It's Over

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Severus's POV

I can hardly look at my wife...They're so pale and Kingsley is right, it's a ghost of Y/n, not my love. Wait my wife...Quickly I looked at their left ring finger and hope shined off of its silver brim. "If you really can't feel a thing then why is our wedding ring still sitting on your finger?" Y/n slowly looked at their hand and froze. I watched their mouth swivel as if trying to smile but they just can't permit it. My heart dropped as I watched them take hold of the ring, ready to throw it all away, but they didn't! Yes! You're still in there! "Y/n fight it!" I took a slight step forward and Kingsley quickly stretched his arm out stopping me from moving any further.

"Somethings still not right." Y/n had grabbed hold of their hair with full force yanking it causing them to swivel left and right. "Severus, what did I say?" I had taken another step forward without any wand outstretched to protect me.

"I'll be fine! Look." I pointed out how Y/n was starting to shed tears, "They're feeling!" The tears then quickly turned to anger as they gripped their head even tighter.

"Snape those feelings aren't happ-" Within that moment Y/n smiled, the most trustworthy and true smile ever as they squealed with overwhelming excitement.

I was now only a foot away as they regained consciousness. I wanted to just jump out and comfort the poor thing but then they screamed piercing through my ears as they looked down at their bright red wrists. I covered my ears and pulled my head up trying to see what the cause of their screams was. The hair ties...THAT FUCKING PEICE OF SHIT! My eyesight went over to the dark lord and Harry as the two of them struggled to reach for their wands.

"POTTER! IF YOU DON'T KILL HIM I WILL!" I watched the color drain from Voldemort's already pale face as he looked over at me and anger filled him.

"TRAITOR!" Quickly I flipped him off before getting closer to Y/n who was screaming from the burning pain he's caused them. What am I supposed to even do? How do I...Without any second thought I wrapped my arms around them pulling them close trailing my fingers between their strands of hair. They started to try to push me away and looked down as the black veins started to trail into their eyes.

"STOP! I-ITS CLAWING MY EYES OUT!" I felt a gust of wind as Kingsley swept over and grabbed a wrist tugging on one of the hair ties that was now morphed into their skin. Quickled I followed his suit of action and started to tug on the other wrist. Y/n then smiled and lightly chuckled as tears slowly trailed down their pale face.

"Y/n please hold still!" They swayed and their bright eyes rolled back as Kinsley and I had finally torn the bands off of their petite wrists. "Love please let me hel-" Y/n knocked me back with a heavy knockback charm and I lost my sense of hearing for a good minute and watched as the dark curse left their body and into the sunset sky. As they stood I watched Voldemort slowly fall down to the floor...the one time Potter listens to me!

I felt my whole body get heavy as my hands shook and tears poured out of my eyes. If he's dead then then...My ears ringed as they came over and cradled my face with a smile on theirs.

"It's okay I'm still here!" Anything else they said was drowned out but that's all I needed.

My body became light as I smiled down at my love, still hysterically crying, "Oh thank heavens, I love you."

"I lo-" My eyes widened as I felt them death grip my cloak. I looked down and watched feathers float up to the sky.

"Y/n..." Y/n's eyes started to fade in color and the color in their skin drained as well. "NO NO NO NO! I can't lose you not no-" Quickly Y/n pulled me down locking our lips. I could feel their tongue wrap around mine however this kiss was different...they just faded away as if never existing. Their warm tongue just merging with mine. I coughed out a few feathers before feeling around the floor hoping maybe a feather of some sort was left behind...that a feather didn't fly away in the sky. Nothing was there, except for their wedding ring. It sat alone on the cold rubbled floor...Tears dripped off of my face and I screamed out, taking the ring and tightly gripping it to the point it was tearing any skin near it.

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now