1 | The Lonely Orphan

Start from the beginning

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sirena, and I'm an orphan-fitting the classic orphan trope like a glove. Cliché, I know, but that's the hand life dealt me. Placed under the care of Mrs. Troth, who's supposed to be my guardian, although her version of guardianship leaves much to be desired. She's more like a taskmaster than a guardian.

Anyway, I'm practically a captive in the posh confines of River Corrib Academy. Nestled along the mystical banks of the River Corrib, hence the name. This institution boasts lush landscapes and Celtic-inspired architecture, casting a spell of enchantment upon even the most skeptical souls. Yet, behind this facade of beauty lies a harsh reality.

Within the privileged elite of River Corrib Academy, I find myself relegated to the status of an outsider. While my affluent peers revel in their opulent lifestyles, I navigate a world where my presence feels like an anomaly. Assigned menial tasks typically reserved for hired help, I labor under the scrutinizing gaze of my peers, a constant reminder of my inferior status.

And the cuisine? Well, let's just say it's gourmet-level, fit for kings and queens. And guess who doesn't get to enjoy any of it? \yep, yours truly. Unfortunately, I don't get to experience any of it. Instead, I'm left with scraps and leftovers if I'm lucky.

While the other students are busy savoring their five-star meals, I'm stuck with the leftovers and a nagging hunger that never quite goes away. But hey, at least it builds character, right?

Speaking of characters, Mrs. Troth is on her usual power trip, barking orders like she's running a military boot camp instead of a boarding school. And guess who gets the honor of being her favorite target today? Yep, you guessed it-yours truly.

"Sirena!" Mrs. Troth's voice slices through the air like a knife, sharp and unforgiving, bringing me back to the unforgiving reality that is my life.

I hesitated, debating whether to answer or not. When I didn't respond, an aggressive banging echoed through my room, rattling the door on its hinges. "Sirena! Open this door right now!" Mrs. Troth's voice demanded, her impatience palpable.

I rolled my eyes, letting out an exaggerated sigh. "I'm coming," I called out, my tone dripping with sarcasm. As if I had any other choice, I thought bitterly.

The banging ceased abruptly, replaced by the click of the doorknob as Mrs. Troth barged into my room without any regard for privacy or decency. "About time," she snapped, her tone sharp and rude. "You're not the only one with duties to fulfill around here."

I clenched my jaw, resisting the urge to snap back at her. It wouldn't do any good, only adding fuel to the fire of her wrath. Instead, I plastered on a fake smile, nodding in false agreement as she continued her tirade.

Once she was satisfied with her scolding, Mrs. Troth spun on her heels, storming out of the room with all the grace of a bull in a china shop. I listened to her retreating steps, the sound fading into the distance like a distant memory. With a heavy sigh, I slumped against the door, the weight of her words and my own frustrations pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. Another day in paradise, I thought bitterly, steeling myself for whatever else the day had in store.

You're probably wondering, why don't I fight back? Well, let me tell you, I've tried.

There's more to all of this than meets the eye. The people of the academy aren't your ordinary folks. They're werewolves. Yup, you heard me right; werewolves. The academy is filled with them, from the faculty to the students-a haven for werewolves.

I vividly recall those times when I was outnumbered and outmatched, my back against the wall as a group of guys pummeled me without mercy. But it wasn't just the physical pain; it was the cruel words, the mocking laughter that cut deeper than any punch.

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