Hot and Steamy

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"Y/n...Y/n you can't push me out much longer." I slowly opened my eyes and startled up, almost kicking my covers off. Voldemorts pale dry face slightly smiled hovering over me which creeped me out. He backed up calmly noticing how alarmed I am, "Oh don't worry I can't touch you. I just wanted to check on you."

I reached to shake Severus awake but my hand just grabbed air. I looked at the empty area of the bed then back at Voldemort furious, "What did you do to him?!"

He kept his smile on, "We're in your head so he's not here. Do you really think I would hurt one of my most handy followers?" I threw my blanket off and stood up walking around him.

"Why are you here and how?"

"I came to check on my child. Is that so bad? Also you let me in. I have to admit you have improved. I can't go through any of your memories or thoughts."

"I am the best I've been in years. Now go, I don't need you or want to see your ugly face right now." I went to leave the room but there were absolutely no doors.

His cloak dragged on the floor as he guided towards me, "Is there something you want to say? You don't seem to want to leave just yet." I dangerously turned around with my fist clenched.

"I'm not sure what I want to say- Mm that's what it is..." I looked into his red snake eyes, "I'm just gonna stay neutral right now. I don't want to be your puppet nor Dumbledore's."

"Fine by me, I'm hoping when your teaching job starts you'll make up your mind and get out of this neutral era. It was nice to see you again Y/n." The room slowly went dark and anything in my sight went dark with it.


Someone was shaking my body lightly with two fingers, "Darling come on wake up." I opened my eyes and realized how big everything is compared to me. Oh I'm a ferret right now. I quickly changed back to a human and smiled at Severus who looked very worried. "You were twitching a bit, everything alright?"

I hopped up and walked into the bathroom turning on the shower, "Um yeah I just apparently allowed Voldemort into my dream. Whoopsy."

He fumbled off of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom doorway, "You what?! Well what happened exactly?"

I started to slowly tug my shirt off over my head, "Nothing he actually just wanted to check on me that was it. Which is a giant shocker." Severus stayed quiet so I waited a minute for a response before stepping one leg into the warm steaming shower. "Sev is something wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing love, just go ahead and shower." I shrugged and slid through the curtain, the perfect temperature water dripping down my head and neck. I bent down for the shampoo container and at the same time I heard the shower curtain slowly open. Slowly I got up and froze looking at the opening. Severus is just standing there, his arms crossed and his jaw ticked to the side as he raised up an eyebrow. He looked my body up and down slowly, sending chills as his eyes are tracing my figure till we finally made eye contact. "Are you gonna continue or am I gonna have to join?" I raised my eyebrows and slightly bit my lip, my face burning.

"You should join or are you scared?" His face got a bit serious before he whipped the curtain closing it. I rolled my eyes as I turned back around disappointed and put a handful of shampoo into my hair. My tense body relaxed at the touch of two hands sliding down my back and resting onto my hips. Severus bent down to my neck, his breath sending more chills as he started to kiss me softly. My breathing slightly got heavier and I tried not to move but my body has a mind of its own. "Sev you're still so gentle." He then went up to my jaw line and we kissed sadly with no tongue. "I think you need some of this." I handed him the bottle of shampoo and he chuckled as he stepped back.

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2Where stories live. Discover now