Chapter 35: I'm Trapped in Hell

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Hell was nothing like anyone has ever described. The demons took me to a place where there was nothing but cells for miles on end. People were screaming, begging to be let out. Chains rattling could be heard as well. They led me further down then threw me into a cell. It had black walls. The only source of light came from the bars at the top of the door. There was nowhere for me to go or escape to. All I could do was sink to my knees and cry. My ears picked up Sophie's voice. It was very faint. She was asking me if I could hear her. Suddenly I heard Thomas's voice loud and clear. "Liz if you can hear us, please answer. He can't hurt you as much as he can hurt me." What if it was the devil trying to trick me? "Lizzy please." He sounded scared. It was Thomas.

I sniffled. "Thomas please come get me. I need you." The door suddenly swung open. A demon came in and grabbed me. I kicked and screamed for it to let me go. It wouldn't. I prayed that I could escape from here soon.


I ended up in a throne room. There was fire going around the walls. A chair sat against the wall with flames surrounding it. The demon shut the doors behind me. I held my hand close to the door, it was almost boiling hot. There was no way to open it without severely hurting myself. A voice could be heard clearing its throat. My eyes slowly glanced behind me. The devil was in his chair, smirking at me. His horns were twisted on his head. His claws tapped the arm of the chair. His teeth showed. "Please, come sit Elizabeth." A chair made from bones appeared in front of him.

I shook my head. My gut told me not to trust him. "That's not my name. And I prefer to stand."

He shrugged. "Fair enough, Lizzy." He chuckled in his throat. My stomach was turning. "Thomas will be here very soon to free you. Or so he believes."

I couldn't show fear. Although I was frightened by what he would do to me. I took a couple steps towards him. "Leave Thomas alone."

The devil laughed at me. "How disgusting. A human telling me what to do." He snarled as he stood up. "He sold his soul to me. He belongs to me."

"Then unseal the deal. You have thousands of other souls to torment." I was breathing deeply. The fire was making my lungs feel stuffed up.

The devil slowly walked over to me. "He killed a man. An innocent one. His soul is mine to torment for eternity." I could feel his eyes gazing me up and down. "There's still time before he gets here." His claws ran down my arm.

I yanked it away from him and stood away from him. "This ends now. Take mine instead of his."

The devil showed his teeth. "You would sell your living soul to me? To free your boyfriend of his debt to me?" The way he spoke creeped me the hell out. I had to ignore him. Maybe there was a chance that I could free Thomas. I would rather see him free and out of hell. I nodded. He grabbed my arms roughly. I swallowed my spit quickly as I turned away from him. "I prefer not to make a deal with a reincarnated soul. Too many problems."

"What will it take for you to let him go?" I looked at him annoyed. His breath was hitting the back of my neck. He held his hand, there was the ring Thomas gave me when I died. I stared at it, then slowly started to reach for it. I wanted to take it. To set Thomas free once and for all. But for him to bring it out, there was a trick to it. I moved my hand away. "I'm not stupid. There's a curse or something to that ring."

He chuckled. "Almost had you. Thought you would do anything to free him?" My eyes just stared at him silently. He grabbed me then tossed my body towards the door. The door started burning me. I screamed and quickly moved away from it. A demon came in and picked me up. I was so weak. This whole ordeal took a lot out of me. The devil was waving at me. "Hope you enjoyed your life. You're never going to see the sun again." His laugh echoed throughout the room. My last thought was, I was going to die down here soon. Then passed out.

I woke up in my bedroom. Looking around, something was up. I couldn't find my phone or a clock to tell what time it was. Thomas walked in. His eyes met mine. "Liz, what's wrong?"

I sat up and held my legs. "Thomas, I had a really bad dream."

He came over and sat on my bed. "It's another hell dream, isn't it?" I nodded. He held my hands. "It's over. It's been over for months. You and I have been living a good life." I nodded. Something was off. Thomas didn't seem like himself. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me. I let him. His fingers were guiding towards the bottom of my shirt. I stopped him. He frowned. "What did I do now?"

I got off him. "You're not Thomas." This didn't seem right. A bell was going off in my head.

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Of course, I am. What do you mean I'm not me?"

"What did you tell me when I asked you about the first time we made love?" This was something only he would know. The way he said it to me, was the way he felt about me. Thomas smirked. "I was the best you've ever had."

I raised my eyebrow. "That's all?" He's never boasted about himself like this before.

He cleared his throat. "And we could try new moves if we wanted to."

"You're not Thomas. You just failed." Thomas froze like time stood still. Then he lunged at me. I screamed. I ran out of the room and headed to the front door. As soon as I opened it, I fell into the darkness. Hopefully, I wouldn't die. At least, not yet at least.

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