Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

No One Can Know

Bonnie had finally found a lead on Klaus' coffins and was out of town for the day. As much as she wanted to help Klaus she was still pissed about what he did to Caroline. So, the following day, she went straight to Klaus' house, to confront Klaus about his recent actions.

The construction was well underway and Esme didn't know how anyone could live in those conditions. She would simply go mad.

"Esme" Klaus declared a smile on his face. "What a pleasure to see you here," he said. But she knew he knew what she was going to say.

"You told him to bite her?" she asked, wandering deeper into the house, and looking around at the construction.

"That's why your really here" he realised, clicking his tongue. "To tell me off?"

"Well, your mother's dead, so someone has to do it" she declared.

He stopped briefly, glaring at her but didn't say anything. "What do you think of my French house" he teased.

"I'm not here to talk architecture Klaus, you know that" she sighed. But she had to admit, his house, looked absolutely amazing, and if she had the money, she would definitely buy it.

"You've gotta stop this" she declared. Before he could say anything, she carried on. "Caroline, could have died, and I don't care if you intended to save her or not, this is about your moral compass. You just try and kill everyone to send a message" she told him.

Klaus didn't say a word as he stared at her, before turning to stare out of the window. It only pissed her off more.

"For the love of God, Klaus, your not evil!" she snapped, forcing him to look at her. "You paint yourself as the villain because it makes you feel better. Because when you're the heartless monster no one can hurt you" she explained. "Your live in that lie."

"Why come here then!" he snapped. "To find a new piece of the puzzle, in your ling standing analysis of the immortal bastard!" he exclaimed, glaring at her with blind rage. He took a step forwards and it took everything in her not to flinch.

"If I show you who I am and you refuse to believe it, I can hardly be blamed for your disappointment!" he declared, going to walk away.

"Because your lying!" she yelled, chasing after him, she caught his wrist forcing him to stop. "Maybe your right, maybe I'm an idiot for ever believing in you!" she declared, tears brimming in her eyes. "Maybe I'm a fool for believing you weren't a monster for even a second!" she screamed.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly as her tears threatened to spill but she refused to let him see her cry. His head had dropped, to look at the floor in shame, but even that pissed her off more.

"But I know, deep down, you're lying" she whispered. "So, when your done playing this villain role, give me a call" she declared, letting go of him. "Or keep away from me" she murmured, marching out of the house, as a stray tear, slipped down her face.

She wanted to believe in him, with every bone in her body but every time she had faith in him, he proved her wrong. Time, and time again.

She didn't know what to do.


Bonnie text her later that day, while she was drowning her sorrows in ice cream.

I don't think my mum can help us.
She doesn't have any magic.

Magic can always be saved.

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