Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

Alter Ego

She felt herself roll awake. The sheets were entangled in her limbs and the weight of Klaus' arm, weighed heavy on her hip. She could feel, his breath tickling against her skin, as he slept peacefully.

She didn't dare to move an inch. Instead, she nestled deeper into his arm, letting her eyes close, as she listened to the slow sound of his breathing.

A few minutes later, a finger danced along her wrist, making her giggle, she rolled over to see Klaus smiling down at her with glee.

"Morning" she whispered, dropping her head, back onto the pillow.

He smiled, his fingers dancing along her stomach, sending shivers down her spine, making her draw a deep breath. "Morning, love" he murmured, his voice husky and raw, from the morning.

She knew she'd have to get up at some point but if she could spend all day, in his bed then she would. The world would keep spinning and it was unlikely, that anyone in Mystic Falls, would notice her absence.

He brushed a strand of hair, out of her face, looking deeply into her eyes. "You're beautiful" he whispered, letting his fingers run along her jaw.

His eyes were transfixed on her every move, she was absolutely hypnotic in every way.

The door suddenly burst open making the two of them jump. Rebekah was standing in the doorway and quickly, covered her eyes squealing in surprise. "I'm leaving- I'm leaving" she stammered, fumbling for the door and slamming it behind her.

Esme groaned, burying her head in her pillow as her cheeks flushed red, with pure embarrassment.

"Easy, love" Klaus chuckled, pulling the sheets back over her naked body.

She threw a pillow at him, her embarrassment growing by the second. "That's your sister, isn't it" she groaned, running a hand, through her hair.

"She's done worse" Klaus laughed at her.

"Klaus" Esme snapped glaring up at him.

He did his best to stop laughing but he failed. She groaned, throwing another pillow at him, making him burst out laughing again.


Rebekah smirked, watching her brother trying to sneak through the living room, half-naked.

"She's pretty" Rebekah declared, making his head snap to the side in seconds.

He spread over, slamming her against the wall, making Rebekah gasp in surprise. "Don't you dare, tell anyone you saw her here" he snarled, gripping tight onto her throat, making her husk for air. "Do you understand me Rebekah?" he asked.

She gasped for air trying to pry his hand off of her but he didn't move an inch. "I won't" she gasped.

"Klaus!" Esme yelled, appearing from his bedroom. He didn't reply, glaring at his sister with pure rage. "Let her go, Klaus" she demanded.

He gave in, dropping his sister. Rebekah gasped for air, drawing in a deep breath and glaring up at her brother. "That was uncalled for, Nik" she snapped, dragging herself up off the floor and pushing past him, walking over to Esme. "I'm Rebekah," she said, introducing herself and holding a hand out expectingly.

"Esme" she introduced herself, shaking the original's hand.

She pulled her in closer till her lips were next to her ear. "Be careful, my brother's an ass" she whispered, smirking back at Klaus before walking away.

He sighed. "She's lovely, isn't she" he commented.

"Well, you can tell you're siblings" she smirked.


Bonnie was recovering from her mother's death fairly well. Esme was surprised by how well she was managing to cope. She would have had, a complete mental breakdown if it was her but Bonnie was stronger than that.

Bonnie had come back from her mother's house to visit Esme, and the serial killer mystery was a closed case.

"It was Alaric," she told her.

"Really?" Esme asked, confused. "So, your high school teacher is actually a psycho mass murder, the more you know."

Bonnie glared at her. Bonnie wasn't the biggest fan of her humour. "He has an alter ego, determined to kill council members" she explained.

"Shit" Esme muttered, the realisation dawning on her. "Wait? So, he's not aware of the murders?"

"He's aware, he's just got two separate egos within one mind" she clarified.

Esme had heard of it before. When someone becomes over-exposed to magic, it fractures their psyche. Alaric's mind was essentially eating itself from the inside, out. Diluting away his morality, into his worst self. It was like a slow, magical suicide.

When Esme explained it to Bonni she could see how worried the witch was. They could use herbs to try and keep him at bay, but the damage was done. It was already too late in the long term but she didn't tell her that.

No one needed to know, that Alaric was a lost cause, other than Alaric, himself.


Esme smiled, as Alaric gave her a cup of coffee. He seemed perfectly fine, she wouldn't have expected his mind was destroyed as much as it was.

"Sugar?" he asked.

She shook her head, watching his every move but he seemed perfectly fine. "How do you feel?" she asked.

Alaric sat down, with his own cup. He looked shattered. "I feel confused but other than that, I feel fine" he admitted. "I'm just tired, but I don't feel like a serial killer.

"You won't," she said, trying to comfort him with a smile. "You were using the Gilbert ring for so long, and you died so many times, that magic has become engrained within your mind. It's changed your mind. It's like a slow murder, through magic" she explained.

She could see the conflict swirling within him. "The herbs can't help can they" he realised.

Her heart broke slightly at his reaction but in the end, there was not much she could do. "They can help you short term but in the end, your alter will take over and someone will have to kill you" she informed him.

"I'm sure Damon will jump, at the chance" he chuckled but there was no humour in his voice.

"I'm sorry," she said, sincerely. "If there was anything, more I could do, I would" she promised.

She noticed the tears welling in his eyes but didn't say a word. 

A knock came out the door and Aaric opened it to reveal Damon.

"Oh, good, the hot witch is here" he flirted, smirking at her before throwing himself onto the sofa and wrapping an arm around him.

"Goodbye Damon" she snarled throwing his arm off of him. "If you need anything, call me," she said to Alaric grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

"Goodbye, witchy woo" Damon called after her.

She ignored him slamming the door shut behind her. She couldn't be bothered with Damon's drama, at the moment.

If Alaric wanted to tell Damon, about his impending spiral that was his choice, not hers.

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