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That night after the reception me and Severus grabbed are already packed trunks and apparated to the middle of a forest. It's so quiet up here to the point you could hear a deer snapping a branch miles away echo through the trees. I handed Severus my trunk and he almost fell over as if I had put boulders in my bag. Well I did pack my pensive...

"Darling what's in here?" I bent down and rested myself on my knees, my hands pressed against the cold damp snowy earth.

"Shh, let me concentrate love." I could hear him struggle not to question me further or just check what's in my bag. Slowly I closed my eyes and focused all my energy to my hands causing them to burn violently.

It hurts as if needles have come up from the floor and pierced through my hands. It wasn't like this last time...how have I weakened so much? I squeezed my eyes tighter trying so hard to focus on the picture of a beautiful log cabin. It would only have one enormous master bedroom that connected to the one and only grand master bathroom. The kitchen will have all the necessities and be bigger than what we needed.

My imagination started to burn bright as it went farther and farther in detail. However the deeper I went the more painful it got to the point my hands went numb. Without warning my hands were pulled from the snow and my whole body fell into Severus's warm welcoming arms.

"Y/n that's more than enough." Carefully he lifted me up and used his wand so the trunks could follow us in. It took him a matter of seconds to find the bedroom and carefully he sat me down on the edge of the bed. "You're lucky that Minerva snuck some medical supplies in my bag." I looked down at my hands and everything felt as though it was drifting farther away. My hands were devoured in burns and dripped blood, how is Severus staying so calm.

"S-severus my h-hands."

"I know darling I know." He dropped the first aid kit down and started to quickly dig through it still staying so calm. "I'm going to treat you then we're going straight to bed. Hopefully you'll be fine in the morning." My hands wouldn't stop shaking as he took hold of them dripping on potion after potion. I sat there watching the burns slowly vanish and the cuts close up.

"W-wouldn't this be a magic scar? Why are they healing so easily?" He examined my hands just as confused as I was and kissed them.

"Might have to do with your fast healing..." We both then slipped into our pajamas and as I slipped under the covers he followed but began to fidget with his ring. "Don't tell the dark lord about this."

"Maybe I need to Severus...I'm weak. I need to be conditioned again." He looked at me before looking away, his eyes slightly glossy.

"Love I understand and it is completely your choice but I can't handle hearing or even the idea of the cruciatus curse being used on you constantly." I slowly pulled him over letting him rest on my chest. My fingers slowly went through his soft silky black hair calming him down instantly.

"I won't tell him."

The next morning I slowly was pulled out of my deep sleep by the smell of delicious juicy bacon. I threw my covers off and leaped out of bed but halted at the sight of rose petals trailing from my side of the bed out to the hall. I followed with a giant smile on my face as I turned the corner and entered the kitchen. Champagne glasses only filled with orange juice sat on the bar with two plates made. I sat on the bar stool and looked down at the mouth watering plate he made. The bacon was rolled up like roses and he made pancakes that stacked about four, covered in syrup with chocolate chips, blueberries and strawberries that made up a winking face. However, where is my hot husband? He put in all this work just for me not to see him.

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now