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Mallika Mishra, a single mother of 5 years old girl, Madhi Mishra and a novelist, came to India after 6 years for her career.

The land she loved once and despised now. Mumbai City.

There are these philosophical words, we should search only where we had lost them.

The place where she had lost her dignity and identity. She came back with the determination to find it and keep her head straight with pride.

Her daughter was her whole world. She could go to any extent to keep her daughter happy. That was also one reason, she chose to come back to India. Because Madhi Mishra loved the Indian atmosphere a lot.

She had joined a school named, Jasmine School of Talent and Talent only.

There Madhi met a curly-haired professor, Sumedh Raichand, who was similar to her in most ways. Though Madhi never got close to any strangers, this guy broke that invisible circle of hers. With the love of Sumedh, who treated her as his daughter, she didn't feel any uncomfortableness.

To Mallika's surprise, Sumedh was also the CEO of JK Publications, a worldwide book publishing company and Mallika's collegemate as well as a long-lost friend.

There were so many changes in both of them, which hit each other emotionally. But they never voiced it out.

Mallika didn't know that Sumedh got married to his family friend, Shakshi, only due to the promise his demised grandfather to her grandfather. Other than that they didn't share any bond of husband and wife rather than brother and sister.

Shakshi was pregnant with her lover Aashiq's child, who lives in Canada and settling in life to take her and their baby once the baby was born.

When Mallika came to know about Sumedh's life, she didn't know why she was feeling happy. Maybe those feelings, which burnt in her for him years ago, might have rekindled. But eventually felt ashamed for thinking like that when she was nothing but a victim of a rapist and mother of some bastard's daughter thought she never took Madhi like that when she got her blood and flesh.

But Sumedh surprised her once again by expressing his love and intimacy towards her. She slipped in his greyish green eyes and they shared themselves in the ecstasy of love.

He made Madhi believe that he was her dad by cooking up a story, which even astonished Mallika. She couldn't believe herself that she heartily felt that Sumedh was the real father of Madhi.

Sumedh's little gestures toward Madhi, being a protective father and the gestures, which resemble Madhi's gestures, made her confused. But she shrugged off those thoughts and enjoyed the phase of life.

He kept their relationship hidden to keep Mallika and Madhi safe from his father-in-law, who was an underground Mafia. He would go to any extent to keep his identity safe.

He proved the same when Sumedh was caught in public with Mallika during the Mallika's book, Beautiful Sin, publishing ceremony.

First, he fed Mallika the information about Sumedh as Madhi's biological father and created a misunderstanding between them. Without confronting Sumedh, she misunderstood that he was using her and argued with him.

When this commotion was going on, he kidnapped Shakshi's newborn baby, even though it was his grandchild. Shakshi was broken to the core, as he revealed that Aashiq blackmailed him for money in exchange for not revealing about her illicit relationship with him and their illegitimate baby.

Sumedh saved the baby but failed to save Mallika, who was dragged to court and accused of having an illegal relationship with Sumedh. She was helpless and broken into pieces with all the evidence against her. Shakshi was forced to state her in exchange for her baby's safety.

Finally, it was revealed that Madhi was Sumedh's daughter and Shakshi divorced Sumedh on spot, asking Sumedh and Mallika to be her baby's guardians. Shakshi's father was arrested for his crimes, as Shakshi revealed everything.

Everything settled in its place. Though Shakshi's mother disapproved of her cheating on her relationship with Sumedh, she was just worried about her daughter's life.

Sumedh's family accepted Mallika and Madhi wholeheartedly. Later Sumedh revealed how he had fallen in love with Mallika during their college days and got intimate with her when they both were intoxicated.

But when he woke up the next day, he had to leave her due to shocking news of his grandfather's death. When he returned, he found out that she was pregnant and banished by her father, who had loved her once a lot.

He was broken and longed to see her. Pamper her with his love. Searched her madly in all the streets of India. Finally, he found her on social media and made a plan to bring her back to India.

They found out that Mallika was once again pregnant with his child and they celebrated it along with their wedding. On their wedding night, they came to know that Shakshi had killed her father for kidnapping her daughter and Aashiq for cheating on her. She died eventually.

Sumedh and Mallika adopted her baby legally and named her Shakshi on behalf of her late mother. Years passed and when they felt like everything was going on perfectly, there came a letter from Hogwarts for Madhi, setting them on a fantasy journey.

 Years passed and when they felt like everything was going on perfectly, there came a letter from Hogwarts for Madhi, setting them on a fantasy journey

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Hey, guys!

Happy meeting you all in the most precious book of mine.

Thinking of entering Watty's though I am not expecting anything among those skilled authors.

Anyways, once again thank you for you all supporting this book. I am overwhelmed with the reach of this book.

Thank you so much ❣

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