Harry needs Bleach

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The next few days I just laid in bed looking at the ruined album with mixed emotions. It's his fault, he even said it himself. There's no way to pardon him but he does regret it and I didn't even listen to his side of the story. With my nose I started to dig myself a tiny cavern under the cotton covers as a ferret to just drift off and forget I'm even alive. Those few years I was dead in bed was the most peace I've gotten. Honestly all I've done recently is replay my sixth year at Hogwarts and all the fun I had with Severus. That was literally my best year at Hogwarts. Actually scratch that, I was expelled that year. A soft knock on my door made my head perk up out of the cavern but I hid myself again when I heard the door open.

"Y/n? The whole Weasley family is here, except Percy." Their footsteps creaked closer to my bed, "Sirius wanted me to get you no one else. It's Christmas morning too." In guilt I swam through the covers and jumped off the bed turning back to myself.

"Oh, I see why he sent you Harry. Wait so Arthur's ok and Bill and Charlie are here! Wait, why not Percy?" He looked away and started to walk out the door.

"He's on the Ministry's side so best not to speak of him. Unless of course you want Mrs. Weasley to cry and Mr. Weasley to turn red in anger." I swiftly ran after him as he exited the room to catch up.

"Has Severus stopped by, like at all?"

"No Y/n, I doubt he ever will." I stayed silent as we went down the steps and Harry's annoyed voice turned to remorse in a way, "Sorry...just forget about him and have fun today." Wow advice from a teen...He opened the door and the whole room went quiet as I peaked in. I slowly waved and took the farthest seat I could find which was right next to Arthur.

"You look seventeen still, being immortal seems to have it's perks." There was a thud created by Molly dropping a bowl and Arthur quickly went quiet.

"Personally Arthur I wish death could take me already..."

"Oh Y/n you don't mean that, you're only 35, here everyones already opened their gifts." I took the parcel and I smiled at the yellow sweater that had my first initial on it.

"Molly, it's beautiful." My smile slowly faded, I've missed so many holidays. I looked at the kitchen door in hope Severus would come through at any moment.

"Bill, Charlie, you remember Y/n don't you? They babysat you when the twins were just born."

"Oh right you had that pretty owl. His name was Zem right?"

I smiled remembering I did have an owl who is...most likely dead now, "Mhm, I did." I paused and the volume of the room just increased causing my shoulders to scrunch up, "I think I'll head back to my room, thanks again Molly." When my chair screeched everyone looked over as I walked out with my ears covered and tears in my eyes. The door swung behind me and I looked at my feet as I walked. I canceled out all sound but within seconds my arm was carefully pulled causing me to jump and stop halfway up the stairs.

"Y/n, I just came to talk." I did not turn around. I absolutely refuse. Instead in silence I grabbed his wrist and pulled him up the stairs and into my room. I sat on the bed still looking at my feet, still holding in my tears, I even struggled to say words.

"S-so you came to talk, then talk..." It was so hushed, I could hear the ruckus coming from down stairs. I could even hear a few people make their way up to my room.

"You have to understand the regret and pain I went through. I know it can't compare to what you went through." He came a little closer but quickly stopped after one step, "Darling after I came back from shopping and your house was trashed I ran to the Weasley's house and when she said you weren't there I just broke down. The charm on that necklace broke. Then after the dark lord announced you were dead I went home and cried even more and even considered death. However I had hope since that wasn't the first time you were pronounced dead. I tried so hard to find any sign of you but you know how good he is at hiding secrets." He started to choke on his own tears as he walked over and kneeled down to be face to face with me, "Look at me please, show me any sign you still care the same way." I looked up and the tears I was trying so hard to hold back just flowed down when I saw he was crying just as much.

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