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Caspian slowly opened his eyes. His head hurt like hell because of all the times that damn meat stick was thrown on his handsome face. After looking around he spotted Jisung smiling at him like a psycho.

"Dude do you have brains?!?" Jisung asked. If someone asked him this he definitely would have thought that the person was joking, but after looking at the serious expression on Jisung's face you could tell that he clearly wasn't.

"Yes of course I do." Caspian replied without thinking about it.

"Are they in good condition?" Jisung asked while looking at Caspian straight into his eyes.

"Yes they are. Infact I got the best brains in the entire Jeo family." Caspian replied without realising that he just gave out his family name to a kidney kidnapper.

"WAIT YOU'RE A JEO?!?" Jisung asked in shock. The Jeo family is one of the most successful family in Korea they were all known for being one of the richest families alive and because of their high status they could do anything they wanted in a blink of an eye.

Because of their high reputation Jisung definitely did not expect the three guys that they kidnapped would he part of the Jeos.

"UNHOLY SPRIT OF HONG JISOOS." Caspian exclaimed after he realised he had basically exposed his, Wen's and Zane's identities so easily.

"This means that even that doctor has good brains!" Jisung exclaimed. "This is perfect....." Jisung said while smirking.

"What do you mean by that-" Caspian was talking but was cut off then he felt a meat stick being thrown at him. Become if the impact of the meat stick Caspian ended fainting once again.


After knocking Caspian out Jisung went to Changbin to tell him about the new information he got out of Caspian.

Once he entered the closet he saw Changbin sitting on one corner eating some popcorn while looking at Wen struggling to break free from the ropes. Of course Wen couldn't do it but he still tried anyway.

After seeing Wen trying to break free Jisung threw the same meat stick at Wen which resulted in the poor boy passing out.

"Hey! Why did you do that?! It was pretty entertaining!" Changbin yelled at Jisung. Seeing Wen struggle was the only thing that kept him entertained in the closet so of course he was mad at Jisung when he took it away from him.

"Oh shut up and listen to me for once!" Jisung raised his voice slightly which resulted in Changbin shutting his mouth.

"You know the Jeo family right?" Jisung asked to which Changbin simply nodded.

"I think we kidnapped some of them." Jisung said while smirking slightly feeling proud of what they did.

"Wait..... FELIX IS A JEO?!??" Changbin yelled while running around the closet muttering something about 'felix being rich' and 'expensive kidneys'.

"Dude what the fuck?!? I'm taking about Wen, Zane and Caspian!" Jisung said while rolling his eyes.

"Thank Jisoos! I thought Felix was secretly a Jeo and we knew nothing about it." Changbin sighed in relief.

"That's not the point! The point is that we kidnapped one of the most expensive kidney in the world." Jisung replied while freaking out slightly.

"AND EVEN THE SMARTEST BRAINS!" Changbin exclaimed while running around the closet muttering something about 'stealing brains'.

"I think it's time for us to get new brains..." Jisung said while smirking.


Felix tried to wiggle out of the ropes but unfortunately it didn't work. He looked towards his right side to see Hyunjin too trying his best to escape.

Suddenly Hyunjin felt that Felix was staring at him so he looked towards Felix and caught him staring. Once Felix realised that Hyunjin had caught him, his cheeks turned a bright shade of red because of embarrassment.

His crush just saw him tied up to a bed, messed up hair, sweat dripping off his face because of the heat and hands and legs handcuffed. The more he thought about it the more he realised how kinky it really looked. This just resulted in him blushing even more.

"You know Lix, you're cute when you blush. But it's even cuter when I'm the one that created the red tint on your face." Hyunjin said while smirking after looking at Felix.

"Dude, usually I would have gotten really shy just like how Y/n does each time she sees Yeonjun but.... I'M LITERALLY GOING TO LOOSE MY KIDNEYS SO THIS DOES NOT EFFECT ME!!!" Felix yelled slightly. At first Hyunjin's remark did make him a little shy, but then he realised that two of his close friends were going to chop his kidneys off so he quickly shrugged it off.

"FUCK! I ALMOST FORGOT! WE'RE KIDNAPPED!" Hyunjin soon realised their situation and started freaking out once again.

"I hope someone saves us before it's too late." Felix sighed.

Guys is this getting boring? Cause I feel like y'all are slowly loosing interest in this :(((

11th May 2022

WC: 834

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