10 ~ Her Back Into His Chest

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Madhi stirred the channa gravy, as Mallika added the ingredients one by one. Sumedh was holding Madhi, as he was freaking out now and then that she might get burn her little palms while cooking.

"Sumedh, relax! She loves to cook. I mean stir whatever I make even before she had turned one year old. She is very careful in keeping her palms safe without a burn." Mallika tried to calm him down but he wasn't convinced.

"What! You had let our baby near fire even before she turned one! How could you, Mallika?" He freaked out once again, making Mallika roll her eyes.

"Because no one was there to take care of Madhi while I busy with my works. Either it is cooking or cleaning or writing, she would be in my arms. Just in my arms!" Teardrops visited her eyelashes, which she had blinked away with a heavy heart.

Sumedh's heart pained more than hers at that very second, which Mallika didn't know. A huge lump formed in his throat, which he gulped very difficulty. It pained him to hear the things she had faced alone with their baby girl.

"I...I am sorry." Sumedh whispered weakly, earning a small smile from Mallika, "It wasn't your mistake that we both were left out in this huge world. Finally, God had showered mercy on us by sending an angel into our life. Sumedh."

Sumedh didn't know should he smile or cry. If he was the reason for her current happiness and same he was the reason for her past pain. He simply stood like a statue without knowing how to react.

"Now take Madhi to the kitchen table. I will bring the dinner. It's the last chapati. Once it gets done, I will come." Mallika gave an end to his confusion and send them both out of the kitchen.

Sumedh took Madhi to the dining table and made her sit on the table while he sat on the chair near her.

"Daddy, do you know what?" Madhi asked out of the blue when Mallika set the table with the dinner and serving them.

"What, Baby?" Sumedh pulled Mallika in his lap to her astonishment and stopped her from serving.

"Mumma was jealous of you." She chuckled at Mallika, who was trying to get up from Sumedh's lap.

"Sumedh, leave me." Mallika gestured Madhi to Sumedh.

"Why, Mumma? Daddy's lap is so comfy than the chair. Sit there itself." Madhi said innocently, which made Sumedh smirk at Mallika.

"Heard my Princess, Miku Ji? Now sit here and just serve in one plate." He told her and turned to Madhi, "Why was your Mumma jealous of me, Baby?"

"Because I got close to you so soon. She was like, my baby started loving someone else more than me." Sumedh smiled at her and fed her the first morsel from the plate, "Then what you had answered Mumma?"

Now he fed the second morsel to Mallika from the same plate.

"I answered her that she was my first always. Because she is." Madhi got down from the table and sat on Mallika's lap and kissed her cheeks.

"Kiss is only for Mumma!" Sumedh pouted, which made Madhi giggle at him.

"Nope!" She leaned forward and kissed Sumedh's cheeks too.

Sumellika smiled at their baby girl and kissed on either side of her cheeks. Later they completed their dinner by feeding each other from a single plate.

Then Madhi dragged Sumedh to her room to make him tell her a bedtime story, which Mallika used to say every day. She wished to hear a story from her father today.

Mallika washed the plate and vessels. She cleaned the kitchen and went to her room.

After changing into her nightdress, she stood on the balcony, gazing at the moon while wondering how her life had changed as soon as she came back to India.

She thought that if she hadn't left India in the first place, might be her life would have changed for good six years back itself. Eventually, she understood that Good times would take time to happen.

What made her confuse was Sumedh's behaviour at school. When he told the fake story of, he being Madhi's biological father, Mallika could feel his words. He was indeed emotional and she had seen a real father in Sumedh. She wished to ask this to Sumedh. But he had already told that he would reveal when the right time comes. She trusted him enough to listen to his words.

Just then she felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around her petite waist. She felt her hairs go straight in her body when a hot breath fanned against her neck. Goosebumps!

Because he was shirtless!!

"Didn't you go to your home? It's already late." She whispered as he planted a warm kiss on her nape.

"Where my queen and princess are there is only my home. So, I am staying here."  He moved her hair to the side and planted slow and soft kisses over her exposed back and shoulders.

She closed her eyes, feeling his lips and arched her back due to the sensational vibes sent by his lips.

He picked her up in the bridal style and carried her to the bed. He placed her on the bed gently and turned off the lights, making the room dark. Yet he could see her angelic figure in the bright moonlight skip through the balcony door.

He laid down beside her and let his index finger roam on her soft cheeks. She turned away shy and laid on her stomach. The cool breeze blowing from outside moved her hair to the side and gave him the view of her flawless skin.

He drew pattern over her back, making her shudder due to his sensual touches. He leaned close to her, opening the zip of her nightdress. Her heart skipped its beat when he started removing the dress from her shoulder until her waist.

He placed open mouth kisses on her bareback, making her clutch the pillow in her fist. She curled up her toes and pressed her thighs together when she couldn't bear the pleasure poked her feminity to get release.

He placed one hand on her waist and caressed it slowly while unhooking her inner with another hand.

"Sumedh." She moaned and wished to stop him from doing further.

"Shh!" He silenced and made her lay sideways in the way he could see the full view of her bareback.

Her heartbeats increased each passing second on what would happen next second. He slides down the inner through her hands and threw that aside. Her hands automatically covered her chest and she felt her cheeks turning crimson red at the thought she was half-naked in front of her man.

Though Sumedh didn't see her front part, she felt embarrassed being a shy girl. He slid his hand around her waist and pulled her back into his bare chest.

"Good night, Jaan." He whispered in her ears and snuggled his chest into her back.

She sighed in relief that he didn't make it further and whispered back, "Good night, Sumi."


So, guy, how many of you tomato now?😌

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