“I’m sure you can. I’ll see you around.”

“Wait!” Snape reached out, making Harry snort. He spun to the side, standing by the door.

“You really haven’t got it yet, have you? You can’t stop me from going anywhere. I can get around the whole castle with no one knowing and I’m not stopping now.” Pressing against the brick, Harry waved goodbye, the wall behind him spinning around and removing him from the dorm as Snape blinked in surprise.

Harry stepped down the dark corridor, humming under his breath as he walked further into the dark.

Stopping, Harry narrowed his eyes. Someone was here. Flattering himself against the wall, Harry spelled his existence away, waiting for the people inside to leave him alone.

“Wait, are you sure no one will come back here?” Blaise pulled Draco to a stop, making him roll his eyes.

“Yeah. No one even knows these tunnels exist.” Draco grinned, stepping closer to Blaise. “What? You scared?”

“No! Of course not! I just…” Blaise’s defiant snap quietened as he lowered his head.

“He won’t find out. No one will find out.” Draco lifted up his hand, cupping Blaise’s cheek. “And if he does, you can come live with us. I will not allow you to be put in danger. Never again.”

Blaise sighed in relief, holding Draco’s hand as he smiled.

“Will you take it off? I want to see you.” Draco’s eyes shined in a small beg as Blaise hesitantly nodded, whispering under his breath.

Harry had to cover his mouth, holding in the horrified gasp. Half of Blaise’s face was covered in burn marks, twisting over his left and catching at the corner of his mouth. Blaise shifted uncomfortable, lowering his head.

“Sorry. I know it’s not a pretty sight.”

Draco shook his head, lifting up Blaise’s chin. “You’ll never be ugly to me.”

“Wha- I never said I was.” Blaise snorted as he raised his eyebrow, grinning at his joke as Draco chuckled.

“Oh shut up. You’re ruining the mood.” Draco leaned in, kissing Blaise as Harry closed his eyes, shutting out the sight.

Blaise smiled as he pulled away. “I love you.” Draco blinked, blushing as he squeaked. “Oh shit! I’m sorry. I’ll go.” Blaise turned away, walking further down the tunnel as Draco snapped out of his shock.

“Wait no! I love you too!” Draco charged after Blaise, stopping him and pulling him into another kiss.


“Of course. Damn. I thought I would say it first.”

Snorting, Blaise rolled his eyes. “I don’t think it matters.”

“It does to me!”

Harry didn’t hear the rest of their conversation as he snuck away, storming down the corridor, walking without thinking. He didn’t know what to do. Where should he even go?!

“Hello? Is someone there?”

Harry lifted his head as he spotted Luna. “H-Hey, Luna.”

Luna blinked in worry. “What’s wrong? Something’s wrong. Can you not get home?”

Harry shook his head walking closer. “Can I have a hug?”

Luna nodded, opening her arms for Harry to fall into. She gently brought Harry to a bench, letting him cry quietly into her shoulder. “There there. It’s okay. Whatever is wrong will be okay.”

Harry pulled away, wiping his eyes. “I doubt it.” He sighed. “I think I’m in love with Draco- well. My Draco and I just watch this universe’s Draco making out with his boyfriend and fuck… I know it’s not him but still.”

“It hurt.” Luna placed a sympathetic hand on Harry’s side.

“Yeah. And it was with Blaise of all people! Like I know my Draco had a crush on him in fifth year but it never became anything! What if… what if my Draco is like this Draco. I’m not sure if…”

“You don’t need to explain anything.” Luna smiled as Harry leaned against her.

“I really hate it here.” Harry pulled out his pocket watch, staring at the hand that had moved. “And here I thought nothing couldn’t be worse than the dementors.”


Snorting, Harry shook his head. “Let me tell you a story.” Harry pulled himself up, talking to Luna late into the night.

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