Chapter 37: The Rats

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     Alison and Theodore chased after us. Thomas held my hand as we ran. I wanted to get out of this dungeon. I was trying to keep up with him, but he was going pretty fast. Thomas yanked me down a dark tunnel. I prayed for us to get out safely. Something pulled me backwards. It was Alison. She started shaking me. "YOU'RE THE REASON I'M DEAD!" She felt so real like she was still alive. Thomas tried to push her away. Theodore pulled him away and slammed him into a wall. I head butted her. She fell to the ground. I ran over and jumped on Theodore's back. Smacking him in the head. He flipped me onto the rocky ground. I was coughing hard; the wind was knocked out of me. Theodore smirked at us. "The love birds couldn't get away fast enough." His eyes met Thomas's. Thomas wouldn't move. "Lucifer is waiting for your soul. While Liz here, tried to sell hers to save yours." Thomas gave me a sad look. Like he was worried that he accepted my soul for his. Shaking my head, "He wouldn't make a deal with me. He said he wouldn't because it was too many problems."

Thomas shook his head. "Liz, you're the only reincarnated person from the mansion. You've been to heaven. It's hard to take an angel into the underworld. Unless you've fallen from grace." He already knew the devil wouldn't agree.

"Plus, you haven't run out of oxygen yet." Theodore added. My eyes stared at the ground. That's why he trapped me here. Lose all the air I have left and die. Theodore lifted me to my feet and pinned me against the wall. He pulled out a long blade and held it against my neck. "You two aren't going anywhere. It won't be long now until you die. I want to watch you struggle to breathe. You'll die here and no one can save you now."

Something was poking me inside my sweatpants pocket. It was a rosemary. I pulled it out and wrapped it around his neck. He screamed and cried out. Smoking started coming out of his body. Alison went to go help him. I slammed her as hard as I could into the rocky wall. She fell to the ground. Her head was bleeding. I didn't have time to ask how this was possible even though she was dead. Theodore was burning from the necklace. Thomas stood up and we ran. He made a bunch of crazy turns. I was wondering if we were going to get out or not. Nails began scraping against the walls. He knew we were running. Thomas wouldn't stop. We both saw a light at the end of the tunnel. We held hands and ran for it. A rock wall began to rise up in front of us. He was going to try and trap us. We kept running faster and faster. We weren't going to give up. Not with us being this close. As we jumped out of the tunnel, the rock wall went up behind us.

Thomas and I rolled into the dirt. We were breathing heavy. I coughed. Thomas took in a couple deep breaths. I hugged him tightly. Thomas kissed my head. We made it. I looked up at the sky. The sun was coming up. Thomas looked at the phone. "7am. We made it." He laid on the ground, breathing heavy. Once I could feel myself breathing normal again, I frowned. "What was supposed to happen at 7am?"

His eyes looked away from me. "When you would have died from the loss of oxygen." It was scary to know I was on a time limit. Thomas faced me. I wrapped my arms around him. "I knew you would save me." He kissed me. A loud shriek broke our kiss. Thomas pulled me closer. Whatever he saw, he didn't want me to see. I turned my head to see a man standing behind us. His eyes beamed a black with yellow pupils in them. "How dare you!" His voice echoed. "We made a deal!" It was the devil in disguise. He had the power to do anything. We just escaped being inside hell.

Thomas puffed. "We did. Not Liz. I told you to leave her out of it. You simply wouldn't listen to me." He wasn't going to let him take me away again without a good fight.

The devil growled and snarled. "Fine. Then you come back down there and finish your sentence." My heart stopped. Was Thomas really going to go back? Even though we made it back to earth, Thomas's soul was still his. Nothing had changed.

Thomas tensed up. "Promise you won't go after Liz anymore."

He chuckled, "You have my word as Lucifer, I won't bother her." His voice got deep. Thomas stood up with me. The devil started walking back towards the cave. My eyes glanced at Thomas. "What are you doing? You're not really going with him, are you?" Thomas didn't say anything. My heart told me the sad truth; he was.

"I made a deal with him Liz. I died and sold my soul. There's no way out of this." My body was shaking. I didn't want him to go. We fought so hard to keep him here. He kissed my forehead. "I need to go with him." I didn't want this to be the last time I saw him, touched him or kissed him. I wanted him to stay with me, where he belongs. The devil scratched his fingernails against the wall. Snapping his fingers, the rock wall disappeared. Looking over at us, he was waiting. But he looked like he didn't have any patience left. Swallowing my spit, I had to let him go, even though I didn't want to. I had no choice. "Will you still love me?" Tears formed in my eyes.

He smiled at me. "Of course. You know I love you with every living part of me." He gave me a quick peck before walking away. The devil smirked. Thomas stood next to him. This was the hardest part. Watching him go with the evilest creature in the world. I wanted to run over and pull Thomas away. I couldn't bear to watch him leave. The devil and Thomas walked into the darkness. As the sun rose, I dropped my knees into the dirt and cried deeply. After all that, he was gone. I tried my best to save him, and it didn't work. Nothing was going to fix the hole in my heart. Sophie found me on the ground. She lifted me up and helped me into her car. As we drove away, my eyes went to the darkness of the cave. What was I going to do now?

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