Harry goes through your Memories

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Harry had no intention to stop by my office for the past week. I must've scared the poor boy off. I stood in front of one of my many bookshelves restocking my dragon scales while Severus warmly stood behind me. His lips were pressed against my neck and his arms wrapped around my waist letting his hands rest still on my lower stomach. He just stood there completely still and silent as I continued my simple task.

"Everything alright my love?" My voice seemed to have startled him back to reality. "Severus, stop thinking about last Wednesday, I'm recovering."

He gently turned me to face him and removed my shoulder bandages, "Recovering slower than you did as a teen..."

I shrugged unphased, "Must be my emotions or my lack of need for it to heal fast."  He wasn't convinced and was showing sorrow as he rewrapped my shoulder, "Severus, are you still keeping something from me?"

An eyebrow quirked up as he looked at me, "No secrets here my love." I went to speak but forgot what I was going to say as his hands slid down my back and he pulled me close by the waist. I smiled like a goof as he leaned in, our lips locking to the point I didn't think I could pull away.

The classroom door slowly creaked open, "Sorry for not giving you a notice Professor but I'm now mentally ready for our discus-" Severus however didn't try to pull me apart from him. We stayed there tongues in each other's mouths until we were finished.

"Sorry Harry, why don't you go head on to my office." Obviously uncomfortable with what just happened he shakenly walked on to the next room. My face burned brightly not recognizing this new Severus, "Since when do you show affection in front of others?"

"Potter has seen us practically almost fucking. I see no harm in it." Before leaving Severus sweetly pecked me on the check and firmly squeezed my ass. I squealed with a smile on my face as I watched his cloak float behind him as he drifted out of the room.

Harry hollered from my office, "Professor, is this what I think it is?" I snapped back into reality and made my way around the railing and into my office.

"The pensive? Yes, yes it is." I waved my hand blowing out any candle in sight, the only source of light coming from the pensives blue silvery light. "Harry, I know I'm not your favorite person...but I'd-"

"I'm warming up to you. Dumbledore trusts you so I guess I shouldn't hold my grudge." I looked at this boy and for once I didn't see James. Harry is part Lily I suppose, I'm proud of him for not holding grudges.

"That's relieving to know." I clasped my hands before walking over to my desk and grabbing an old friend of mine, my wand. "Now then what exactly is it you need to know?"

"I- I thought you didn't need a wand."

I looked at my dusty wand and smiled wearily, "Oh right, the spell used to take memories out of one's mind is very delicate. Without my wand I would pull out several or even all my memories. I doubt you'd want to be here all day."

"Right...I suppose I'd like to see your Hogwarts experience. Not after...I already know what you went through as a death eater based on history books." Weakly I put on a smile and raised my wand to my temple.

"Hm that one, oh definitely that one and-"

"The negative ones too if that's possible." I looked at Harry with worry, he doesn't know what he's getting into.

"Yes of course." I had roughly 15 memories attached to my wand and they floated right into the pensive. "Whenever you're ready." He stood there staring at the swirling liquid, "I'll be with you the whole time, don't worry." With that the two of us plunged our heads in the weirdly cold slushy liquid and fell down to many memories that clashed together into one. My first year...

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