Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Am I Distracting You?

The clinking of glasses was beginning to drive her mad, but she didn't have any choice but to work, after all.

"Hello again, love," a familiar voice said. She turned around, to see an all too familiar blond, who she now knew, to be Klaus.

"Your back" she commented. "Let me guess, bourbon," she asked.

"You know me too well" he teased.

She rolled her eyes going to grab the bottle and poured him a glass. When she laid it down on the bar, their fingers touched again but it was for more than a moment, this time, she pulled away in shock.

"You alright love?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Course," she said, ignoring the pain, running through her veins. It was like fire rushing through her but it could only go numb, in the end.

When she moved on to the next customer, she could feel his piercing gaze, fixed on her. It was like being under the watch, of a thousand eyes, all at once. She shivered, under his gaze.

There wasn't anything bad, about his gaze, just unsettling. He wanted her undivided attention, she could tell. It was just something, she couldn't award.

"Esme," he said, making her turn around. He smirked at her response.

She sighed, leaning over the bar. "I have a job to do" she whispered.

"Am I distracting you?" he teased. "I only wanted to ask, for another drink," he said but she knew, he was lying. They both knew it.

She grabbed the bottle, pouring him another glass of bourbon. "Done," she said, giving him a smile.

The Grill was only open for another ten minutes but in a way, she secretly wished, time wouldn't end at that moment. He was enticing.

When she turned around, he slipped the glass across the bar.

"We close in ten minutes, so I can't give you another one" she explained.

"Why not?" he teased. "Haven't you learnt, that I can go for a while?"

Her breath got caught in her throat, and he noticed, a grin circling over his lips.

"Five minutes," she told him.

He nodded, giving her a hundred-dollar bill, then he got up and headed to leave but stopped. "Should I assume you lost my number?" he asked, making her stop in her tracks. "Or are you just holding onto it, for safe keeping," he asked, his eyes locking onto hers.

She smirked, sliding the bottle of bourbon across the bar. "That's for you to decide" she teased.

He smirked, grabbing the bottle and strolling out of the otherwise deserted bar.

She watched him leave and practically collapsed against the bar.

She didn't want to like him or care about him.  She didn't want to feel anything at all but, he had managed to walk in and destroyed that in a matter of minutes.


She stared at the number labelled Klaus, for far too long.

There was nothing she wanted more than to call him at that moment.

Her phone suddenly lit up with Bonnie, forcing her to change her mind.

"Hey" she answered.

"Hi, look, I'm really sorry about the other day and I shouldn't have locked you in that room but I didn't want you to follow me. But I am so, so, sorry" she apologised.

Esme believed her, and she truly wasn't made. She was just disappointed for Bonnie. Alaric Saltzman had older the full story and the real plan and she didn't know what she could do for Bonnie. It felt like she was hell best on dying.

"I just, don't think they value you. And if you don't see it that way, that's fine, but the fact, that you were thrown into the firing line, as potentially the number one casualty ... that doesn't sit right with me. And I wouldn't do that to you" she told Bonnie.

"I know" Bonnie sighed. "But they're my friends and if I have to -"

"I wouldn't do that to you Bonnie" she cut her off. She sighed, realising that Bonnie wasn't going to listen. "I just want you to know I care" she confessed.

"Thank you," bonnie said and she hoped she was being sincere. "I'm going away, with my dad for the Summer but please call me. They're the boring side of my family" she explained.

"Well, I'll be bored out of my mind, but I will call you," she said.

"Your amazing, Esme," she told her and she could hear the smile in Bonnie's voice. "Bye."

"Bye," she said, as she hung up.

Her eyes were left lingering on Klaus' number again, but she didn't quite have it in her to call yet.


Bonnie had only been out of town, for two days and was beginning to go mad. So mad, Bonnie had convinced her to meet Caroline, for the first time. Well, the second time, if she was counting the encounter at The Grill. But, she wasn't counting.

She forced herself, to ring the doorbell to the Forbes home, and instantly regretted it.

The blond opened the door, with the biggest smile, she had ever seen. "You must be Esme," she said, running out and pulling the girl in for a hug.

"Yer" she crocked out, trying to pull away from her vampire hold. "You're squashing my insides."

"Shoot," Caroline said, quickly pulling away. "Sorry, I always forget" she apologised, her bright smile still glowing.

Esme couldn't help but smile back.

"Come in, come in" she ushered. Esme followed her in, hesitantly. "Bonnie's been telling me about you" she declared, guiding her into the living room.

She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking about the statement, for a moment. "You make it sound like she's my girlfriend" she laughed. "Which, isn't completely out of the picture ..."

"What?" Caroline asked, whirling around. "Seriously! You and Bonnie are ..." she waved her hands around confused.

"No" Esme laughed. "Me and Bonnie are friends, just friends" she persisted.

"That's what you would say if you were together" she pointed out.

"I am not dating, Bonnie!" she insisted. 

"Sure," Caroline said, rolling her eyes.

"Right, move on, now" Esme chuckled, glancing around the house. "Nice house" she commented.

"Not as nice as yours" she replied.

She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I've never been to your house, I swear, but everyone knows the old witch's house" Caroline explained. "And it's a really nice house and I would love to live there but- no but-"

"Please stop" Esme laughed. "I get the message."

Caroline sighed, laughing about everything she just said. "You're never gonna talk to me, ever again, are you" she sighed. Esme couldn't help but laugh at Caroline. "What!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Nothing" she laughed. "You're just incredibly entertaining," she said, with a grin.

Caroline laughed along with her, pulling the two of them down onto the sofa.

Esme had hope, that for once, she might have actually found a few good friends.

Bonnie was there for her and Caroline ... she wasn't quite sure yet but she was definitely entertaining.

Maybe Mystic Falls, wasn't so bad, after all.

How did this chapter have so much, but so little at the same time?Either way, I loved writing this chapter and next time definitely expect to see a lot more of Klaus ... because he's not going anywhere, anytime soon. No matter, how hard Esme tries to get rid of him.

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