Y/n's Classroom

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I slowly opened the door to my very own classroom and my jaw dropped. There sat rows of desks in the middle of the classroom and a giant one raised up in the front, my desk. I slowly started to walk up there, looking at the walls covered in bookshelves filled with text books, parchment and quills. I then went up the step and dragged my fingers across my desktop. A smile crept onto my face as I moved my focus to the spiral staircase that led to a second floor. I sprinted up it, forgetting how to breathe. There were bookcases filled with bottles and boxes that had magical creature artifacts up here. I want to look at every single one and explore my office and private chambers but Severus should be awake around now. I set my hand on the stairs railing sad and took a second to debate in my head before happily jumping onto it sliding down. I let out a few squeals of happiness as I made my way down. Once my feet thudded onto the floor I began to laugh then cry. I'm happy...but I know it'll all come crashing down soon enough. I jumped as a hand lifted my chin up.

"Why the tears love...? You were having fun I thought?" I smiled at Severus as I wiped my tears away.

"This happiness is too overwhelming, that's all darling." I kissed his hand and continued to walk past him and out into the hall.

"Y/n why don't we just use your fireplace's floo network?" I stopped and entered my classroom once again.

"I didn't know I had a fireplace." I led him up the stairs and looked back to see him gazing at everything on the shelves. "Majestic isn't it? The students will love it."

He smiled to himself, "Yes they will and you too of course. I'm sure you'll make this class inter-" I shoved the floo powder into his hand and stood back.

"I don't know where we're going, Sev." I kept my head down but there was no swoosh sound or a bright green light. My eyes trailed up, Severus was confused and no longer smiling.

"Did I do something? You're obviously upset."

"What? Severus you didn't do anything, I shouldn't have done that. I'm just anxious...my father doesn't have a perfect record with me." How do I even ask Severus upfront if he's keeping something from me...it's obviously tearing him up inside. He took my hand and we stepped into the fireplace together. He held out the powder and with a soft voice as if not wanting me to hear whispered, "Malfoy Manor..." Right as I heard that name, as I disappeared from my office, I felt like I was going to be sick. Severus stepped out first then helped me out. I kicked off the ash and slowly looked up making eye contact with those reptilian red eyes. 

"Ah it's nice to see you two made it." Voldemort set his wand aside next to himself.

"Is it just us today, Dark Lord?" I scanned the room anxiously, where is Narcissa?

"Yes Severus it is. Y/n, Narcissa hasn't returned from dropping Draco off yet." I stopped scanning the room and looked at my father, the weight of Narcissa's hatred lifted off my chest.

"Of course, that makes sense." He started to stand and slowly walked over towering over me.

"I know how manipulative others can be towards you considering the power you possess. I want you to know I am very grateful you've decided to stick with your own flesh and blood." I feel sick again, I want to throw up. I unwillingly pushed those feelings aside and smiled.

"Of course, you work towards a great cause father." I could see him light up with a smile forming but he stopped when Severus cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, dark lord, but we have to return back to Hogwarts so our cover isn't blown."

"Of course Severus, Dumbledore needs to trust the two of you till his last breath. As you know Y/n, Draco has been given the task of killing Dumbledore. Once that's complete we will be taking over the ministry and much more." He turned around and threw in the floo powder. "Once we're past that point I will give you further instructions Y/n." Slowly he turned back to us and looked at Severus remembering something, "Oh and I'm glad it's you, Severus, to love my creation. You're the only one I'd trust with that." There was complete silence as we climbed into the ashes.

"Of course my lord." I held Sev's hand tightly and whispered, "Hogwarts, magical creature history classroom." We quickly spun around and just as I thought I was gonna throw up, our feet landed and I stumbled out of the fireplace to the floor.

"GOD! I hate transporting that way..." I conjured up a bucket and coarsely puked out all of my guts in a matter of seconds.

"We won't have to do that again darling. Can you walk or am I just gonna have to carry you into the Great hall so we're there in time." I looked up at him as I sent the bucket away.

"I can walk." I stood up and my legs turned to jello causing me to stumble into his warm firm chest. My face burned as bright as fire as I looked up to see his eyebrow quirk up. That always makes me melt so reluctantly I let him have his way, "Fine." As if I was as light as a feather I was lifted off the floor and held bridal style. He slowly exited my classroom and turned into the long empty corridors.

"Would be a shame if I were to...drop you!" He tossed me up acting like he was going to drop me. My eyes widened and I pushed his face away.

"That was not nice."

"Maybe not but it's worth seeing your absolutely adorable reaction." With exaggeration I rolled my eyes and looked away hiding my smile. He blew some air on my neck causing me to bolt right up. He's become so playful, is this even the same person I had once known? Our eyes locked and slowly we began to kiss inseparable as he lowered me to the floor. My hands wrapped around his shoulders as he wrapped his hands around my waist slowly sending singles and shivers up my spin. "Darling, you need to learn to control yourself." My hand crept down with a huge grin on my face and cupped his bulge. Without warning his hand wrapped around my throat pushing me against the wall, "If you do this during school hours I will have no other choice but to punish you." I froze as my hand just dropped and he slowly removed his hand, "Good." Footsteps echoed close by and he slowly stepped away from me, he was even slightly blushing.

"Er Severus, Y/n. Sorry for interrupting just trying to get to the Great Hall." Professor Sprout passed by us and I just slapped my face embarrassed.

"Bloody hell this is gonna be hard."

"I know but don't worry it won't last long..." I looked at him confused and he quickly realized he said that out loud. Before I could question him he bolted around the corner entering the Great Hall. What won't last long? Me compressing my clinginess, but we're teachers so it will last decently long. I slowly followed where he went and kept my head down as I walked up to the staff table.

"Y/n." I raised my head and looked over at McGonagall. "Your seat is right here, where is Severus?" I looked around frantically, confused and my heart started to race.

"I thought he, he came in here I thought." Right as I said that Dumbledore entered the hall.

"Severus went with Flitwick to help with the students. Now why don't you sit, students are walking over." I hesitantly nodded and walked around the table sitting next to an empty bitter seat. Students started to file in and McGonagall left to lead the first years in. Finally after the corridor looked stretched and what felt like forever Severus swooped in through the side door and sat next to me. He looked worried but was hiding it so I looked around as the sorting ceremony started.

"Sev, where's Harry? Or that Luna girl."

"Running late...I'll tell you later love." Finally the last first year sat down and Harry entered the great hall with Luna behind him, he was covered in blood. I quickly looked at Severus but he ignored me. Knowing he'll answer it later, I looked down and zoned out, I thought maybe after holding my hand in front of everyone and goofing around with me he had actually changed from being that 'cold hearted' idiot from school.

"Y/n, Y/n?" A hand settled onto my thigh and I looked up confused.

"As I was saying Professor Druid is our new history of magical creatures professor." I smiled stupidly and did a little wave. "Then there's Professor Slughorn who is joining us once again to teach potions while Professor Snape teaches defense against the dark arts." There was silence and a few groans of disappointment so I placed my hand on top of Severus's. "Um I have nothing to say for announcements so let the feast begin." Food then appeared and I picked up my fork just to pick at my food not to consume. 

Severus sighed annoyed at my action and set aside a small portion of food, "Darling I know you can't eat full meals anymore but at least attempt to eat that." He kissed my cheek before going back to his food. I looked at him and smiled before I began to consume even more than what he set aside. He kissed my cheek in front of the whole school...he showed affection in front of the students. 

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora