(5-3) It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Summer

Start from the beginning

"No no no. You need to stop talking like this Nagisa. The only responsible one is Takaoka."

"You're right. I'm just spoiling the mood. Let's change the subject."

"Gladly. Sorry for, err, bringing it up."

"Oh, is that Karma Akabane apologizing? Are you ill?"

"Hahaha." Karma giggled. "No. Unless you can call love a disease."

"Karma, shut up." Nagisa blushed.

"That's what I thought."

The night continued in a similar manner. The pair of them enjoying both each others company, the food and the wine. After about two hours, they were finished and left the restaurant to go meet up with their old classmates.

By now, it has gotten dark. The moon had risen, sitting aloft above the city. The faint remnants of the sun made themselves known, making the very west of the sky appear to be on fire. This sky reminded Nagisa of the night he recruited Saiki about a week ago. Such different circumstances.

He shook his head, removing the thoughts from his brain. If he thought about them for too long, he would send his mind down a very dark path.

His fingers found those of his boyfriends and the held hands, walking along the streets together. No-one should notice them.  It was dark after all.

The met the rest of E class, well, those who had not already left the area, in a bar not far away from the restaurant. Kayano, Mimura, Nakamura and Yada had left for England once again. Kurahashi said she couldn't come because she had a lot of nature tours booked in for the next day and didn't want to be hung over for them. You wouldn't have thought it after looking at her in junior high, but that girl could drink. Kimura also couldn't make it. He was out on patrol that night. He said he may stop by if he had a spare minute, but no promises.

Apart from those six though, everyone else had turned up.

As the blueberry and the strawberry walked into the bar, Sugino jumped up, drink in hand, and ran up to them.

"The birthday boy has arrived!" He shouted, causing the whole room to clap, even if they had no idea who Nagisa was.

"Sugino, are you drunk already?" Nagisa asked.

"A little. Now, waddaya want to drink. Terasaka lost a bet so now has to buy everyone a round."

"Hey!" Terasaka shouted at him. "You said to buy everyone here a round. That was when only half of us were here! My paycheck ain't big you know!"

Nagisa and Karma laughed.

"What was the bet?" The redhead asked.

"If he could balance a pint on his head for ten seconds. The man was quite tipsy back then." Isogai explained.

"Hey Isogai." Nagisa greeted. He then turned to the rest of the group. "Hey guys."

The group stared at him for a few seconds.

"What?" The bluenette asked.

"We sit in a cage for a week waiting for you to come and rescue us and now all we get is hey?" Terasaka jokingly shouted. "Now. What do you want, I'll buy the first round."

"First!" Itona exclaimed. "Man, you've had five rounds already."

"Five?" Nagisa asked. "How is he still standing?"

"Liver of steel!" Terasaka replied.

Nagisa smiled. If the night would go like this, he would have a fantastic time.

Several hours later, Karma dragged a drunken Nagisa out of his car and helped him towards the house. He helped him up the stairs and into bed. Once his body hit the mattress, Nagisa groaned.

"Karma." He muttered.

"Yes Nagi?" The redhead replied.

"Do me."


"Do me."

"No, you're drunk."



"You're no fun."

"You're drunk."

Nagisa didn't reply. Instead, he had already fallen asleep and lay drooling on the bed.

"Oh Nagi." Karma sighed. "I love you. Yet, you can be a handful sometimes."

The redhead lay down beside him. Nagisa rolled over and his arm fell limply over Karma's chest. The redhead smiled. He felt at peace here. He was happy. And soon enough, he was also asleep.

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