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Around a month has passed and Severus has decided to take me to a bookstore now that I've gone shopping with him for a while. Honestly until recently I haven't gone muggle shopping since I was 10 but Sev insists that it is something I need to get used to again.

"Alright I'm only allowing you to purchase two books that you haven't read."

"I guess I should branch out a bit...Uh Sev why don't you try to dress like a muggle?" He's wearing regular pants with a white button up and a grey vest over it. It isn't exactly what you see normally but it's pretty hot. He just raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes as he opened the door for me.

"This is close enough. Why don't you try to dress your age?" I then rolled my eyes and headed over to the western fiction section. "Honestly Y/n you need to buy some wizard clothing if you're gonna become a teacher."

I looked at a window and looked at my white button up that was tucked into my white and yellow striped pants. "I won't blend in with the students so I see no problem." I picked up an unusual book then headed for the medieval aisle.

"Darling you still look 17 so obviously you'll blend in." I stayed quiet and he quickly passed me, "Forget it, just don't come for help when a student flirts with you." I groaned as I grabbed my second book and bumped into a young woman.

"I am so sorry! I didn't hear you coming." She quickly stood back up and tucked her ginger hair behind her ear.

"That's my fault I didn't want your erm friend to hear me." She leaned in close. I could practically count her freckles, "Is he holding you against your will? Like a predator or-"

My eyes widened and I began to panic, "Oh no not at all! Oh my I guess I really do look younger than I should. We're both actually the same age. Thank you for your concern though." Her face went pale then she quickly ran out of sight squealing "I'm so very sorry!" I shrugged then went down each shelf searching for Severus.

"Sev I'm ready to go if you are."

"Oh alright...let's go check out." He sounds very uncomfortable, did he hear that conversation? I eagerly walked over to the front counter and placed my books down which he placed his on top.

"Did you two find everything ok?" Severus pulled out his wallet and handed her his card. How does he have muggle money?

"Yes we did." There was silence as she bagged the books and swiped his card.

"You won't mind if I see both of your IDs will you?" I anxiously looked up at Severus as he handed her his ID. The girl waited and I just looked down.

"I don't have one." I looked up and she looked at me concerned so in a panic I made the obvious choice. I waved my hand in front of her.

"Here's your books, have a nice day." Severus slowly took the bag and we both quickly left the store.

He groaned obviously annoyed, "Y/n please tell me I was just seeing things and you didn't just imperio that poor girl."

"Mm it was obliviation but ok you were just seeing things." I skipped ahead and turned the corner, ending up in front of his house.

"I feel like you've become even more childish. When you were 17 and alone you were way more mature." He opened the door and my body sunk...He didn't just say that. I didn't grab my books as I passed him going straight to the bedroom bathroom. His voice echoed throughout the house, "Y/n? I wasn't trying to offend you, just pointing out something you might have not noticed." I locked the door and sat against it. The doors icy but not as cold as Severus's comment. Why doesn't he understand I'm just trying to find ways to deal with my trauma and acting like a kid just happens to work. The door handle jiggled and I could feel him lean against the door. "Darling I'm sorry it's just you know you need to be a responsible adult now. Magic, especially forbidden curses shouldn't be used. You're not a death eater anymore." The doorbell echoed in my head causing me to jump hitting my back on the door. Being curious forgot about my back and looked out the window gasping at the sight of two hooded figures. Severus groaned, "Stay in there Y/n. It's for your own safety." I sat there in silence debating on seeing who they are or not. With slight hesitation I slowly opened the door and walked through the bedroom to the hall door to listen.

"Thank goodness you agreed to see me, Severus. It's just what he's making Draco do."

"I know, just take a seat Narcissa." There was a brief silence that was broken with a snap of the fingers, "Wormtail can get us refreshments and Bellatrix it is very disrespectful to touch what is not yours." It's only Bella and Narcissa, what harm would be done if they see me?

"How can we trust him! You never tried to find the dark lord and never attempted to kill the boy."


"It's alright. I didn't want Dumbledore to get suspicious of me and the dark lord understands. If I did kill the boy then what good would that have been." There was more silence and I accidentally pushed the door open making a squeaking noise.

"What was that? You're hiding someone else aren't you?" Bella's footsteps quickly stomped in my direction. 

Severus's voice slightly raised and I froze, I made a mistake, "Bellatrix stop. The dark lord didn't want anyone to find out but I see they don't listen to my orders!" All of their footsteps slowly grew louder till I saw all three of them in the other end of the hall.

"You have Druid?! Wait they aren't on our side won't they blabber?"

"No Bellatrix they won't, they care for me too much." Narcissa was showing mixed emotions at the sight of me. It was between anger and weirdly enough relief. The three of them went back to the sitting room and I slowly got up and slammed the bedroom door shut. I know he's working "undercover" and whatever...But what the actual fuck he's a different person with them. He becomes cold and...what if this is the real him...what if he doesn't actually love me. 

A Life at Hogwarts Part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن