Chapter 42: Thomas's Point of View #5

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          Liz disappeared in front of me. It's been almost an hour. I was praying I'd see her on the other side. I wasn't expecting to die like this again. I thought I'd be old with Liz and go peacefully. But with the devil around, stuff like that doesn't happen. Start counting. A voice echoed. It had to be the reapers.

One. Liz I'm coming.

Two. This better work or I'm choking that reaper.

Three. Is it bad thinking about choking the grim reaper?

Four. I just want to start over with Liz. Nothing else.

Five. I swear to God if this is another trick.


Seven. I love you, Liz.


Nine. This better work.


Once I opened my eyes, I was lying in bed. In the mansion. My body was burning up badly. The nurses were checking on me. I was in pain and sweating. Eyes rolling in the back of my head. I thought of Elizabeth. Finding her dead, reminded me I was going to see her now. After all these years, we can be together. I was just minutes away. Out of the corner of my eye, stood the devil. He smirked at me. "Think this is going to work?"

I stared at him. "It's going to." Of course, he would be here waiting for me. He probably knew who pulled me out of his little illusion.

He twisted his hand. "Your soul is mine. You signed it away to me. You owe me."

I began coughing up blood. Then I tried to spit it at him. "I owe you nothing. I haven't signed anything to you this time." My heart was slowing down. I was beginning to die.

The devil slammed his hand on the bed. "This is

stupid! Your soul belongs to me asshole!"

I laughed at him. "Not this time. You lose."

He smirked at me. The one he gave when he knew something I didn't. I thought about Liz. "I think I have the upper hand now." He disappeared in front of me. I cried out as I coughed up a pool of blood. I felt so helpless that I collapsed on the bed. My body couldn't move any longer. I went limp as I closed my eyes and accepted death.

Something was violently shaking me. I opened my eyes. Liz sat next to me. I grabbed her hands. She stared into my eyes. "I kept hearing strange noises." I sat up next to her. She looked around anxiously.

I whispered to her. "It's going to be okay."

She shook her head. "No. We're dead and vulnerable now." She was more scared than I've ever seen her. As we both stood up, the reaper appeared. Behind us, large flames shot up from the ground. The devil showed up pissed off. He stormed over to the reaper. "You have no say. His soul is mine."

The reaper held up his hand. "He died the exact way he did the first time. This time, he did not make a deal with you. He is no longer yours. Your contract means nothing."

The devil shot flames at him. Liz tried to hide in my chest. I held her close, "It's going to be okay." I whispered to her.

The reaper still stood there. "You should have known better. I collect my souls. They were both on my list. They are mine now Lucifer. Now take your ass back to the underworld before I do it for you."

The devil snarled. His black eyes stared at me. "This isn't over. I'll collect your soul eventually." He pointed his finger at Liz. "Even yours Elizabeth." She hugged me tighter. He disappeared in a gulf of flames.

I looked at the reaper. "Now what?" I was on edge and waiting for him to screw us over now. The reaper opened a portal. It was blue and swirled around in its own pattern. "You follow me." It wasn't a trick. We were going to be reborn. I was nervous just as much as she was. I never got to see the other side. This was a chance for us to do that. Liz stared at it. "Where does it lead to?"

I grabbed her hand. "To be reborn." He was waiting for us. I guided us to the portal.

Liz stopped in her tracks. "Will we remember each other?" She was still doubtful.

The reaper nodded. "Your destinies will always be linked to each other." Liz looked at me. The look in her eyes told me she was ready. Without any further objections, we walked through the portal. A bright light hit us and that's all I can remember.

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