꧁༒☬𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 27☬༒꧂

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic was walking around he really wasn't doing doing any better but he really didn't like being stuck in bed when he can move around he was just leaning up against the the bassinet's just watching the twins sleep, he really had to thank the gifts the Hospital staff him when they found out that he was Manic's brother and the Hero of Mobius which kind of almost made the blue tear up a little bit a sigh escapes his mouth his ear twitches when he heard the door open and he turned around to see who it was.

"Sonic what are you doing out of bed?" Scourge asked him keeping his voice down not want to wake up the twins, sure he was gone he needed a break from the hospital himself, it's one thing to feel grounded but trapped in one place was something that made him rather antsy but when he's given a chance he takes it he just hadn't been able to because of the the whole being on drugs, and the blue hedgehog being pregnant, he just felt trapped but at the same time he doesn't blame Sonic for wanting to move around after having been in the hospital bed for two days thus far.

"I...I needed to move...I'm fine I swear." Sonic protested keeping his voice down as well since he was the closest one to the twins, and try to prove his point he took a step and just falls to his knee. Okay maybe he really wasn't suited to be walking around how he even got to standing was mostly do to the support of the hospital bed and bassinets being rather close to the hospital bed he was supposed to be laying in. A sigh escapes from the green hedgehog's mouth as he just walks over to the blue hedgehog and helps him to his feet. "I...I can't feel my legs..." the blue blur admits holding onto the green hedgehog for support.

"That's because your on medicine" Scourge tells the azure hedgehog, but hearing that kind of made him worried since the tone in the blue hedgehog's voice sounded as if he was upset about not being able to move, he's gonna have to asked the doctor about this, but he'd had to make sure that Sonic hadn't really lost all feeling in his legs, he just helps the blue hedgehog back to the bed and sits him down. "Well Sonic you just gave birth yesterday, I really don't except you to recover this soon"

"Ugh...I just want to move not be stuck in bed..." Sonic complains just pressing his forehead onto Scourge's chest, that one difference between them, the blue blur can be serious when he wants to be, and mature at times, but is very childish, and not self-centered and often relies on his friends and Scourge for moral support, but he can think for himself and do things himself he just comes off as clingy if ignored. The green hedgehog on the other hand was the except opposite, sure he did bad things just to see the reactions of other people and to just see the blue hedgehog mad and concerned, but both hedgehogs are very independent they just care about each other in there own way.

"Stop complaining, it will pass Blue and you know that" Scourge tells the blue hedgehog, lifting the hedgehog's head off of his chest and just giving him a kiss on the lips, the green hedgehog didn't really mind the childish behavior of the other hedgehog, after all the blue hedgehog, was self taught before he ran into his best friend and learned a lot from being around his friends and siblings.

"Being bed bounded is ass..." Sonic mutters, his ears twitches when heard a small squeak from behind him. Starfire was awake and had her little ears pinned to her head, the blue hedgehog just blinked didn't he just put her down for a nap, the blue hedgehog didn't mind picking her up from the bassinet as least her brother was still asleep just this little one was a lot more active than her brother.

Scourge just pets her head, at least he doesn't have to worry about anything happening to his kids when he's out doing things to keep him occupied, Starfire only grabs a hold of Scourge's hand that was bigger than her head, the tiny hedgehog was average size for a newborn mobian hedgehog, she just tilts her head she was rather curious about why her Father's hand was so much bigger than she was. "No, but I'm serious, Scourge...this is a big accomplishment for someone like you" Sonic said to his husband.

"I'm still same old Scourge, Blue, I just expressed more when I'm around you, cause I know that you won't judge me" The green hedgehog admits just letting his daughter mess around with his hand, he just smiles softly to himself and now his kids came into the picture, so now he a lot of people that love him that's not just Sonic now.

"Um Scourge?"

The green hedgehog shifted his gaze to look back at Sonic he felt a tear run down the side of his cheek, had he started crying, or was it just the realization that he had finally found someone that excepted him for him and not judge him, sees him more than someone who was just criminal, and loves him more for just him and not his bad guy actions. "I'm...Sorry Blue, I'm glad that you and our twins are apart of my life..." he admits.

The blue blur only blinks before he just smiles "I'm glad too" he said before his attention was shifted to another soft squeak from the other tiny hedgehog who also wanted attention. Scourge just reaches over to pick him up from the bassinet "Come here Little Man, we didn't forget about you" he said holding Indigo. He just plants a kiss on the hedgehog's head.

"But I promise as see soon as you can your legs, I'll let you run, just don't strain yourself, Blue" Scourge tells the blue hedgehog who just pulls the green hedgehog into a hug just being careful as to not drop Starfire and Indigo.

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