2. Telling the Truth

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"You're really pregnant?" I ask, starting to feel nauseous.

Her puffy red eyes finally met mine, "yeah."

"Ev..." Chris speaks up, before she can say anything he engulfed her in a hug. She stiffens at first but eventually relaxes in the hug, letting herself cry.

I don't know if its the loss of blood in my face right now, or the fact that I'm having a fucking baby, but I feel dizzy.

"I think I need to sit down." I say looking at Evan.

"What the fuck is going on out here?" Coach's voice travels through the hallways as all of our eyes snap his way to see him and the rest of the team standing there.

The six of us look around at each other as someone tries to come up with something.

"Somebody better tell me what the fuck happened my starting forward, or so help me, you're all benched next game."

"Coach yo-" Evan starts to speak up but Chris interrupts him, shocker.

"It was me, I did it." Chris says, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Lynch, in my office... now!" Coach says walking away, I go to say something but he stops me.

"Don't Rhodes, they were right, I could've killed you, I deserve this, we'll talk later?" Chris says, helping me stand up.

"Yeah, just call me when you're done." I say trying to smile at him.

And you," He says looking at Evelyn, "call mom." Her eyes widened, "What, you know I can't, she's gonna freak out!" Evelyn starts to panic as Sophia grabs her arm.

"LYNCH!" Coach yells, as Chris heads down the hall and into the office earning a door slam that makes us all jump a little.


I pull into my driveway, parking my car in the garage, getting out and slamming the door. How the fuck could this have happened?

Ever since I went to my first sex ed class my dad has drilled into to my brain about condoms, even if the girl is on birth control or any of that shit.

My dad's voice enters my mind, "You always use condoms, I don't care what the girl says, you never know when she's lying and you don't want to end up with an STD or worse a baby."

My dad and I were never super close, he's always been hard on me, hockey was my way to escape and take my anger out on something since I couldn't take it out on him. It wasn't until he cheated on my mom that she finally got a fire lit under ass and filed for divorce, that made him even more angry but eventually he gave in.

Yet here I am, ending up with a baby. It was bound to happen at some point, with all the girls I've slept with I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. The question is how? Was she really on birth control, are we just in that 1%, did the condom have a hole in it or something? I don't know but it doesnt change the fact that it happened.

Dammit Rhodes, why can't you ever listen. The one girl you weren't supposed to fuck, you did anyways.

I really need to learn to keep it in my pants.

"I need a drink." I mumble walking into my office, grabbing the first bottle of whiskey I see. Not caring enough to get ice, I pour way more than intended to but, desperate times call for desperate measures. After tonight I really need to get my shit together. I mean I'm gonna be a father for christ sakes.

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