49 ~ Last Moment With You

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"Anirudh Ji, why are you nervous?" Bondita asked him, as he was looking at his friends, who were talking with Mallika, who had just arrived.

"Nothing, I am... I will say later. Now shall I go to my friends for a while?" She smiled at him, "What is the need to ask me?"

"Because it's our sangeet. I don't want you to feel bad for leaving you alone though it is for some time." He took her hand and kissed the back of her palm.

She blushed, which reduces his tension level, "I won't feel bad at all. You go and enjoy yourself with your friends too."

He smiled at her and kissed her cheeks, before going to Hameer. He called the bearer to get two glasses of juice.

"Where is Mahathi?" Anirudh asked, looking around for Sumedh.


"This your room, Mallika. I so wish Shivani to be with you so that you wouldn't feel lonely." Mahathi said as she opened the hotel room door.

They both went inside with Mallika's bag, "I am fine alone. Also, it's just one day. Though it would be amazing if Shivani had come along. But unexpectedly she got her menses and felt uncomfortable to travel."

"I understand. Now you take a rest, you must be tired. I will send your food to the room itself. Later at night, there is a bachelor's party. You should join us." She patted Mallika's shoulder and was about to leave.

Before that Mallika held her wrist nervously, "C...Can you send Sumedh here? I wanna talk with him."

Mahathi smiled and nodded her head, "Sure. By the way, shall I charge my mobile in your room? I can't keep it anywhere else. I will take it later."


Mahathi kept the mobile in charge at the corner of the room from where everything in the room would be recorded. She kept the mobile display facing the wall, leaning against the wall after turning on the video recorder.


Anirudh held Hameer's hand when he was about to mix drug pills in the juices.

"I don't think we are doing the right thing, Hameer." Anirudh was scared of Sumedh's reaction.

He knew very well that Sumedh had never had alcohol. Besides, Sumedh didn't like Mahathi's habit of capturing other person's videos. Above all, anything could happen due to this.

"But if we miss this chance, Sumi and Mallika would never meet in their life. This is the last chance we could do anything to save their feelings. Do you remember what Sumi had always said about the girl, he had seen at Jaipur when he was attending the educational camp after his 12th grade. He had even arranged for her birthday at the park near her house out of his teenage hormones. That was none other than Mallika. He had kept his love for her inside his heart for over years. It was all acting that he knew her just at the college competition. He loves her even before she joins the college." Hameer stated clearly and dropped the pills inside the glasses of juice.


"It will be the last time, that I am spending the last moment with you, Sumi. I have an urge to confess my feelings to you and place kisses all over your face. But, I am that unfortunate to even say that to you." Mallika thought as she sat on the bed after fresh up.

Soon there was a calling bell sound. Mallika anticipated Sumedh and rushed to open the door. As expected, he was standing there with the tray of food for both of them.

"Hi!" Mallika muttered, letting him in.

"Hi!" He smiled at her, as he kept the tray on the teapoy, settling on the couch.

"Come and have dinner first. You must be hungry." He gestured for her to come and sit with him.

She smiled at him and sat beside him, "You haven't yet eaten?"

"Yes! I was thinking of eating after the event was over. When Mahathi come and said that you wanna talk with me, I thought why not we both have food together." He shrugged his shoulder.

"Okay." They both started eating and drank the juice without leaving a single drop.

Mallika felt dizzy as soon as she had it, as she had never been used to drugs. The same was Sumedh's condition. But he managed somehow.

"Now say, what do you wanna talk with me?" Sumedh asked, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and his eyes were closed.

"That..." Mallika looked into his eyes, as her desire overpowered her mind.

She held his hand and got up. He followed her to the bed like a lost puppy. They both were not in their sense. Drugs they had consumed just triggered their hormones.

I will name our baby after our both names." She said pushing him on the bed.

"Baby? What are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"After tonight, I will bear your baby. Our baby." She said huskily, sitting on his lap, keeping her leg on either side.

He looked at her with shock, sliding his hands around her waist.

"I love you. I never wish to break you. I am madly in love with you. But I know that you are in love with Mahathi. I am sorry for this behaviour of mine. I know this is a sin to force you when you are someone else's." She got down from his lap with tears brimming in her eyes in that subconscious state too.

But she was pulled back and fell on his chest roughly. She held his shoulder for support and looked deep into his eyes.

"What will you name our baby?" His voice was husky, sending sparkles down her spine.

"If it is girl, I will name her as Madhika. Ma from my name and dh from your name. Again ika from my name." She said being mesmerized.

He laid down on the bed comfortably and made her snuggle into him, "If it is boy?"

"Sumal? Or Sumek? Something, which is of our combination."  She said, making him smile.

He adored her face, tugging her fallen hair strand behind her ear, whispering, "I love you too."


So, guys here is one more chapter before the first day of new year ends. The 50th chapter of the book will be out tomorrow.

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