21 ~ Illegal Relationship

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Sumedh made Mallika lay on the bed and took her right hand in his. She blinked away the freshly formed teardrop from her eyes and held his hand back.

"Miku, see, Virginity isn't really about the membrane, which people think is the purity of the girl. Whether any boys have the membrane to declare themselves as a virgin?" She shook her head as 'no' slowly.

"Then how one can say that boy is virgin or not?" He asked her to which she didn't have an answer.

"Answer me, Jaan." He feathered her hair with another hand.

"Conscience." She said the first thing which came into her mind.

"Exactly! It's upon one's conscience whether they are virgin or not, either it is a girl or boy. One can mate anyone, Miku. The thing is whether you that person reveal that to their soulmate or not. It is not just about mating one. Whatever thing one do against their conscience, they should share it with their loved ones. That is virginity. I am not telling that they should do wrong always and apologise. It should be like they shouldn't do anything against their conscience, which would hurt their loved ones."

"I had seen one web series. The title of the name was Illegal Relationship. What do you think about it?" Sumedh asked her, who was listening to him silently.

"Might be cheating on the partner." She said, shrugging her shoulder.

"Cheating on the partner means?" He asked her, making her roll her eyes, "Obviously, being in a relationship with any other by cheating the life partner."

Sumedh smiled and shook his head as no before continuing, "Nope! It wasn't about being in a relationship with some other. The hero of the story would go on outings with his friends every week. But he would lie to his wife that he was at the office only. Because she wished him to work hard and settle in his life. She didn't wish him to waste his time having fun with his friends. But he wanted that relaxation, though he knew that it would hurt his wife. Here his wife was wrong too. She didn't understand that he needed his time with his friends. But she was open to him. But the hero didn't try to make her understand. Instead, he cheated on her by hiding his outing with his friends to his wife. That hidden friendship was called an Illegal relationship. He wasn't truthful to his wife. There he lost his virginity. What did you understand from this?" He caressed her cheeks softly.

"Being truthful to our conscience and soulmate is a virginity." She said and looked at him, "Then why are you forbidding to tell the truth to me? How did you know about what happened to me? How do you know about Madhi? Or did you assume anything? I want you to know the truth."

He laid beside her and took her above him by grabbing her waist. She held his shoulder tightly, as she didn't expect this.

"Great! Now you are saying that I am not a virgin, as I didn't reveal how I know about Madhi's birth." He pouted.

She smiled and pecked his lips, "No, I just wanna make sure, you know the exact truth. Because I love you. I want you to know about my past fully."

"Jaan, I told you, right, that we will talk on this later. I will tell you everything once I get a divorce from Shakshi. By the way, do you know, we can reveal our relationship very soon after next week? Because I will get a divorce from Shakshi next week." He said excitedly and hugged her tightly.

She smiled at him and hugged him back, "That's great. She will be fine, right?"

"Yes, she will. She will go to Canada with her boyfriend. Then I will take you and Madhi to my Mom and Dad. I will shout amidst the crowd that I have two angels in my life." He shouted in excitement, making Mallika chuckle at him.

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