuck inside. We walked around over towards the front door. Two guys stood in front of a staircase holding a conversation. It looked like they were having a good time. Theodore stood there, smiling at me. Molly smiled at Andy who waved at her. As we reached the guys, Andy smiled at us. "Hi. I'm Andy." He reached out his hand to shake mine.

I was about to until Theodore grabbed my hand. "She's a germaphobe." Andy silently pulled his hand back. Theodore was already being defensive. I rolled my eyes. Molly kissed Andy on the cheek and smiled. He looked into her eyes. There must have a connection between them. Deep down, I wanted a guy like that.

Theodore looked at Molly. "Are we ready? Or do you guys need a room?" He sounded annoyed with how Andy and Molly were acting.

Molly ignored his comment. "No, we are good."

We all looked at the house. It was huge in person! The brick and wood were a classic brown with some tan in it. The windows were a decent size and spotless clean. I glanced at the windows, didn't see any ghosts there. Molly and Andy were already on the porch. Theodore wouldn't let me leave his side. I wanted to tell him. To get it over with already. The porch was large and plenty of room to put tables and chairs on it. Andy jiggled it in the keyhole. He scratched his head. "So how are we going to get in?" Theodore shrugged. He didn't really care. Molly looked around for a spare key with Andy. My ears picked up a clicking noise. Then the door swung open by itself. I backed up a little bit. Theodore looked around before leading me inside. Molly and Andy followed behind. It looked beautiful on the inside as well. The wood was carved smooth into the walls. Every inch of this place was detailed. All the furniture and stuff were old. Portraits hung on the wall of the RoseBurn Family. Just looking at the portraits sent shivers down my spine. Molly and Andy started walking around downstairs.

Theodore stared blankly at me. "We need to talk." I silently nodded. We climbed the stairs and ended up on the second floor. There were no signs of any ghosts. Which didn't ease my nerves anymore. The more my eyes kept searching around, the more I felt paranoid. Theodore went into one of the bedrooms. It was an amazing room! The bed looked incredibly old. I gazed into the mirror. Theodore shut the door. Then pacing over to me. He took a quick deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry about last night. There was an error and..."

I cut him off before he could finish. "I want to break up with you." He fell silent. My eyes steadily gazed at him. Waiting for his hand to slap my face. I gathered my courage. "I'm done with the games. I heard you calling someone babe as I left. I'm not a doll. Or some piece of ass you can call whenever you're bored. I don't want anything to do with you."

He grabbed my arms tightly. Before he could speak, the door slammed open. There was the little girl, standing in the doorway. She had long brown hair, wearing an old 1900s dress, holding her teddy bear. My eyes widened. There were ghosts there. Molly screamed so loud that it echoed throughout the whole house. The little girl vanished before our eyes. Theodore ran once she vanished. I followed behind him.

He ran down the stairs and passed Molly who was holding her ankle on the last step. Andy raced over. I wasn't surprised Theodore left them. Andy lifted Molly into his arms and rushed them out of the house. I ran to follow. Then, door slammed shut in my face. My heart dropped. I didn't want to be trapped inside the house alone. I tried jiggling the knob. Nothing. "HELP!" I screamed. Andy was on the other side. He couldn't open it either. Molly was screaming for him to try and open the door. Sirens broke out. He quickly turned around. "Shit. The cops are here."

The flashing blue and red lights came through the glass in the door. "Hide upstairs somewhere. Hurry. We'll get you out after this." Andy shouted. I didn't want to leave, but I had no choice. I dashed up the stairs. My heart was racing. I ran into one of the rooms and shut the door. Fear wasn't the only thing I felt. I was trapped in a haunted house. I could possibly go to jail for breaking in. I believed in the supernatural now and had enough of it. I was either waiting for the cops to find and arrestme. Or for the sun to come up.

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