Cop: What? You can't do that!

Vasir: Spectre authority. Already done

(The Illium cops all pack up and leave)

Vasir: Tela Vasir. Special tactics and recon

Shepard: Another spectre?

Vasir: I heard your status was reinstated. Good. You're one of the council's most famous operatives. Might even get you to sign my chest plate. So, I assume you had business with your friend this evening, Commander?

Shepard: Liara was following a lead on the shadow broker

Vasir: The shadow broker? That's a dangerous enemy to have

Shepard: What are the facts so far?

Vasir: About a half hour ago, somebody took a shot at T'Soni. Note the bullet holes in the glass over there. Whatever rifle the attacker used wasn't standard issue. It was able to break the kinetic barrier and penetrate the glass. Your friend stuck around for almost 4 minutes before leaving the building. Whatever she was doing was important. There's no blood or body, so she definitely got away

Shepard: Liara was expecting me. She would have left a message here. Her office wasn't safe

Vasir: I'm not surprised. Illium is just Omega with expensive shoes. I haven't found anything useful for tracking her down yet. You know T'Soni better than I do. Where would she have hidden her backup?

Shepard: Let me have a look around. I'll see if I can come up with something

(Shepard looks at a display case and sees the chest plate of his old N7 armor)

Shepard: Hey. It's a piece of my old armor

Vasir: Looks like someone didn't like you much either

(Shepard looks around Liara's apartment for clues, and when he picks up a picture to look at it, it changes)

Shepard: Hmm. The picture changed when I touched it

Vasir: It must be keyed to your ID. What does it show now?

Shepard: A prothean dig site. Liara did leave a message

Vasir: There are a few prothean looking objects around the apartment. Lets see what we can find

(Shepard and Vasir start looking around the prothean relics in Liara's apartment, and they find a data drive)

Shepard: Vasir. I've got something here

Vasir: A backup disc. Lets try it on her terminal

(Shepard plugs the backup disc into Liara's terminal and watches it with Vasir. It shows Liara talking with a salarian, and they're talking about tracking the shadow broker)

Vasir: So, she really did find something

Shepard: She's in danger. This must be important. The shadow broker's people have already tried to kill her before

Vasir: I know where the dracon trade center is. My car's outside. Lets go

(Shepard and Vasir hop into a car and speed over to the trade center)

Vasir: The baria frontiers offices are located on the third floor. I don't hear police chatter. We must've missed the party

(All of a sudden, a bomb goes off on the third floor, and the explosion damages the trade center building)

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