Tali: What? That's insane! I never brought active geth aboard. I only sent parts and pieces. My father was working on a project, and he needed the materials. If I sent back something that was only damaged, not permanently inactive... No, I checked everything. I was careful

Kar'Danna: Technically I'm under orders to place Tali'Zorah under arrest pending the hearing, so Tali. You're confined to this ship until this trial is over

Tali: Thank you, captain

Kar'Danna: Preparations got underway as soon as you arrived. The hearing's being held in the garden plaza. Good luck. You should speak with Admiral Raan. She's waiting for you up ahead

Garrus: I can't believe they're charging Tali like this. It's not like we marched in here with Legion or something

Raan: Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. I'm glad you came. I could only delay them for so long

(Tali hugs Admiral Raan)

Tali: Auntie Raan! Shepard vas Normandy, this is Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay. She's a friend of my father's. Wait, Raan... You called me "vas Normandy"

Raan: I'm afraid I did, Tali. The admiralty board moved to have you tried under that name given your departure from the Neema

Shepard: I guess we should get started. Does Tali have a defense councilor, someone who speaks at her side?

Raan: Indeed she does, Captain Shepard. She is a part of your crew now, as recognized by quarian law. And remember, an accused is always represented by her ship's Captain and crew

Tali: So, um... You three would speak for my defense

Garrus: We're honored

Shepard: We'll do everything in our power to help you, Tali

Tali: Thank you three. I could not ask for better councilors

Raan: Our legal rules are simple. There are no legal tricks or political loopholes for you to worry about. Present the truth as best you can. It will have to be enough. Now come, I promised I would not delay you

Thorne: Lets get this over with

(Shepard, Thorne, Tali, and Garrus all take the stage as the quarians all gather in a crowd)

(The quarian admirals take their places at the judges' table)

Raan: This conclave is brought to order. Blessed are the ancestors who kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season. Keelah se'lai

Quarians: Keelah se'lai

Raan: The accused, Tali'Zorah vas Normandy has come with her captain and crew to defend herself against the charge of treason

Koris: Objection! Two humans and a turian have no business at a hearing involving such sensitive military matters!

Raan: Then you should not have declared Tali crew of the Normandy, Admiral Koris. By right as Tali's Captain and crew, they are permitted to stay

Koris: ... Objection withdrawn

Raan: Shepard vas Normandy. Your crew member Tali'Zorah stands accused of treason. Will you speak for her?

Shepard: If it helps Tali, then it would be my pleasure. But in her heart, she remains Tali'Zorah vas Neema. A proud member of the migrant fleet. I regret that her quarian captain is forbidden to stand at her side today

Koris: Nobody has been forbidden from anything! It is a simple-

Gerrel: Lie to them if you must, Zaal'Koris, but don't lie to me and expect me to stay silent! The human is correct!

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