Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

The Mikaelson Ball

Klaus drank his sorrows away in liquor as his mother kept on reminding him to behave. He was starting to think, Esme wasn't coming. It was going to be a boring night.

The girl in front of him, began to melt his brain and when he turned away his eyes caught on her. She was stunning. Her hair flowed, perfectly down her shoulders, framing her face. And best of all, his dress looked flawless. Like, it was made for her and no one else.

She was completely intoxicating in his eyes. Like a star, plucked from the clear night sky, where not a single fault could be found.

She was like a work of art, hand painted with the utmost care and precision. The kind you could transfix on all day, leaving you wondering where the time has gone.

She smiled, walking towards him and he was still yet to find a single flaw. Snapping himself out of his haze, he walked over to her, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

"Good evening" he whispered.

She glanced around for a moment before her smile dropped. "I need a drink" she declared, walking away from him.

He watched her walk away but she was still perfect, even if he didn't want to talk to her.


"If everyone could gather please" Elijah called, snapping her attention away from one of the art pieces hanging on the wall.

Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus and what she assumed were the two other original brothers all stood on the stairs. The whole hall appeared to be hanging onto Elijah's every word, even she had to admit, he was rather charming.

"Welcome. Thank you for joining us" he declared. A woman wandered don't eh stares and Esme's breath caught in her throat. She was the one who called her impending destruction in her vision. She knew something and Esme wanted to know, what it was.

"You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this it's tradition for us to commence with a dance" he declared. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz. So, if you could all find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom" he instructed.

Klaus' eyes fixed on hers but she smirked back at him, walking into the ballroom alone.

She noticed Caroline and an idea, flickered into her mind. "YOu look ravishing" she teased, making Caroline giggle. "What do you say, we stir up some drama, and dance together?" she asked.

"Why not" Caroline shrugged.

The two laughed together as they made their way into the ballroom as the waltz began. Esme stepped along to the music simply, like it was nothing. She had danced similar dances a million times before.

The whole time, she was unaware of Klaus' eyes watching her every move, waiting for a chance to snatch her away.

When their partners changed, Esme found herself spun into Klaus' arms. "Hello love" he whispered, smiling down at her. His eyes were completely transfixed on hers, he was looking over every single feature she held. Finding every element of beautiful possible.

He spun her around into her chest, making a small gasp slip from her lips. "I'm glad you came" he whispered, pulling her closer than he properly should of.

"I love a good ball" she replied, following every step almost perfectly.

"You look ravishing in that dress" he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

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