Going Nuts

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I'm pretty sure a few months have passed now and since school is going on and that Umbridge lady won't let communication happen I haven't heard a word from Severus. I swear all I need is one letter, just one... I'm going crazy being stuck here with Sirius constantly. He's, HE'S, always upstairs talking to buckbeak...it's weird but I guess right now Remus is over to keep the two of us company and sane. We all are sitting at the dining table in awkward draining silence since there is literally nothing to do around here.

So obviously I broke the silence out of frustration, "Would you two love birds like me to go? Wouldn't want to ruin any plans." They both gave me annoyed looks so I scrunched down, "Sorry jeez. Can't I go out and about, I'm not being hunted constantly by the ministry."

Sirius leaned back obviously exaggeratedly hurt, "I thought you were just staying to keep me company."

"The Ministry can't find out you're alive. Dumbledore is hoping you can be transferred to Snapes place once school's out." I smiled but quickly hid it under my hands.

"Severus actually convinced Dumbledore? Wait, I have a better idea why don't I just show my face in the ministry and use that truth serum stating Voldemort's back."

They both had concerned faces, "Y/n that's mental. Remus I think they've gone mad before me."

"I haven't gone mad! It just seems the easiest and most logical."

"But then you know who will know where you are and bam we've lost you once again. He gains back the most powerful weapon! We'd be DOOMED! I'm pretty sure he won't be hesitant to use the imperius curse on you."

My pupils shrunk as pain and frustration tingled through my body, "I'm NOT a weapon! I'M A HUMAN JUST LIKE YOU!" Remus looked away ashamed of what he said and I rolled my eyes walking towards the door, "The imperious curse doesn't work on me, at least I don't think. I'm going out now. Bye bye." I quickly ran out to the hall and jetted to the front door.

"Petrificus Totalus," I was frozen in place and fell to the floor face first.

"You two are so dead when I can move again!" I was grabbed by my legs and dragged back into the kitchen the flooring sending shivers as I grazed against it.

"Harry?!" I was dropped again as they ran to the fire place.

"This'll be quick. I had an occlumency lesson and I saw into one of Snape's memories. Sirius...Your group was straight up bullying him."

It was silent till Remus sighed, "Harry, we were idiot kids. Trust me, I regret not stepping in."

"It was fun, you have to admit it."


"No wonder he hates you guys! But then again he called my mom a mudblood and before that she was trying to help him."

I chuckled my face in the floor, "Oh well yeah your mom and snivellus were friends till that point. Also Lily absolutely hated James."

"She really hated him?"

Remus kindling flipped me over, "Yup but I never really saw that. I always saw Lily gazing at James with love in her eyes. Also, did you see what happened next? Just curious."

"No...Snape pulled me out of the pensieve. Wait where is Y/n I can't see them but hear them?"

"They tried to leave so Moony immobilized them." My body was finally movable so I rushed over to the fire place.

"Good, the last part of those memories weren't my favorite to be honest."

I looked at Remus and his pupils grew in realization, "Ohhh that was that day."

"Yeah it was the day you tried to confess your feelings and Severus walked in stopping you then he kissed me once you left."

"Shhh is something moving on your end?"

"No must be on yours Harry." Harry quickly vanished and we were left alone on the kitchen floor. Sirius and Remus shifted to face me and I stared at them with a blank expression. "So have you only had sex with Severus?" I kept staring at Remus and he quickly looked down, "Sorry I just thought you don't count that-"

"I don't...so yup just Sev."

"Three way?" Me and Remus immediately stared at Sirius. I stared in disgust while Remus was intrigued, "What Y/n obviously needs to see is how bad Severus is at it. What's better than two guys who are absolutely perfect at it."

"Ew gross, I am not going near a naked Sirius. Also I only feel comfortable with Sev."

"Fine you're missing out, Moony the beds empty up stairs." I gagged and got up walking out into the hall, staring at the front door. I stayed still hearing footsteps head my way. I slowly turned and gagged once again. The two of them had their lips locked as they stumbled up the stairs and out of view. My chance is now, I can run out that door and apparate to Hogwarts to see Severus. While also getting murdered by Dumbledore... So I closed my eyes thinking about Sev and in a flash I was in the potions classroom? Oh, Harry's perspective of course, he's staring at Draco. There was a slam besides Harry and he quickly looked up at Severus.

"Potter, 10 points from Gryffindor." I could feel Harry's hatred but I was feeling butterflies. He's just so close and it's not really me he's seeing, he looks at Harry with frustration...As he walked away his cloak swiped behind him just how I love it. Suddenly I blinked and I was back in Grimmauld place. The place was quiet except for the muffled moaning coming from upstairs. I looked at the door one last time. I could go out as a ferret but anyone who knows I'm alive knows I can do that.


Another few months passed and Sirius's house elf has seemed weirdly excited. Anytime I've passed him he chuckles and starts to whisper to himself. Sirius however just shrugs it off and says it's normal but it doesn't seem like it. Also Hogwarts seems to have gone mad. I mean Dumbledore's left and poor Harry is stuck with what I've been told is a toad running the place.

I was yanked out of my thoughts by Sirius yelling from upstairs, "Y/n can you help me feed Buckbeak. He doesn't seem to want the scraps." In a panic I ran up the stairs and entered the crowded bedroom. Please don't be a depressed Hippogriff, please please PLEASE! I gently petted the fluffy but unkempt hippogriff and put my head against his. The only way to describe this communication is entering the creatures thoughts.

"He's just tired of scraps and wants to stretch out his wings, uh Sirius." I turned and his face deepened with misery. 

Sirius then stepped forward petting him with a sympathetic look, "Me too buckbeak...just get him to eat Y/n. Hagrid won't be happy if his hippogriff dies." I sighed and placed my head against the birds once more till he finally accepted the scraps.

"There-" The sound of metal caught my attention, "The mail flap just moved."

Sirius looked at me amused but was also terrified, "Do you have magic hearing too?"

I shrugged and ran down the stairs, "I'm in hyper fix mode so I guess I do." Sirius ran ahead and took hold of the letter. I smiled at the sight Severus's handwriting and tried to rip it out of his grip thinking it was for me but froze at sight of the short sentence.

Harry thinks the Dark Lord has kidnapped Sirius and is at the ministry

"Harry I swear...Y/n stay here." Sirius stumbled to put on his shoes and pushed me away from the door. 

I pushed him back in frustration, "Oh no I'm going. I want to see you punch Lucius in the face like you said you would." Without further arguing Sirius just smiled and we both quickly stumbled out the door and were greeted with conceded faces.

Remus smirked rolling his eyes, "I guess there's no stopping you two?"

"You know us so well, Moony."

"Well let's go get Potter before he kills himself." Kingsley then led all of us to apparate to the Ministry.

(Authors Note: Short Filler chapter, not my favorite to write :)

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