One | Titanic

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SOTC (Song Of The Chapter): I Love You, Will You Marry Me? By YUNGBLUD

Rosalina slammed her pineapple juice onto the lunch table. "I swear on the Sweet Holy Baby Jesus fresh from the womb Jack did NOT have to die to save Rose! There was room on that door for every Victoria's Secret Angel in history!"

"All that matters is that their tragic end MAKES the Titanic!" Hallie retorted. "Otherwise the movie would've been cliche!"

"Cliche mustn't always be a bad thing, Hallie," I pointed out.

"Thank you, Daphne!" Rosalina snatched her fork off her lunch tray. Much of her rotisserie hadn't been consumed, although lunch neared halfway over at Ivy High, the most prestigious school in Tuscan City for the children born from the Elite.

Upon birth, us Elites were promised the top of the social hierarchy in Tuscan City, a tropical island neighboring Guam found by Britian near the middle of the twenty-first century, followed by the Workers. Elites ruled one of the two sides of the city, which we shared with the second-highest caste, of course, since they served us.

Tuscan City held an unoriginal social system, which the Brits in the homeland always mentioned in the news when they named our three social class system a fancier version of rich, average, and poor. Some poke fun at the steel wall separating two castes from one more than our formal diction.

However, the island made it work to an advantage untouched by the homeland. King Constantine, when questioned about his visit to the Elite side of Tuscan City last year, stated, "The vow the Elites take to upkeep the lowest crime rate harnesses the strength of a soldier's oath to one's country."

I wiped my thoughts about the king's speech from my mind as Rosalina then said, "If the Titanic wasn't based off of true events, the only appropriate happy ending would be if the Iceburg saw Leonardo DiCaprio sailing the ship. Then BOOM! Earth microwave."

All three of us shared a light chuckle.

Upon peering to the left, Rosalina gasped, flipping her chocolate braid behind her shoulder and leaning into the table. "Oh my god, ten o'clock!"

Hallie and I looked in the direction Rosalina had resumed eyeing.

Three boys in our grade, Juniors, slanted themselves against a wall, right under an edge of the intricate glass dome making the cafeteria ceiling. One of them being a brunette donning a crimson polo and khakis emphasizing an athletic build: Vaughn. To Vaughn's left stood a version of him with light brown hair and a blue polo: his brother, Garrett. The Junior to Garrett's right was one of their closest friends I had Trig with.

Upon not finding him, my gaze fell back on my girlfriends as I adjusted my new strawberry top from Brandy Melville I paired with a cream skirt today.

However, only an iota of a second had passed until my sight served the dribble of drool escaping the edge of Rosalina's lip to my attention.

"And what do you chuckle about, Daphne?" my lovesick friend interrogated me when I couldn't stop chuckling.

That's when a laugh escaped Hallie.

Rosalina brushed a fingertip against her lip before exclaiming, "Blasted! How does this even occur?"

"Gravity?" I suggested, inducing her and Hallie to grant more giggles to the hearing world.

"But don't you all agree Vaughn Baron is to die for?" Rosalina posed.

"To die for, she says!" I exclaimed.

"Not as much as Garrett," Hallie sighed, propping an elbow on the table for her hand to cup the portion of the jaw near her ear.

Rosalina turned to me, intertwining her fingers so tightly I thought her blood vessels could've exploded from the very act. "Daphne, can you pretty please with a cherry on top of a sundae invite me to your beautiful home when the Barons come over next time?"

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