"We can take my car," she says and I nod, getting in the back so Elijah could have shotgun. He deserved at least that after being dead for like a week.

"So what is... this?" I ask the two and Elena explains. 

"I undaggered Elijah because I need answers." Same, girl, I think. 

"Well if we stop by my house I have some blood bags. Plus I can change from this outfit." I say and Elena nods. 

"Why are you still in that?" She asks and I huff.

"The lovely Klaus thought it would be a good idea to knock me out and stuff me under Alaric's desk." Elijah chuckles. 

"I can only assume Klaus knew that if he had both you and Miss Bennett against him, he would have no chance," he says and I smile to myself.

"Oh, turn here," I say to Elena. We get to my house and I shout for Eliza, but she wasn't home. I run over to the fridge and pass Elijah a blood bag, before speeding up to my room.

I didn't have much time, since I didn't want to keep them waiting, so I went against my very nature and kept on yesterday's makeup and I just threw on a black tank top and a black mesh top on top of that. On the bottom, I put on a black mini-skirt and grab my heels that already littered the floor.

 On the bottom, I put on a black mini-skirt and grab my heels that already littered the floor

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"Ready," I say, literally jumping (and falling not very gracefully) in the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The Lockwoods," Elena says. I had no idea why I didn't question it. I was in the middle seat of the back, and I couldn't help but stare at Elijah. He was more handsome than I remember, and god, do I love the stubble on his chin.

And the jawline.

Just everything about this man. 

Elena pulls over and staring at the original passed the time too quickly because I realise we had already arrived. 

"You look better," Elena says to Elijah and I totally agree with that. 

But he does look better when he's not a grey corpse.

"Where did you get the dagger," Elijah says as his answer. 

"I'll tell you everything, but we have to work together Elijah. I need your word." Elena says and I was fully prepared to run interference. 

"Your ability to make demands has long passed," Elijah says, in an even tone. 

"No demands," Elena agrees. "I'm offering you my help, and in return, I want yours."

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora