Visit To Kampilya

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Sankasya had friendly relation with almost all the kingdoms of Bharatvarsh due to several reasons so a kingdom situated in northeast was involved in a war the king of King of Kampilya Gajapati sent the letter for help to each and every kingdom in anticipation for the help required in fighting the war and almost all the kingdoms have accepted this need of help and has sent their army for fighting the war and the same help needed invitation was sent to Sankasya and King Kushadwaja nodded  and said that it is the duty of a friend to help another friend in problem so I will help for sure .He ordered an army and a cavalry contigent to be prepared for the war and he also ordered Senapati to get prepared for the war he said boldly. Mandavi was thinking for a while downed in deep thoughts and then she said father I also want to accompany the army contigent in the war after listening this  Queen Chandrabagha and King Kushadwaja become shocked and after composing themselves Queen said Mandavi dear it's not safe to go to the war please renounce this thought that came to your mind to which Mandavi replied Mother war is not safe but for saving the innocent lives defence is important so I request you to kindly allow me to go to the war to which Chandrabagha retorted and said again Mandavi it is more than harmful it is life threatening and I don't want any danger to come upon you it God forbids anything happens then what will we do to which Mandavi replied mother I have chosen warfare for saving people and kingdom not for just showing my skills if I  even once felt the threat of death then why on earth I choosed warfare so please allow me to join the war so I request you both to kindly allow me to go to Kampilya and join the war to which King Kushadwaja accepted her wish and then he ordered Senapati to
make the needed arrangements.

In Ayodhya, King Dashrath was sitting in the raj darbar discussing about the help needed invitation regarding Kampilya in process he said that this is our duty to help that kingdom saying this he looked at Bharat and said that Bharat this time I want you to go for the war ,I believe you go and make me proud after listening to this Bharat nodded bowed down his head and said that it's an honor for me father that you are choosing me for this war please bless me that I return home after conquering the war after this Shatrughna bowed and said that father I also want to accompany brother Bharat so I request you to kindly allow me to go to the war please I request you after listening this Dashrath 's face lightened up and he nodded in a yes and ordered an army contigent to be prepared for the war after that all the three Queens blessed both of them and wished for them winning the war after that Ram and Lakshman came to them and said we believe in you brother go and bring  fame to Ayodhya by helping Kampilya. Both of them leave for Kampilya next day and in Sankasya Mandavi left for joining the war.
  Mandavi was going to Kampilya thinking about the war ,drowned in the thoughts about herself fighting the war ,she thought that now its going to be an exam to test about all I have learnt so far so I will do my best I will try to save as much as people I can save as she was deepened in these thoughts, her chariotor told her Princess we are at the outskirts of Kampilya after listening Mandavi composed herself  and headed inside the city she was shocked to see the condition there people were crying ,markets were closed ,lots of problem was there, she was deeply saddened after seeing the condition there  after that she told the chariotor to take her to the palace there king Gajapati along with his family greeted her and then she asked them about the war and she got to know about everything related to the war and next day she joined the war there ,soilders came from all the sides clasping over each other hitting them from all the sides killing them in process a soilder attacked Mandavi from backwards she quickly reciprated in her defence saving her life ,there Bharat and Shatrughna reached Kampilya and asked dwarpal about King when they didn't find him and then from dwarpal he came to know that all of them have went to the war place with the army contigent there Mandavi was fighting with as much as strength she can fight what was surprising that she was easily able to listen to the sound of the feet of the opponent soilders  which helped her to fight them. At a moment a group of soilders surrounded her but she sharply using her skills and mind battled with them but then a group of more than hundred soilders started attacking her and she was facing difficulty in fighting them but still she was fighting but she was not able to gear up as the number of people were very high she was fighting with that group of opponent soilders but suddenly other group of soilders started to fight with her and suddenly she saw that suddenly soilders were falling down then suddenly she saw a humanly feature fighting and defeating them and as that person came forward and  the face of that person became visible after looking at that face Mandavi said Prince Bharat you here to which Bharat nodded and replied Princess the letter of help was also sent to Ayodhya so I came here to help them after this Mandavi said let us first fight the war saying this both of them fought the war behading many opponent soilders as Mandavi was fighting the war she felt the attack from the right side this time it was the senapati of Purvanchal he started fighting  with her. Mandavi boldly fought with him by using her sword skills and defeated him and the war went like this for many days and Mandavi continued to fight defeating the opponents while Bharat also battled gracefully at night she helped treating the injured people as she had a good knowledge about medicines and after three months the war came to an end resulting in Kampilya conquering Purvanchal after that the king of Kampilya feliciated the war champions and even sent a feliciation letter to the respective kingdoms and he also awarded and feliciated the war champions in Kampilya in which Mandavi got a token of feliciation in the form of the royal symbol that the king gave her ,he further said that we are proud to see that there are such bold ,strong and courageous princess in this holy and great land of Bharatvarsh I acknowledge your warrior skills and feliciate King Kushadwaja and Queen Chandrabagha for teaching you warfare skills and after that he asked Bharat and  to come and then he feliciated him with the token of feliciation that it is the royal symbol of Kampilya and then he said son your warrior skills are just excellent I thank king Dashrath for sending you for our help Kampilya will never forget this help of Ayodhya after that he rewarded other people from kingdom ,after all this was over Bharat went to Mandavi and greeted her and said Princess you fight really well it seems that you are very serious about warfare to which Mandavi nodded and greeted him and said Prince Bharat thank you for your appreciation but I still need to go a long way and yes you are right I am serious about my practice regarding warfare after then Bharat said princess what are your hobbies to which Mandavi said Prince I love adventure, camping and then she asked Bharat Prince what are your hobbies to which he said princess I like meditation, painting and practicing warfare and plantation to which Mandavi said even I like gardening spending time in the lap of nature gives me peace I feel bad when someone hurts anything related to  nature apart from all this I love spending time with my sisters to which Bharat said even I love nature princess and I enjoy Banter time with my brothers saying this he introduced Shatrughna to Mandavi by saying princess he is my brother Shatrughna after that Mandavi introduced himself to Mandavi after that Bharat and Mandavi started talking and both of them find out that there was one thing that was similar in both of them and that was spending quality time with their siblings after this talk both of them become good friends after that both of them left for Sankasya and Ayodhya.In Sankasya a grand welcome was organized for Princess Mandavi entire Sankasya was dancing in joy and then the royal family came for Mandavi's welcome ,she payed respects to her parents and after that Kushadwaja and Chandrabagha gave a tight hug to Mandavi and then they said that today you made our head up with joy and pride we are blessed to have you as our daughter and then Shrutkirti came and hugged Mandavi like never before after that the royal family went inside the palace .
Here in Ayodhya Bharat and Shatrughana were welcomed with a great hustle and bustle the three mothers were so welcoming Kaushlya hugged both of them showering her blessings,Sumitra also hugged both of them and put kala tika near there eyes after that Kaikeyi hugged both of them looking at Bharat with pride in her eyes after composing her happiness she said Bharat you don't know how much happy I am today I am proud on you son long live son saying this she again hugged Bharat and Shatrughna after that King Dashrath hugged Bharat and Shatrughana after that he said today you made me and Ayodha lightened thousand times I am proud of both of my sons after that they went to Ram and Lakshman and after that Ram hugged Bharat and Lakshman hugged Shatrughna after this Ram said that I always knew that you are an excellent warrior and look you got an opportunity and showcased your warrior skills I am proud of you after this Lakshman said Bharat Bhaiya you are a silent killer after this Lakshman and Shatrughna hive five each other and four of them shared a group hug after this Bharat went to Kaikeyi and she asked him about his war experience to which Bharat replied Mother it was awesome I learnt may many things in this war as to how to tackle so many opponents in one time ,I even learnt about harsh life's after war and seeing this pained by heart but in the war field I saw the warfare skills of a princess they were excellent she was fighting like a tigress she is a fantastic warrior just like you to which Kaikeyi said I am really happy to know this son can you tell me her name to which Bharat nodded and said her name is Mandavi princess of Sankasya to which Kaikeyi said I know her mother as Kelkaya and Malya are very good friends  so many times her mother came to Kekaya and I have went to Malya .I would love to meet princess Mandavi daughter of Queen Chandrabagha. After listening this Bharat smiled and went to Shatrughna.

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