Cooper says under his breath but loud enough so V could hear him. Vanessa wraps her arms around my waist and rests her head on my chest. My arms immediately wrap around her but I was careful about where I placed my hands.

Josh- Are you tired?

V nods, not opening her eyes. As we were just standing there, Cooper's phone rang.

Cooper- Shit Gia! I'll be back Josh.

I nod as Cooper leaves the room.

Vanessa's POV

Vanessa- Josh?

Josh- hm?

Vanessa- I want to tell you what happened but I also wanna tell Bryce and I don't want to explain it more than I have to so do you mind sitting with me while I talk to him on the phone?

Josh- Of course V. Why don't you get into bed and I'm going to change okay?

I nod, pulling away from Josh. I follow his directions and I get into bed. I just scrolled through my phone while I waited for Josh. Once he came back, he got into bed with me. I could tell he didn't know if I wanted him to touch me or not because usually, he's all over me when we're in bed.

Vanessa- Josh I know you won't hurt me when you touch me okay? You can touch me like you normally do and the off chance you do make me uncomfortable, I'll tell you.

Josh- I just want to keep you as comfortable as possible and I don't want to do anything to make you think I'd ever hurt you because I won't. Ever. I promise.

I smile.

Vanessa- I know Josh. Thank you for that.

I kiss him. Josh genuinely made me feel so so safe and he was incredibly sweet. Even though we'd only been dating for a day, we've been going out for weeks and in some ways, I've known him forever.
I like to believe he's my soulmate because how could it be a coincidence that our families were friends all those years back and then Josh starts working with my brother? I also like to believe Liv and I are platonic soulmates. The universe keeps pushing up together.

Josh- Of course. You know, sometimes it feels like I've known you forever.

Vanessa- In some ways, we have known each other forever don't you think?

Josh smiles.

Josh- I was thinking that exact same thing but thought it made me sound a little weird. It's still so hard to wrap my head around the fact that we could've known each other years ago.

Vanessa- Right? I wish we would've gone to Canada before Liv and I fought. At the very least we would've known been friends but I don't think Liv would've loved the idea of us dating.

Josh laughs.

Josh- Oh she would've hated it. If it wasn't for the fight and she didn't feel the need to kiss your ass, she probably won't be our biggest fan.

Vanessa- She doesn't need to kiss my ass. It comes in handy sometimes but I told her that I was completely over it.

Josh links our fingers together and looks down at them for a while. He looks back up at me and I knew exactly what he was going to say by the look on his face.

Josh- Are you ready to call Bryce?

I wait a second before nodding and pulling out my phone.

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