The Unsung Bond

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Credit goes to anupama726  didi as I got idea about this unsung bond from her story

After the wedding festivities came to an end the sisters decided to spend some time together all four of them talked about there husband's behavior and hospitality towards them all of them talked about what they got from their husband's as marriage gift and then rest of time they spend playing chausar spend quality time together after that Sita and Urmila went to their respective chambers and Shrutkirti said Sister let's walk in the garden and have a chit chat and both of them proceeded to the garden and then both of them started taking about their feelings and experiences of Ayodhya as to how they have to accept the changes Shrutkirti said within three days our lives changed completely O Mandavi I am really grateful to God that all four of us got married in same family I miss parents but Ayodhya is also a nice place our husbands are very loving they shower on us you know I told Shatrughna about my worry about what if I couldn't understand or cope up with the rules and regulations of Ayodhya as in Sankasya I have you and parents for supporting me and guiding me to which he said don't worry Kirti I am there to guide you don't get worry this assurance touched me to the core. 

         Mandavi smiled listening Shrutkirti 's confession and said Bharat is an awesome person so down to earth polite by nature he cares for me a lot what can I ask more I am really grateful to God moreover Mother Kaikeyi very caring she takes care of me like I am her own daughter, Shrutkirti smiled listening this she said same is the case with Mother Sumitra she is the wisest person I ever met so mature and understanding, four of us are really lucky . As they were doing chit chats they saw Bharat and Shatrughna coming towards the garden discussing something after that discussion was over Mandavi and Shrutkirti went  near their husbands and after that four of them started to talk , it got over with some teasing sessions by four of them over each other it was concluded from the talk that Mandavi and Shatrughna will very soon become crime partners and Bharat and Shrutkirti were the calm ,composed and the serious ones . After this Bharat and Shrutkirti started talking together and Mandavi and Shatrughna started talking together.
           Coming to Shatrughna and Mandavi both of them shared one person whom they admire and are devoted for them that person is world to them for that person they can do anything and there that person of admiration is Bharat, he is the person who is  world to both of them Bharat who is Shatrughna 's inspiration Bharat who is Mandavi 's love .Shatrughna started so Bhabhi how are you to which Mandavi nodded with a smile and said I am completely fine you tell how are you to which Shatrughna nodded and said I am all well it seems my brother has completely taken your heat .Mandavi smiled at this statement snd replied you are right Shatrughna even both of us are very different by nature our heats matched with each other it is true in our case that the opposite attracts after saying this Mandavi laughed .I admire Bharat 's innocent behavior he has a golden heart he is a pure soul and no matter what I will support him .Shatrughna smiled hearing Mandavi he replied yes Mandavi Bhabhi Bharat has a golden heart he is a rare gem and I am happy that I am blessed one to follow him it hurts me when someone hurts him .I wanted someone to understand and accept the way my brother is he is very emotional by heart and I wanted someone in his to could nurture him a person with whom he can share everything we three are always there for Bharat but when it comes to marriage I wanted his spouse to be his support, friend, companion a person who love him for what he is not because he is prince son of King Dashrath and Queen Kaikeyi prince of Ayodhya but when I met  you in the garden after the three alliances were fixed  that time only this thought came to my mind that you my consciousness said that you are very good person with heart made of pure gold I thought that you are perfect one for Bharat and for me you are a sister figure to me and I hope very soon we will become good friends to which Mandavi said thanks a lot Shatrughna your words meant a lot for me and yes you are my brother and it would be a pleasure for me to become your friend. Mandavi Bhabhi  thank you so much for becoming friends with me together we four will have a blast .Mandavi said Shatrughna you and Bharat are a pair just like Ram Bhaiya and Lakshman I admire this sweet bond of yours .
    Same is with me and Kirti for me she is my child my baby sister  for whom I could do anything same is with her you know there is  telepathy between us that before she says anything I guess it and if I am upto anything then she understood easily she is my best friend, companion and what not my life exits in her .Shatrughna smiled listening Mandavi and said then from now onwards all  of us will have a blast together . Mandavi said Shrutkirti is very innocent and sensitive please do take care of her but she is an excellent girl please take care of her. Shatrughna smiled after listening this don't worry sister , Shrutkirti is now the queen of my heart. Mandavi smiled vividly and then they were called by Bharat and Shrutkirti and then all four of them had  a banter time together .

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