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After spinning in chairs and creating many paper birds to the point I had a flock, other professors began filing into the room and I blushed smiling as Severus came in sitting beside me.

He calmly leaned in, "How's your first day going darling?" I looked at him and shrugged slightly.

"Taught a short lesson but everyone was interested in me dating the supposably heartless, greasy, abusive Professor Snape." He shifted in his seat and began to nervously rub his thumb. His slight excitement had vanished.

"Of course they'd want to know that..." I frowned not knowing that would have affected him and slowly placed my hand on his leg hoping to calm him once again.

McGonagall stood up taping her wand on the table to catch everyone's attention, "Now then this meeting is just so Albus can speak quickly to us." I shrugged but found it lazy of Dumbledore considering he could've caught everyone's attention himself. He also stayed seated which I know his health must be depleting but it'll strike fear in the professors if he makes it noticeable.

"Thank you Minerva. Now we all know Voldemort is back and security has increased here at Hogwarts. I'm just gonna keep this simple. We need to think of the students and make sure they feel safe, if any seem uncomfortable ask them what could help. That really is all. Oh and my office password is Toffee Eclairs." Everyone began to rise and shuffle out of the room which I was about to do the same but Severus grabbed my wrist and pulled me down into his lap.

"Oh- Severus I thought..."

"Shh last I checked we're not in front of students." My face flushed as I looked into his glistening dark eyes which were gazing at my lips. I smirked at him as I slowly pulled him close to me and our lips locked. The warmth engulfed my body and I felt at home forgetting I honestly should be thinking of my next lesson plan. His tongue entered my mouth and swirled around pushing my tongue back showing that he'll always be in charge. I'll always be his prey and he'll always be my predator. The sensation turned to a warmth that traveled from my stomach down to my-

"Ahem." Severus slowly pulled away biting my lip and I got up as he sat there glaring up at Dumbledore. Is Sev annoyed at Dumbledore for interrupting? "Severus, I need to speak to you in my office." Sev stood up hesitantly and followed Dumbledore without a question and I did the same, "Just Severus, Y/n." I stopped...but I thought I was equal to Severus. I looked at the floor as my body felt like it was melting and becoming one with the cold distant floor. Everything was vanishing and Dumbledore was still treating me as if I can't be trusted.

"Y/n I doubt it's anything important, I'll see you after my last class love." He smiled and winked at me as he turned the corner. The melting stopped and now my whole body was set aflame with passion. Oh my, what has he planned? Being my curious self and being fed up with Dumbledore's secrets I waited a good amount of time before heading to his office. I quietly mumbled the password and glided over to his door which I'm surprised he's even left open.

I made sure to stay in the shadows as I looked through and listened to the conversation, "The boy must die?" Who? Severus you should've said his name go damn it!


Severus's temper was starting to show, "You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter!" Raising him? The only kid Dumbledores kept an eye on is... I stumbled back heavily breathing. The room started to spin and whirl around like an ice-cream cone but I quickly stood up on my shaky legs to a spot I could listen...They're talking about Harry...

"Don't tell me you've grown to care for the boy." Aw he has hasn't h-

Severus scoffed, slightly sneering at the thought of caring for Harry, "Him?" He waved his arm around circular, sending a Patronus around the room. A doe came out vibrant prancing around beautifully and gracefully as it danced around Dumbledore. I stepped back blinking out of my trance. The doe could not keep me blinded from the truth. My hand gripped my chest to the point it felt like I was squeezing my heart, feeling my chest ache and wallow, no...

"Lily? After all this time?" My hand transitioned to my left arm bandages tugging on them violently waiting for his response. Severus, she's dead, please don't say it.

"Always." A long thick dagger pierced right through my heart, the dagger twisting round and round making sure it left none of my beating heart behind before falling to the ground. I some how could physically hear the knife bounce on the ground even though it never existed. My heart followed the dagger down shattering into unfixable pieces. I've heard enough. Once those words left his mouth I stormed down the stairs I had come up from holding my tears in my eyelids as I passed by students who were trying to frantically find their final class for the day. If I cry it'll start rumors, I know how kids can be.

"Professor Druid, what's wrong?" I halted as I almost ran into Harry. I shook and slightly shrieked as I looked at him, knowing he has been planned out for death since the start. I can't stop the future...nor can I warn him.

"Just a little shaken Potter..." I tried to walk around him but he just kept stepping in front of me. 

"I have Snape this period. Did he do something? You're not my favorite person right now but-"

I groaned loudly, frustrated that I wasn't already throwing Severus's belongings by now, "Harry, please mind your business. Think before you act for once in your life." Even through my angry tone he still was refusing to let me pass, "If you really want something from me just see me after class okay. I'll be at that tree by the lake most likely if I'm not in my room." Finally I stumbled by him and walked around the halls till finally I entered my classroom and safely into my office.

Without another thought I began to throw everything off of shelves and break everything within my sight. Bottles shattered with a piercing shriek, books thudded against the wooden floor and pictures smudged into the puddles of ink.

Tears and the throbbing in my throat led to agonizing screams leaving my body as I had fully lost control. My chest feels hollow at this point as if it was left behind in that room the moment he conjured that patronus...the moment he admitted to still having feelings for a dead woman.

Either that or my chest has been empty all this time and his love was the only key to keeping me human. Emotions no longer flowed through my body, my sunshine faded to a black empty abyss. I then slammed my body into the wall, wanting to cause pain, sending a static feeling from my shoulder down to my finger tips. I stood their frozen not able to analyze the pain before howling in pain while sliding down the wall. I began to weep not even noticing my arm was dripping with fresh warm blood, my shoulder completely dislocated.

(Authors Note: >^< )

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