The Reception

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Molly and Tonks trailed behind me and Severus making sure the dress wouldn't get ruined. Severus noticed and quickly went behind to help them.

"Snape you really don't have to."

"Molly, it's the least I can do to help and that is my wife." I was engulfed by my smile and we made our way back into our bedroom so I could change into a danceable dress. Severus looked at Tonks and Molly as an idea popped up in his mind, "I can help dress Y/n so you can help set up for the reception quicker." Molly squinted at him knowing exactly what was going through his mind while Tonks just smirked and winked at me.

Tonks grabbed hold of Molly's arm, "That's a great idea! Come one Molly let's get going!"

As Molly was being dragged away she screeched out, "Snape don't do anything sneaky! That's what the honeymoon is for!" I chuckled as he closed the bedroom and looked at me with that big smile again.

"Who is this? Can't be Severus? I've never seen a smile like that before on his face." He came close and roughly pulled me in from my waste, his hair draping over his face tickling mine.

"This is your new husband who is not afraid to show his happiness around you." I smiled as he kissed me completely full of love. I turned around slowly, his hands gliding across my body and I could've sworn I heard him growl. As if I'm fragile he moved my hair to the side and kissed my neck softly while unzipping my dress.

"I'm not fragile. You shoulddd be rougher." As the dress slid off my shoulders and body his kiss turned into rough sucking but quickly he stopped.

"I won't mark you till we're in that cabin." Excitement flooded throughout my body, why aren't we there yet! I grabbed my next dress which is a sexy form fitting dark green. Severus's eyes widened as he grinned. "I think students shouldn't be at this reception. I won't be able to keep my hands off of you with that slit down your leg." I slipped it on and quickly modeled for him before there was a knock on the door.

I yelled out slightly annoyed, "Who is it?" The door then opened and Harry shuffled in covering his eyes with a hand stretched out so he can know he's not hitting a wall or us

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I yelled out slightly annoyed, "Who is it?" The door then opened and Harry shuffled in covering his eyes with a hand stretched out so he can know he's not hitting a wall or us.

"Everyone's waiting for you two." There was just silence and he groaned even more scared to remove his hand, "Don't tell me you two...are...tangoing?" I chuckled and slowly walked over to Harry pushing his hand down gently. His chest fell in relief and Snape smirked, amused by Harry.

"I'm intrigued that you even had the guts to open the door, Potter." Harry looked at Snape but quickly turned to leave.

"Ron made a bet with Draco...Draco said I wouldn't have the guts and here comes Ron saying 'I bet he can." I clasped my hands together and nodded my head towards the door.

"Severus, it's time." I smiled as our fingers intertwined and we slowly followed Harry down the stairs and to the Great Hall. The two giant doors slowly and gracefully opened causing the vines along the walls inside to bloom flowers as we took our first steps in. A great applause then followed quickly as we slowly walked all the way to where the staff tables would usually lay. However, now just sat a table big enough for two with a glossy white cloth covering it and a moving picture that showcased our first kiss as a married couple. I covered my mouth stopping myself from crying, I still just can't believe it...I married my best friend. Severus pulled out my chair for me and kissed me on the cheek as I sat down. The food appeared on everyone's plate and the steam from the scorching steak drove me crazy, I didn't know I was this hungry. Right as I took my first bite the sound of a fork hitting a champagne glass caused me to pause.

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