Mother Daughter

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Mandavi was sitting in her and Bharat 's chambers smiling thinking about her new family then a maid came and said Hail Princess Mandavi Queen Kaikeyi has called you in her chamber after listening this Mandavi went to Queen Kaikeyi's chamber after this Mandavi went to Queen Kaikeyi's chamber as she entered she saw Queen Kaikeyi sitting on the bed as she saw Mandavi she called her inside besides the queen she saw an old woman with hunched back standing near her with a smiling face .Mandavi went inside .Kaikeyi smiled seeing her, Mandavi touched Kaikeyi's feet took her blessings and then she said Mandavi sit down child I was waiting for you my dear said after that Kaikeyi pointing towards the old lady said She is Manthara my handmaid she is a motherly figure to me she cares me a lot she is motherly figure to me since childhood Mandavi bowed down to Manthara and Manthara said Daughter in law Mandavi I was waiting for you since a long time I hope you will bond greatly with your mother in law and will take care of my Bharat to which Mandavi nodded and smiled and then Kaikeyi nodded and Manthara left from the chamber .After a long pause Kaikeyi smiled looking at Mandavi and said Mandavi you are such a beautiful girl you are beautiful both by soul and heart I have heard a lot about you Bharat told me about your warfare and scholar skills ,when I got to know about you I wanted to meet you and look the game of destiny you became by daughter in law and from we both will spend a good quality time together remember I am not your mother in law I am your mother, friend understand .Mandavi smiled vividly after saying this and quickly hugged Kaikeyi .Then Kaikeyi said Mandavi from now all my jwellery is yours I would love to see you wearing my stuff . Mandavi I have ordered this jwellery especially for you will you wear it dear ?Mandavi was touched by Queen's hospitality and love towards her she said "dear mother I am blessed to got you as my mother in law thank you so much".Kaikeyi smiled and said "Mandavi when Bharat told me about the scholars meet of Sankasya that time only I thought that you are a gem and see you are truly a gem .Mandavi after two hours muh dikhayi of four of you and I wish that you wear this dress and jewellery and these are some maids that will make you ready for today's night and for tomorrow's function. Kaikeyi said Mandavi this necklace is very special for me when I came as a new bride to Ayodhya then my mother in law gifted me this necklace and now it's yours please do wear it ,I know you are a warrior princess but please do wear it to which Mandavi said yes mother I will wear it for sure and then Kaikeyi made her wear the necklace . Kaikeyi smiled and said Mandavi my Bharat has a golden heart he is very down to earth many times you may find him shy to express but when he comes to express himself he is an excellent expressor I hope that you will understand him and will share fantastic bond with him .

 Kaikeyi smiled and said Mandavi my Bharat has a golden heart he is very down to earth many times you may find him shy to express but when he comes to express himself he is an excellent expressor I hope that you will understand him and will share ...

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Bharat Priyaa : The heart of Ayodhya Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant