Chapter 34: Thomas's Point of View #3

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       Once they took Liz away, the portal closed behind them. I shoved myself out of Sophie's grasp. Then stood up pacing in a circle. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?" I was angry. Sophie tried to calm me down, but I was furious. "REMEMBER MY VISON?" I stopped dead in my tracks. Taking in a couple deep breaths, I remembered what she said about both of us being down there. I sighed deeply, calming down before I spoke. "Now what? I have no idea where she is!" I didn't care what happened to me, I needed Liz back on earth.

Sophie stood up and brushed herself off. "If I had let you go, he would have won tonight. Remember that before going off on me next time." I rolled my eyes, giving her a stern look. I didn't have time for this. She waved her hands at me, giving up trying to get an apology out of me. "I can try to locate her by communicating with her."

I raised my eyebrow. "Really? She isn't dead! How the hell are you going to do that?"

She frowned at me. "Well, you asked for my help tonight, didn't you?" I didn't say anything. All I wanted was Liz back. I wanted her in my arms where I knew she was safe. She meant every to me. Once I saw her hiding in the house, I knew she came back to find me again. I thought back to the day I first met her in this lifetime. She was so beautiful. I couldn't resist talking to her. I had to make myself known. Her eyes glowed when she saw me. The way she kept pushing to know who I was, why I was there. How she even wanted to be my friend, I knew it had to be my Elizabeth returning to me. But I had to push her away, to protect her from the demons waiting to grab her in the darkness. After that night, I was glad to see her return, even if she was stubborn about listening to me when I said not to come back. I couldn't imagine my life without her now. I can make her feel safe. I can make her laugh and smile. It meant the world to me to see her happy. It broke my heart that I couldn't save her from him tonight. Now she's in his world. Liz must be terrified being trapped in hell. A thought came to my mind. My eyes widened. He might try to make a deal with her!

"He's going to try something. I have to find her very quickly." My mind began to race. He can sway her to do anything to save me. I had to find her. He has the upper hand. If Liz sold her soul, she would never see earth again. I left the ballroom and headed to my room. I opened the trunk and started searching. Sophie stood in the doorway. "What are you doing?" I pulled out the Ouija board. I grabbed her hands and led her back to the third floor. She began to relight some candles. She placed a small glass over the board, holding her hand above it. "Liz? Can you hear me?" Nothing happened. It was making me upset. I feared the worst.

"How long can she be down there?" My old English accent came in. Liz loved hearing it so much. Probably because nobody in her time spoke like that anymore.

Sophie looked at me. "She needs to be back here by seven am or she will die." Looking at Liz's cell phone. She gave into me to hold on to. It was 1:08 am.

I was getting nervous. "Liz if you can hear us, please answer. He can't hurt you as much as he can hurt me." Nothing was happening. I couldn't give up trying. "Lizzy please." I begged.

Sophie began to shake violently. She reached out to me. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Sophie snapped out of it. She took in a few deep breaths. "Are you okay?" I asked. She freaked me out a little bit every time she went into these trances.

She shook her head. "He trapped her in a room. She's frightened. She can hear us. I couldn't hear her. She's crying." I ran my hand through my hair. I needed to get to her fast.

"I also had a vision." My eyes slowly looked up at her. This wasn't going to be good. "She made a deal with the devil, unwillingly. She was tricked into thinking she could set you free."

My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. "WHAT! NO! She can't do this!" I slammed my hands as hard as I could on the board. "Liz, do NOT listen to him! He will double cross you in the end. Do you hear me? Don't do it!" I threw the glass across the room. It shattered into pieces. I stood up and walked away. Huffing and puffing. How could she do this? She can't. I won't let her. Sophie came over to me. I looked back at her. "Where's the nearest portal to hell?" My whole body was shaking.

She gave me a weird face. "You're standing on one." I rolled my eyes at her, not amused with her humor right now. Sophie waved her hands in the air. "This mansion is a portal; I can't open it. The devil sealed it off."

If I couldn't find a portal soon, Liz will die down there. "There has to be more than one. There has to be..." I paused. Sophie raised her eyebrow at me. Why didn't I think of it before? "He once told me something about the mountains here. But there's so many. How would be able to find it before seven am?"

Sophie's eyes widened. "The devil's pass." 

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