t h i r t y f o u r

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Guess what bitches, it's Wen's birthday!!! So this is kinda like an extra chapter to celebrate his birthday. This is just about how he ended up getting adopted by the Jeo's

Flashback 19 years~

The cold, yet pleasant breeze blew across the busy street. It was around 7 in the morning, so this ment that most of the people who were currently in the street were either on their way to school or work.

Among all these people there were two other people, a mother and her son. The woman seemed to be around the age of 37 while the child looked about the age of 9. The woman wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings and was just careless walking around while her son slowly followed her for behind, making sure to keep an close eye on her so that she doesn't accidentally forget him.

Suddenly the child saw the ice cream truck in the corner of the street. He immediately ran towards his mother and pointed towards the truck, signalling to her that he wanted to get some ice cream.

When the mother saw what her child was trying to tell her she took the child's hand and went to the ice cream truck with him. "Which flavour do you want Honey?" The woman asked her child.

The child immediately pointed towards the chocolate flavour. "This one Mommy!" He said in his high pitched childish voice. The woman asked the man who was selling the ice cream to give her one cone of chocolate ice cream. After he gave her the ice cream she payed the man and gave the ice cream to her son.

Suddenly the woman saw another girl, who seemed to be around the same age as her crossing the street. Her eyes quickly widened when she noticed this girl. Without thinking much she immediately ran after the girl, completely forgetting after her poor son.

Meanwhile the child was so engrossed in eating the ice cream that he didn't even notice that his mother disappeared. When he did notice it though, it was already too late. He couldn't find her anywhere.

The first thing he thought of was that his mom abandoned him. He sighed to himself and started walking away from the ice cream truck.

After walking around for about 10-15 minutes he noticed a woman who looked about the same age as his mom walking around with a boy who looked like her child. When he saw them he turned around and was getting ready to walk away. But just before he could the same child ran towards him and tapped his shoulder.

The boy turned around and saw the other boy smiling brightly at him. "Hi I'm Caspian!!" The child said happily. Suddenly Caspian's mother immediately came running towards them.

"Caspian! Do not go around talking to strangers like that." Caspian's mother scolded him. Suddenly she noticed the other boy standing awkward next to them. "Excuse me kid, where is your mother?" The woman asked.

"She abandoned me." The child bluntly replied without thinking much about it.

"Aww poor thing. I can't let you go around the streets just like that." The woman said. "Don't worry baby I'll see what I can do with you. Maybe we can go to a orphanage and then I'll see if I can adopt you." The woman said. "What's your name sweetie?"

"My name is Wen."

And this is how Wen ended up getting adopted. Ik this just seems so unreal but this is a fanfic so it doesn't need to sound realistic.

Some facts about Wen.

• full name: Wen Monica Jeo

• height: 5'3

• Weight: 58 kgs

• favourite colour: olive green

• sexuality: sadly straight :((

• favourite food: pasta Genova

• least favourite food: anything to do with kidney beans

• occupation: part time forensic scientist, full time organ supplier

And also this is what Wen is supposed to look like incase you get confused

Thank you so much for being such an amazing character wen_theorgansupplier idk what I would have done without you in my book (probably just make up another character but let me just be dramatic) I really hope you someone gives you a pair of kidneys cause you honestly deserve it. Love you so much and happy birthday <333

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