t w e n t y o n e

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Meanwhile with Hyunjin and Felix~

"Crack two eggs into the bowl." Felix said while reading the instructions from the paper. Right now Hyunjin and Felix were making brownies. Why? Because they accidentally left the cheesecake Axel and Zedd had brought them in Jisung's closet and after Wen found out about this he started to cry like a little kid begging for cheesecake so they decided to make brownies for him because making cheesecake takes a lot of time.

"Okay hold up imma grab the eggs real quick." Hyunjin said while sprinting towards the fridge to grab two eggs. Just as he was about to close the fridge he saw something that made him scream.

"AHHHHH FELIX HELP ME I THINK IM GONNA DIE!!!!" Hyunjin yelled. By this time he had already dropped the poor unborn chickens on the ground. Honestly I feel really bad for them, they were taken away from their mother as soon as mama chicken laid them. Their only purpose in life was to become someone's breakfast or dinner or whatever the person wanted to do with them, but unfortunately they couldn't even do that because Hyunjin ended up dropping them on the ground. #JusticeForTheUnbornChickens.

"What's wrong!?" Felix said while rushing towards him. He also brought a pan with him just incase he needed to smack a bitch in the head with it.

"There's a rat over here!" Hyunjin yelled. By now Hyunjin had already climbed the kitchen-island in an attempted to escape from the ugly grey colour tiny monster. (Y'all it's me, I'm the rat UwU)

"So what am I supposed to do!?" Felix said while backing away from the rat. He held the pan in front of him for protection just incase the rat decided to jump on him.

"Put it in the brownies and eat it! OF COURSE I WANT YOU TO KILL IT!!!" Hyunjin said sarcastically. Slowly the rat started approaching Hyunjin and tried to climb the island, but unfortunately the poor (ugly) thing failed in doing so.

"YOU KILL IT! YOU'RE THE DOM HERE!" Felix said, he tried to hit the rat in the head with the pan, but inside of backing away the rat ran towards Felix, this resulted in Felix freaking out and he too jumped on the island on which Hyunjin was sitting on.

"WHAT IF THE RAT'S A DOM TOO!?!? UNHOLY JISOOS! I DON'T WANNA LOOSE MY VIRGINITY TO A RAT!" Hyunjin yelled back. I don't know about you but loosing your virginity to a rat probably has to be one of the worst ways you can loose your virginity.

After Hyunjin said this, Felix hit Hyunjin in the head with the pan hoping that would knock some sense into his non existent brain. "You can't loose your virginity to a rat you dumb shit!" Felix yelled at Hyunjin. By this time, the rat had already climbed half way through the island. After seeing this Felix and Hyunjin started to panic and did what seem the most obvious thing at the moment. And that was to scream of course. What else would they do? Mutter some random spells and hope a wizard would come and safe them?

Soon enough Jisung, Changbin, Wen, Zedd, Chan, Caspian and Zane ran into the kitchen, clearly worried about Felix and Hyunjin.

Once they all saw the rat, Jisung threw a meat stick at it. After the rat saw the meat stick it quick grabbed it and attempted to make a run for it.

But right before the rat could get out of the kitchen, Wen grabbed it. "Hey! Let that shitty rat get away from us!" Felix yelled while getting down from the island followed by Hyunjin.

"Why? It's mom literally abandoned the poor thing, just like how my biological mom had." Wen said while looking at the rat with nothing but pity in his eyes. He felt really bad for the poor rat.

"Wen you're a 27 year old adult stop acting like a baby!" Zane said. He was about to snatch the rat from Wen so that he could throw it in the trash, but before he could do it, Wen stoped him.

"I guess we are both the same, our parents didn't want us. But don't worry WiggleBottom, I'll adopt you!" Wen said while booping the rat's nose.

"You even named that shit!!?" Caspian asked while scoffing.

"Well WiggleBottom's a cute name!" Wen said while giggling and playing with the rat.

"I guess we can let him keep the rat. He almost got his kidneys removed so this is the least we can do for him." Caspian said while sighing.

Y'all I literally broke my nail and my finger is literally bleeding. But I still decided to update cause I already wrote half the chapter and didn't want to leave it incomplete....

29th May 2022

WC: 811

𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 | 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora