22 ~ Cuddle Me!

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The next morning was unusual for both Sumedh and Mallika.

Mallika woke up only to realise her tiny frame was crushed in Sumedh's embrace. She felt embarrassed and blushed to remember their last night.

She tried to get out of his hold and dress up properly before her morning angelic sight fell prey to his hazel eyes. But she couldn't even move a little due to his stronghold.

She tried hard by pushing his shoulders away, but that was of no use. Instead, it resulted in making her pant for breath.

"Why should he be this strong?" She mumbled under her breath but was caught off guard when Sumedh replied, "To crush you in my embrace."

She widened her eyes, looking at his sleeping face but ended up blushing soon.

"Leave me." She whispered, trying her best to stop her blush before he opens his eyes.

"Not in mood!" He yawned and nuzzled his face against her chest.

She gasped at his sudden movement but thanked God, that she was covered with a duvet. So that he couldn't get access to her skin instead of a soft blanket.

But did you all think our so-called innocent Sumedh would leave her just like that?


"Ahh! I feel so hot with this thing!" He faked irritation and threw the duvet on the floor.

Before Mallika could register anything, he locked her waist with his one hand and leg, nuzzling his face against her bare chest, making her heart skip a beat.

Her whole body turned into jelly, making her numb. Upon receiving no response from her, Sumedh said babishly, "Cuddle me!"

"H...Haan..." She somehow spoke and cuddled him, "Sumi, leave me for a minute."

"Why?" He pouted, which made his lips press against her chest.

She closed her eyes and bit her lips to control herself and said, "Let me dress up. Then I will cuddle you."

"No! I wanna sleep on your chest." He pouted more and accidentally his lips got hold of her nipple.

Sumedh opened his eyes wide, meanwhile, Mallika closed her eyes tight.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door, forcing Sumedh away from her though he didn't wish to.

Not that he wanted an intimate moment with her right now. He wished to sleep on her chest peacefully. That incident was completely an accident.

He looked at Mallika's face, which was completely red by that time. Her cheeks pained hard, as she blushed hard. Her bosoms did up and down, as she breathed heavily.

His eyes got stuck on her angelic oily face. Her face glowed in the morning sun rays peeped through the curtains. Those little hair strands fell on her face, add much more beauty to her. Sumedh had a hard time controlling himself from caressing her face with cheeks.

"Papa! Open the door!!" They both got alerted, hearing Madhi's voice.

Mallika immediately got down from the bed, gathering her shattered clothes and rushed inside the restroom. That's when she remembered that there weren't any of her clothes to change after the shower.

"There are clothes for you in the dressing room along with wash and oils," Sumedh shouted from outside, as he made himself proper to wish his daughter good morning.

Mallika smiled at his way of taking care of her and her daughter by doing all the things they need even before they say.

Madhi jumped in Sumedh's arms, as soon as he opened the door. He wrapped her arms securely around her and kissed her cheeks.

She was not less than Mallika. Her noodle hairs fell on her face like a spring and bounced. She moved them away with her little hands and flung her arms around his neck.

"Daddy, I wanna see Mumma. Let's go home." Sumedh could feel the longingness in her voice.

He took her to the bed and laid on the bed with her above him. She looked at him with puppy eyes, which made him chuckle.

"Baby, Mumma is here. She came yesterday itself. But you had slept." Madhi became excited as soon as she heard that Mallika was there.

"Really? Where is she?" She sat on his tummy and looked around the room.

Sumedh held her tiny palms and kissed them, pulling her in a hug, "She is bathing. Now, this is Princess bathing time. Today, Daddy will make you ready."

"Yay!" She kissed his cheeks.

Sumedh smiled and picked her up. They both went to Madhi's room. He opened the wardrobe and looked for an outfit.

"Daddy, you had cheated me!" Madhi said out of blue, as he took out a red baby frock.

He looked at her confused and sat on his knees up to her level, who was looking at him with a pout and her hands on either side of her hips.

"When did I cheat you, baby?" His question just made her pout more.

"So, you had even forgotten that you had promised me to take on a night stroll after coming back." Sumedh closed his eyes and smiled at her sheepishly, "Sorry, Baby. Instead, I will take you out today and tomorrow, as we both have a weekend holiday. I will do whatever you wish for."

He held his ears cutely with puppy eyes. Madhi made him leave his ears immediately and said, "I don't like this when someone does. Especially, you, dad."

"Why is it so?" He pulled her to him, hugging her.

"Because, Mumma had said that, Human beings aren't old enough to forgive anyone. Anyone can apologise but we should say 'It's fine." Sumedh smiled at the matured girl in front of him and kissed her forehead.

"So, now say where will we go?" He asked her, picking her up to take her to the washroom.

"Let's ask Mumma, Daddy. I don't know any place in Mumbai." She said, reminding him that she was an NRI.

Sumedh nodded his head and removed her dress and wrapped a towel around her. He made her hair into a bun and dropped her in the baby pool.

She giggled as cool water tickled her. He smiled at his little angel and slowly poured hot water on her body. He felt extremely happy as if he held Madhi in his arms for the first time. He loved doing those little things to her.

He felt fulfilled with her baby smile and laugh. He thanked Mallika a million times inside his heart for giving such a beautiful present to him.


So, guys, I am in love with this daddy Sumedh more than naughty Sumedh😌

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